Capacity Configuration Set Elements

Table 2-7 describes the fields on the Capacity Configuration Sets View, Edit, and Insert pages. Data input notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Table 2-7 Capacity Configuration Sets Elements

Field (* indicates field is required) Description Data Input Notes
* Capacity Configuration Set Name of the Capacity Configuration Set. The Name must be unique.

Format: String: case-sensitive; alphanumeric and underscore (_); must contain at least one alpha; cannot begin with a digit.

Range: 1 - 32 characters

* Reserved Ingress MPS

The capacity in ingress Diameter messages per second that are permanently reserved for the connection. If the default value is set to zero, the connections do not reserve message processing capacity. If the default is a non-zero value, the Reserved Ingress MPS Capacity ranges from 10 to the value of the Connection Engineered Capacity.

If the Reserved Ingress MPS Capacity is a non-zero value that value times the number of connections using that Capacity Configuration Set on a given MP server must not be allowed to exceed the MP Maximum Reserved Ingress MPS.

Format: numeric

Range: 0, 10 - 10000

Default: 0

* Maximum Ingress MPS The maximum rate within Diameter ingress messages per second that the connection is allowed to process. This field ranges from 100 to the value of the MP Maximum Reserved Capacity. It is acceptable for the sum of the capacity for all connections on an MP server to exceed the MP Engineered Ingress MPS (and the MP Maximum Reserved Ingress MPS).

Format: numeric

Range: 0, 10 - 10000

Default: 10000

* Ingress MPS Minor Alarm Threshold (Percent) The percentage of the connection's maximum MPS capacity that triggers a minor alarm. The default Capacity Configuration Set has an Ingress MPS Capacity Minor Alarm Threshold default value set to 50% of the Connection Configured Maximum Ingress MPS with a range from 5% to 100%. This alarm threshold must be less than the Ingress MPS Capacity Major Alarm Threshold. The Minor Alarm Abatement threshold is set 5% lower than Minor Alarm Threshold.

Format: numeric

Range: 10 - 99

Default: 50

* Ingress Major Alarm Threshold (Percent) The percentage of the connection's maximum MPS capacity that triggers a major alarm. The default Capacity Configuration Set has an Ingress MPS Capacity Major Alarm Threshold default value set to 80% of the Connection Configured Maximum Ingress MPS with a range from 5% to 100%. This alarm threshold must be greater than the Ingress MPS Capacity Minor Alarm Threshold. The Major Alarm Abatement threshold is set 5% lower than Major Alarm Threshold.

Format: numeric

Range: 11 - 100

Default: 80

* Ingress MPS Alarm Abatement Time The minimum time that connection's ingress message rate must remain less than or equal to respective abatement threshold before the alarm clears or its severity reduced from Major to Minor.

Format: numeric

Range: 1000 - 5000

Default: 2000

* Convergence Time (ms) The amount of time (msec) it takes to converge on a per second rate. If the convergence time is less than 1000 msec, the rate is extrapolated. If the convergence time is greater than 1000 msec, the rate is averaged.

Format: numeric


  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 4000

Default: 1000