Metric Groups elements

metric-groups-elements.html#GUID-1BB16A90-035A-43C0-B1BE-83377D8180AB__V6067883 describes the fields on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups [Edit] page.

Table 2-1 Metric Groups Elements

Field (* indicates a required field) Value Description
*Metric Group Name Format: Text Box Name of the Metric Group. Metric Group names are not user-configurable.

Each Metric Group has its own unique metrics. To see the specific metrics within a particular Metric Group, click the +. Once expanded, the list of Metric Names also shows whether or not a given metric is displayed on the Dashboard.

For metrics to be displayed on the Dashboard, the metrics must be selected to do so. To select which metrics are displayed on the Dashboard, select a Metric Group and click Edit

Address Resolution Metrics elements

After selecting the Address Resolution Metric Group and clicking Edit on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups page, the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups [Edit] page appears. metric-groups-elements.html#GUID-1BB16A90-035A-43C0-B1BE-83377D8180AB__V6069848 describes the fields for the specific Address Resolution Metrics.

Table 2-2 Address Resolution Metrics Elements

Metric Name Display on Dashboard Description
# RBAR Cong Instances Format: Check Box Total number of RBAR instances in congestion (CL1, CL2, or CL3) across included servers.
RBAR Avg Ing MPS Format: Check Box Average RBAR ingress MPS across included DA-MP servers.
RBAR Trans Rej % Format: Check Box Percentage of RBAR transactions rejected across included DA-MP servers.
# FABR Cong Instances Format: Check Box Total number of FABR instances in congestion (CL1, CL2, or CL3) across included servers.
FABR Avg Ing MPS Format: Check Box Average FABR ingress MPS across included DA-MP servers.
FABR Trans Rej % Format: Check Box Percentage of FABR transactions rejected across included DA-MP servers.

Alarms Metrics elements

After selecting the Alarms Metric Group and clicking Edit on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups page, the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups [Edit] page appears. metric-groups-elements.html#GUID-1BB16A90-035A-43C0-B1BE-83377D8180AB__V6069857 describes the fields for the specific Alarms Metrics.

Table 2-3 Alarms Metrics Elements

Metric Name Display on Dashboard Description
# Critical Alarms Format: Check Box The total number of critical alarms currently being reported by all associated servers.
# Major Alarms Format: Check Box The total number of major alarms currently being reported by all associated servers.
# Minor Alarms Format: Check Box The total number of minor alarms currently being reported by all associated servers.

Connections Metrics elements

After selecting the Diameter Connections Metric Group and clicking Edit on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups page, the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups [Edit] page appears. metric-groups-elements.html#GUID-1BB16A90-035A-43C0-B1BE-83377D8180AB__V6069866 describes the fields for the specific Diameter Connections Metrics.

Table 2-4 Connections Metrics Elements

Metric Name Display on Dashboard Description
# Fixed Conns Unavail Format: Check Box Total number of fixed connections (Diameter or RADIUS) enabled, but unavailable, across included DA-MPs
# IPFE Conns Unavail Format: Check Box Total number of IPFE Diameter connections enabled, but unavailable, across included DA-MPs
# Conns Egress Cong Format: Check Box Total number of connections (Diameter or RADIUS) that are experiencing egress congestion, across included DA-MPs
# Conns Ingress Cong Format: Check Box Total number of connections (Diameter or RADIUS) that are experiencing ingress congestion, across included DA-MPs
# Peer Nodes Unavail Format: Check Box Total number of Peer Nodes unavailable, across included DA-MPs
# Peer Nodes Degraded Format: Check Box Total number of Peer Nodes degraded, across included DA-MPs
# Route Lists Unavail Format: Check Box Total number of Route Lists unavailable, across included DA-MPs
# Route Lists Degraded Format: Check Box Total number of Route Lists degraded, across included DA-MPs
# PTL ETGs Degraded Format: Check Box Total number of Pending Transaction Limiting Egress Throttle Groups Degraded, across included DA-MPs
# RL ETGs Degraded Format: Check Box Total number of Rate Limiting Egress Throttle Groups Degraded, across included DA-MPs
# TTPs with Loss more than zero percent loss Format: Check Box Total number of TTPs with Loss more than zero percent loss, across included DA-MPs
# TTPs with Loss more than Threshold Format: Check Box Total number of TTPs with Loss more than Threshold, across included DA-MPs, across included DA-MPs
# TTGs with Loss more than zero percent loss metric Format: Check Box Total number of TTGs with Loss more than zero percent loss metric, across included DA-MPs.

MAP Interworking Metrics elements

After selecting the MAP Interworking Metric Group and clicking Edit on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups page, the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups [Edit] page appears. metric-groups-elements.html#GUID-1BB16A90-035A-43C0-B1BE-83377D8180AB__V6069875 describes the fields for the specific MAP Interworking Metrics.

Table 2-5 MAP Interworking Metrics Elements

Metric Name Display on Dashboard Description
# DMIWF Cong Instances Format: Check Box Total number of DMIWF instances in congestion (CL1, CL2, or CL3) across included servers
DMIWF Avg Ing MPS Format: Check Box Average DMIWF ingress MPS across included DA-MP servers
DMIWF Trans Rej % Format: Check Box Percentage of DMIWF transactions rejected across included DA-MP servers
# MDIWF Cong Instances Format: Check Box Total number of MDIWF instances in congestion (CL1, CL2, or CL3) across included servers
MDIWF Avg Ing MPS Format: Check Box Average MDIWF ingress MPS across included SS7-MP servers
MDIWF Trans Rej % Format: Check Box Percentage of MDIWF transactions rejected across included SS7-MP servers
# SS7 Links Down Format: Check Box Total number of SS7 links enabled, but down, across included SS7-MPs
# SS7 Link Sets Down Format: Check Box Total number of SS7 link sets down across included SS7-MPs
# SS7 MTP3 Users Unavail Format: Check Box Total number of SS7 MTP3 remote users unavailable across included SS7-MPs
# SS7 Rmt Sig Pts Unavail Format: Check Box Total number of SS7 MTP3 remote signaling points unavailable across included SS7-MPs

Policy & Charging Metrics elements

After selecting the Policy & Charging Metric Group and clicking Edit on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups page, the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups [Edit] page appears. metric-groups-elements.html#GUID-1BB16A90-035A-43C0-B1BE-83377D8180AB__V6069884 describes the fields for the specific Policy and Charging Metrics.

