Dashboard Network Elements elements

dashboard-network-elements-elements.html#GUID-5D8611A4-7873-467D-B815-596C691C868B__V6069827 describes the elements on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Dashboard Network Elements [Insert] and Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Dashboard Network Elements [Edit] pages on the NOAM.

Table 2-13 Dashboard Network Elements Elements

Field (* Indicates Required Field) Description Data Input Notes
*Network Element A name that uniquely identifies the Dashboard Network Element

Format: Pull down list

Default: N/A

Range: A 32-character string. Valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore. Must contain at least one alpha and must not start with a digit.

Server Metric Threshold Configuration Set

The Server Metric Threshold Configuration Set used to determine Dashboard screen cell colorization of the Server-scoped Metric values in this Dashboard Network Element.

Note: Selection is optional.

Format: Pull down list
Summary Metric Threshold Configuration Set

The Summary Metric Threshold Configuration Set used to determine Dashboard screen cell colorization of this Dashboard Network Element's Metric values.

Note: Selection is optional.

Format: Pull down list
Display Administratively Disabled Servers When checked, servers that are administratively disabled will be displayed on the SOAM Dashboard screen. Format: Check box