6.4.1 Diameter All-AVP Dictionary Elements

Table 6-4 describes the fields on the Diameter, and then AVP Dictionary, and then All-AVP Dictionary and [View] pages.

Table 6-4 All-AVP Dictionary Elements

Field Description Data Notes
Attribute Name Name of the AVP; the unique combination of AVP Code - Vendor Id.

Format: alphanumeric, underscore (_), and dash (-).

Range: 1 - 255 characters

Dictionary Indicates where the AVP resides. Range: Base or custom
AVP Code AVP Code

Format: numeric

Range: 0 - 4294967295


AVP Flags V, M, P, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7

Note: Flags V, M, and P are supported; r3, r4, r5, r6 and r7 are reserved for future use.

See AVP Flags for flag definitions.

Format: 3 buttons for each flag

Range: Must, Must Not, May for each flag

Vendor-ID Vendor-ID

Format: List

Range: all configured Vendors

Include AVP in the group (view page only)

Include an AVP into the Grouped AVP

This field is active when the selected Data Type is Grouped.

Format: List, Add AVP, and Delete AVP buttons

Range: all available AVPs from the Base Dictionary and the Custom Dictionary. If a Base Dictionary entry has been overwritten in the Custom Dictionary, only the Custom Dictionary entry appears in the list.

Protocol Protocol standard where the AVP is defined.

Format: string

Range: up to 64 characters