Table 2-6 Policy & Charging Metrics Elements

Metric Name Display on Dashboard Description
# PCA Cong Instances Format: Check Box Total number of PCA instances in congestion (CL1, CL2, or CL3) across included servers
PCA Avg Ing MPS Format: Check Box Average PCA ingress MPS across included DA-MP servers
PCA Trans Rej % Format: Check Box Percentage of PCA transactions rejected across included DA-MP servers
# GLA Cong Instances Format: Check Box Total number of GLA instances in congestion (CL1, CL2, or CL3) across included servers
GLA Avg Ing MPS Format: Check Box Average GLA ingress MPS across included DA-MP servers
GLA Trans Rej % Format: Check Box Percentage of GLA transactions rejected across included DA-MP server

Priority Service Metrics elements

After selecting the Priority Service Metric Group and clicking Edit on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups page, the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups [Edit] page appears. metric-groups-elements.html#GUID-1BB16A90-035A-43C0-B1BE-83377D8180AB__V6423113 describes the fields for the specific Priority Service Metrics.

Table 2-7 Priority Service Metrics Elements

Metric Name Display on Dashboard Description
NGN-PS Offered Rate Format: Check Box Rate of NGN-PS messages received from DSR peers
NGN-PS Transaction Pass % Format: Check Box Ratio of number of 2xx NGN-PS Answers sent to Peer/Number of NGN-PS messages Accepted by DSR
NGN-PS Transaction Fail Peers % Format: Check Box Ratio of number of non-2xx NGN-PS Answers received from Peer/Number of NGN-PS messages Accepted by DSR

Protocol Metrics elements

After selecting the Protocol Metric Group and clicking the Edit on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups page, the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups [Edit] page appears. metric-groups-elements.html#GUID-1BB16A90-035A-43C0-B1BE-83377D8180AB__V6069893 describes the fields for the specific Protocol Metrics.

Table 2-8 Protocol Metrics elements

Metric Name Display on Dashboard Description
Avg D2D Trans Hold Tm Format: Check Box Average Diameter-to-Diameter Transaction Hold Time across included DA-MPs (ms)
Avg D2M Trans Hold TM Format: Check Box Average Diameter-to-MAP Transaction Hold Time across included SS7-MPs (ms)
Avg M2D Trans Hold Tm Format: Check Box Average MAP-to-Diameter Transaction Hold Time across included SS7-MPs (ms)
Success Trans % Format: Check Box Percentage of transactions completed successfully across included servers
Ext Node Rej % Format: Check Box Percentage of transactions rejected by external signaling nodes
Egress Answer Tmout % Format: Check Box Percentage of egress transactions with answer timeout
Orphan Answer % Format: Check Box Percentage of orphan answers detected across included servers

RADIUS Metrics elements

After selecting the Servers Metric Group and clicking Edit on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups page, the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups [Edit] page appears. metric-groups-elements.html#GUID-1BB16A90-035A-43C0-B1BE-83377D8180AB__V6301798 describes the fields for the specific RADIUS Metrics.

Table 2-9 RADIUS Metrics Elements

Metric Name Display on Dashboard Description
Avg RADIUS MPS Format: Check Box Average RADIUS MPS across included DA-MP servers
Avg RD-IWF MPS Format: Check Box Average RD-IWF MPS across included DA-MP servers

Servers Metrics elements

After selecting the Servers Metric Group and clicking Edit on the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups page, the Diameter Common, and then Dashboard, and then Configuration, and then Metric Groups [Edit] page appears. metric-groups-elements.html#GUID-1BB16A90-035A-43C0-B1BE-83377D8180AB__V6069902 describes the fields for the specific Servers Metrics.

Table 2-10 Servers Metrics Elements

Metric Name Display on Dashboard Description
# Servers Unavail Format: Check Box The total number of associated servers administratively enabled, but not reporting status data
# Servers Exc Mem Thr Format: Check Box The total number of servers whose memory usage exceeds any defined threshold
# Servers Exc CPU Thr Format: Check Box The total number of servers whose CPU usage exceeds any defined threshold
# Servers Exc Proc Rate Thr Format: Check Box The total number of servers whose processing rate usage exceeds any defined threshold
# Servers Stack Congested Format: Check Box The total number of servers whose stack is in congestion (CL1, CL2, or CL3)
DA-MP Ingress MPS Format: Check Box Total ingress MPS across included DA-MP servers
SS7-MP Ingress MPS Format: Check Box Total ingress MPS across included SS7-MP servers
IPFE Ingress Pkts/sec Format: Check Box Total ingress packets per second across included IPFE servers
IPFE Ingress MB/sec Format: Check Box Total ingress MB per second across included IPFE servers
SBR Ingress Events/sec Format: Check Box Total ingress events per second across included SBR servers
SBR Sessions Format: Check Box Total sessions across included SBR servers
SBR Bindings Format: Check Box Total bindings across included SBR servers