MCCMNC Mapping Elements

mccmnc-mapping-elements.html#GUID-13444591-A520-4FA7-B7D1-B8E757B55F7B__V5748537 describes the fields on the Diameter Common, and then Network Identifiers, and then MCCMNC Mapping pages.

Table 2-16 MCCMNC Mapping Elements

Field (* indicates a required field) Description Value
*MCCMNC Country and Network Code.

Format: Pulldown list.

Range: Configured MCCMNC entries

Country Name Country Name corresponding to the MCC.

Read-only field

Format: text box; alphanumeric string.

Range: Country Name configured for selected MCCMNC entry.

Network Name Network Name corresponding to the MNC.

Read-only field

Format: text box; ASCII printable characters; alphanumeric string.

Range: Network Name configured for selected MCCMNC entry.

MSIN Prefix Digits

Optional MSIN prefix digits that form a "MCC+MNC+MSIN prefix digits" string.

An empty MSIN prefix digits entry (0 digits) is used to map MCC+MNC to configuration data.

If MSIN prefix digits are specified, it maps "MCC+MNC+ MSIN prefix digits" to configuration data.

Format: text box; numeric string. Valid values are 0-9999999999

Range: 0-10 digits

Default: Empty string (null)

CCNDC Optional Country Code (CC) plus National Destination Code (NDC) that is associated with the "MCC+MNC+ optional MSIN Prefix Digits".

Format: text box; numeric string. Valid values are 0-999999999999999

Range: 0-15 digits

Default: Empty string (null)

Realm Diameter Realm that is associated with the "MCC+MNC+ optional MSIN Prefix Digits"

Format: string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots. A label can contain letters, digits, dash (-), and underscore (_). A label must begin with a letter, digit, or underscore, and must end with a letter or digit. Underscore can be used only as the first character.

Range: A valid Realm; Realm - up to 255 characters; label - up to 63 characters

Description Optional description or note about this entry.

Format: text box

Range 0-255 characters