CEX Configuration Set Elements

Table 2-6 describes the fields on the CEX Configuration Sets View, Edit, and Insert pages. Data Input Notes only apply to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Table 2-6 CEX Configuration Sets Elements

Field (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
* CEX Configuration Set Name

Unique Name of the CEX Configuration Set.

A CEX Configuration Set named Default is always available.

Case-sensitive string: alphanumeric and underscore (_); must contain at least one alpha and cannot begin with a digit.

Range: 1 - 32 characters

Dynamic Indicates whether or not the CEX Configuration Set was created dynamically (YES) or statically (NO). NO is assigned for all CEX Configuration Sets via Dynamic Peer Discovery.

Format: checkbox (read-only on the CEX Configuration Set [Edit] page)

Range: checked unchecked

Default: unchecked

* CEX Parameters Available CEX Parameters Application ID-"Name"-Type-Vendor ID

All unique configured CEX Parameters, showing Application IDs with Application Type, and with Vendor ID if the Application ID is Vendor-Specific.

Format: list

Range: All configured CEX Parameters

Default: none

Selected CEX Parameters Application ID-"Name"-Type-Vendor ID

CEX Parameters that are selected from the Available CEX Parameters list for this CEX Configuration Set.

Format: list

Range: 20 entries

Default: none

Must Include CEX Parameters Application ID-"Name"-Type-Vendor ID

CEX Parameters selected from the Selected CEX Parameters list that must be present in the CEX message exchanged from the Peer.

Format: list

Range: 20 entries

Default: none

Supported Vendor IDs Available Supported Vendor IDs

All unique Vendor IDs that have been configured in the CEX Parameters configuration.

Format: Scrollable list

Range: All configured Vendor IDs

Default: none

Selected Supported Vendor IDs

Vendor IDs selected from the Available Supported Vendor IDs list for this CEX Configuration Set.

Format: list

Range: 20 entries

Default: none

DSR Feature Status AVP If checked, this Vendor specific AVP is sent in CER/CEA messages. It can convey the status of various features like NGN-PS to Peer DSR.

Format: checkbox

Range: checked unchecked

Default: unchecked