
The <updateSubscriberResp> response returns the result of the request to provision subscriber routing entities. There is a single result that applies to all routing entities supplied. Either all routing entities were successfully updated, or no updates were made to any routing entity.


If an IMSI/MSISDN is updated with destination values that already exist, this may result in NO_UPDATES being returned, which is not treated as an error. When a routing entity is not updated, the count of affected rows in the command is not incremented for that IMSI/MSISDN.

If applying all of the provisioning changes results in no database records being modified (because the database already contained the updated values), the NO_UPDATES error code is returned and the number of affected records is 0.

If a subscriber is successfully created or updated, the description field contains lists of deleted, created and changed IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier values.

Response Format

<updateSubscriberResp [id="id"]>
    <res error="error" affected="affected" [description="description"]/>


The parameters for all of the response commands are shown in XML Response Messages.

Error Codes

Table 5-14 lists the common error codes for the <updateSubscriberResp> response. See SDS Response Message Error Codes for a full list of error codes.

Table 5-14 <updateSubscriberResp> Error Codes (XML)

Error Code Description
SUCCESS The update request was successfully completed.
NO_UPDATES The request does not have updates to the database.
DEST_NOT_FOUND Destination name does not exist.
TOO_MANY_ADDR Too many address values supplied.
NO_DEST_VAL No destination name supplied.
MISSING_PARAMETER A mandatory parameter is missing.
DEST_TYPE_MISMATCH Destination has a different destination type than the desired destination type.
MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBERS Specified parameters refer to multiple subscribers.
SUBSCRIBER_TOO_BIG Resulting subscriber would exceed 6 IMSI, 6 MSISDN, or 10 External Identifier limit.
ACCTID_UPDATE_PROHIBITED An attempt was made to change an Account ID without specifying the <deleteAccountId> tag.
ROUTE_TYPE_MISMATCH Standalone and subscriber routes are not allowed in same command.
DEL_ROUTE_NOT_PERMITTED Cannot delete last route from subscriber.
NO_ROUTES_SPECIFIED At least one IMSI, MSISDN, or External Identifier must be specified.
ROUTE_DEST_MISMATCH Specified routes have different destinations.
DOMAIN_IDENTIFIER_NOT_FOUND Domain Identifier does not exist.