Key Performance Indicators

Table 3-9 shows the provisioning-specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are available to the user on the SDS GUI. Table 3-10 shows the process-based KPIs.

For all Provisioning Interface KPIs, the Scope has a value of 'A'.


The format of this information conforms to SDM practices, so may vary from the format described here.

Table 3-9 Provisioning Interface KPI Measurements

ID Name Avg. Interval Description
4104 ProvConnections 60 sec The number of provisioning client connections currently established. A single connection includes a client having successfully established a TCP/IP connection, sent a provisioning connect message, and having received a successful response.
4110 ProvMsgsReceived 60 sec The number of provisioning messages that have been received per second.
4111 ProvMsgsSuccessful 60 sec The number of provisioning messages that have been successfully processed per second.
4112 ProvMsgsFailed 60 sec The number of provisioning messages per second that have failed to be processed due to errors. See SDS Response Message Error Codes for a list and description of possible errors.
4113 ProvMsgsSent 60 sec The number of provisioning messages sent per second.
4114 ProvMsgsDiscarded 60 sec The number of provisioning messages discarded per second. Provisioning messages are discarded due to the connection being shutdown, server being shutdown, server's role switching from active to standby, or transaction not becoming durable within the allowed amount of time.
4120 ProvMsgsImported 60 sec The number of provisioning messages imported per second.
4140 ProvTxnCommitted 60 sec The number of provisioning transactions per second that have been successfully committed to the database (memory and on disk) on the active server of the primary SDS cluster.
4142 ProvTxnFailed 60 sec The number of provisioning transactions per second that have failed to be started, committed, or aborted due to errors. See SDS Response Message Error Codes for a list and description of possible errors.
4143 ProvTxnAborted 60 sec The number of provisioning transactions aborted per second.
4150 ProvTxnActive 60 sec The number of provisioning transactions that are currently active (normal transaction mode only).
4151 ProvTxnNonDurable 60 sec The number of transactions that have been committed, but are not yet durable. Responses for the associated requests are not sent until the transaction has become durable.
4157 ProvRelayMsgsSent 60 sec The number of relayed provisioning messages sent per second.
4158 ProvRelayMsgs Successful 60 sec The number of relayed provisioning messages that have been successfully processed per second.
4159 ProvRelayMsgs Failed 60 sec The number of relayed provisioning messages per second that have failed to be processed due to errors.
4179 ProvRemoteAudit MsgsSent 60 sec The number of IMSI and MSISDN records audited per second.
4189 ProvRelayTimeLag 60 sec Time in seconds between timestamps of last record PdbRelay processed and latest entry in the Command Log.
4198 ProvDb Exception 60 sec Number of DB Exception errors per second.
For all process-based KPIs, the Scope has a value of 'A'.

Table 3-10 Process-based KPIs

ID Name Avg. Interval Description
4165 provimport.Cpu 60 sec CPU usage of provimport process
4166 provimport.MemHeap 60 sec Heap memory usage of provimport process
4167 provimport.MemBasTotal 60 sec Memory usage of the provimport process
4168 provimport.MemPerTotal 60 sec Percent memory usage of provimport process
4170 provexport.Cpu 60 sec CPU usage of provexport process
4171 provexport.MemHeap 60 sec Heap memory usage of provexport process
4172 provexport.MemBasTotal 60 sec Memory usage of the provexport process
4173 provexport.MemPerTotal 60 sec Percent memory usage of provexport process
4180 pdbrelay.Cpu 60 sec CPU usage of pdbrelay process
4181 pdbrelay.MemHeap 60 sec Heap memory usage of pdbrelay process
4182 pdbrelay.MemBasTotal 60 sec Memory usage of the pdbrelay process
4183 pdbrelay.MemPerTotal 60 sec Percent memory usage of pdbrelay process
4184 pdbaudit.Cpu 60 sec CPU usage of pdbaudit process
4185 pdbaudit.MemHeap 60 sec Heap memory usage of pdbaudit process
4186 pdbaudit.MemBasTotal 60 sec Memory usage of the pdbaudit process
4187 pdbaudit.MemPerTotal 60 sec Percent memory usage of pdbaudit process
4190 pdba.Cpu 60 sec CPU usage of pdba process
4191 pdba.MemHeap 60 sec Heap memory usage of pdba process
4192 pdba.MemBasTotal 60 sec Memory usage of the pdba process
4193 pdba.MemPerTotal 60 sec Percent memory usage of pdba process
4194 xds.Cpu 60 sec CPU usage of xds process
4195 xds.MemHeap 60 sec Heap memory usage of xds process
4196 xds.MemBasTotal 60 sec Memory usage of the xds process
4197 xds.MemPerTotal 60 sec Percent memory usage of xds process
4200 dpserver.Cpu 60 sec CPU usage of dpserver process on DP
4201 dpserver.MemHeap 60 sec Heap memory usage of dpserver process on DP
4202 dpserver.MemBasTotal 60 sec Memory usage of the dpserver process on DP
4203 dpserver.MemPerTotal 60 sec Percent memory usage of dpserver process on DP
4310 era.Cpu 60 sec CPU usage of era process
4311 era.MemHeap 60 sec Heap memory usage of era process
4312 era.MemBasTotal 60 sec Memory usage of the era process
4313 era.MemPerTotal 60 sec Percent memory usage of era process