MCCMNC Elements

mccmnc-elements.html#GUID-CCF1EF77-56B7-4BA4-9528-288758304E78__V5748525 describes the fields on the Diameter Common, and then Network Identifiers, and then MCCMNC pages.

Table 2-15 MCCMNC Elements

Field (* indicates a required field) Description Value
*MCC Mobile Country Code

Format: Text box; numeric. Valid values are 0-999.

Range: 3 digits

*Country Name Country Name corresponding to the MCC

Format: text box; alphanumeric string

Range: Up to 128 characters

*MNC Mobile Network Code

Format: Text box; numeric. Valid values are 0-999.

Range: 2 or 3 digits

*Network Name Network Name corresponding to the MNC

Format: text box; ASCII printable characters; alphanumeric string.

Range: Up to 128 characters.