2.9.2 CEX Configuration Sets

A CEX Configuration Set provides a mechanism for assigning up to 20 unique CEX Parameters and up to 20 unique supported Vendor IDs to a Local Node or Connection. A default CEX Configuration Set named Default is pre-populated with CEX Parameters for the RELAY Application ID (0xFFFFFFFF).

You can perform these tasks on an Active System OAM (SOAM).

Each Local Node refers to a single CEX Configuration Set. The CEX Configuration Set is mandatory for Local Node. Each transport connection can optionally refer to a single CEX Configuration Set. During CEX message exchange, the CEX Configuration Set in the transport connection is used if configured. Otherwise, the CEX Configuration Set in the Local Node (associated with the transport connection) is used. A Vendor ID can be sent in the Supported-Vendor-ID AVP of a CEX even though the Vendor ID is not configured in the Selected Supported Vendor IDs for the CEX Configuration Set.

The application has a default CEX Configuration Set called Default, which is always available. The Default CEX Configuration Set options cannot be modified or deleted. When you create a new CEX Configuration Set the values of the Default CEX Configuration Set are automatically populated into the new CEX Configuration Set, allowing you to easily create a new CEX Configuration Set that needs to have only a few options adjusted.

On the CEX Configuration Sets page, you can perform the following actions:
  • Filter the list of CEX Configuration Sets to display only the desired CEX Configuration Sets.

  • Sort the list in ascending or descending order by clicking the CEX Configurations Set Name column heading. The default order is by CEX Configuration Set Name in ascending ASCII order.
  • In the CEX Parameters column,
    • Click the + sign to the left of the number of Application IDs to expand the list of Application IDs for a CEX Configuration Set.
    • Click the - sign to left of the number of Application IDs to collapse the expanded list of Application IDs for a CEX Configuration Set.
    • Click a blue Application ID in an expanded list to open the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then CEX Parameters [Filtered] page for the selected Application ID only.
  • Click Insert.

    On the CEX Configuration Sets [Insert] page, you can add a new CEX Configuration Set and its values. See Adding a CEX Configuration Set. If the maximum number of CEX Configuration Sets (2000) already exists in the system, then the CEX Configuration Sets [Insert] page does not appear and an error message displays.

  • Select a CEX Configuration Set Name in the list and click Edit.

    On the CEX Configuration Sets [Edit] page, you can edit the selected CEX Configuration Set. See Editing a CEX Configuration Set. The Default CEX Configuration Set cannot be edited.

  • Select a CEX Configuration Set Name in the list and click Delete to remove the selected CEX Configuration Set.

    The Default CEX Configuration Set cannot be deleted. See Deleting a CEX Configuration Set.