5.11 iDIH DB Installation

  1. Log in to the host machine as a root user where you need to install the IDIH DB.
  2. Delete existing VM.
    1. Identify the VM by its domain:
      # virsh list –all
    2. Remove the VM.
      # virsh destroy <VM Name>
      # virsh undefine <VM Name>
    3. Remove the VM qcow2 file by deleting the file from path /home/repository
    4. Refresh storage pool dedicated for DSR.
      # virsh pool - -list
      # virsh pool-refresh <pool_name>
  3. Create a VM on the host machine.
    1. Copy the iDIH Oracle ova’s zip file to path /home/repository.
    2. Convert the resulting .vmdk file to a qcow2.
      qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 ORA-XX_XX_XX.vmdk ORA-XX_XX_XX.qcow2
    3. Refresh storage pool dedicated for DSR.
      # virsh pool - -list
      # virsh pool-refresh <pool_name>
    4. Resize ORA (database) ova image on KVM.
      # qemu-img info ORA-XX_XX_XX.qcow2

      The output of above command would reflect “virtual size” as 64 GB.

      # qemu-img resize ORA-82_40_0.qcow2 +56G
      # qemu-img info ORA-82_40_0.qcow2
      The output of above command would reflect “virtual size” as 120 GB.
      # chown qemu:qemu ORA-82_40_0.qcow2
    5. Create additional disk of 100GB required for Oracle database as mentioned in the cloud installation doc Create SDB on KVM on KVM.
    6. Create a VM with following command:
      virt-install --name=<VM-NAME> --ram=8192 --vcpus=4 --cpuset=32-35 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/ORA-82_40_0.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=<scsi/virtio> --network bridge:<XMI-BRIDGE>,model=virtio --network bridge:<INT-BRIDGE>,model=virtio --graphics none --autostart --watchdog i6300esb,action=reset --import
    7. Run virsh list --all on KVM to verify whether VM has been created.
    8. Shut down Oracle VM.
      virsh shutdown <VM-NAME>
    9. Attach the additional 100GB disk created in Attach Device (sdb) to iDIH Database VM.
    10. Follow the steps in Run Post Installation Scripts on iDIH VMs and Configure DSR Reference Data Synchronization for iDIH for Oracle VM configuration and post installation.