Peer Discovery Attributes Elements

Table 2-42 describes fields on the Discovery Attributes View, Insert, Edit pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

This Discovery Attributes page shows all Discovery Attributes configured for peer discovery.

Table 2-42 Discovery Attributes Elements

Field Description Data Input Notes
Realm Name Name of the Realm where Diameter Peers are to be discovered.

Format: List

Range: NA

Default: NA

DNS Set DNS server set used for Peer Discovery.

Format: List

Default: -Select-

Local Node Local Node used to connect to all Peers discovered within the Realm.

Format: List

Range: NA

Default: Initiator & Responder

Connection Mode Specifies the connection mode used for Peer discovery.

Format: List

  • Initiator Only indicates that all connections to discovered Peers are Initiator Only; the application attempts to initiate connection to these Peers.
  • Initiator and Responder indicates that all connections to discovered Peers are of the type Initiator and Responder; the application attempts to initiate connection to the discovered Peers as well as listen for connection attempts from these Peers.

Default: Initiator & Responder

Local Protocol Preference Override If checked, this indicates that the local protocol preferences specified for each Application ID take precedence over the protocol preferences discovered for each Peer in the Realm.

Format: checkbox

Range: checked, unchecked

Default: Unchecked

Applications List of applications used for peer discovery.
CEX Parameters
CEX parameters to be searched. You can specify up to ten parameters. .

If no Vendor IDs are associated with the selected CEX parameter, Additional Supported Vendor IDs is empty.

Note: Because each Realm can have one to ten CEX parameters, you must use the plus (+) symbol to expand the list. Sorting by any of the fields associated with the CEX parameter is not supported on the view page.

CEX Parameters
Format: List
Range: Configured CEX parameters
Default: -Select-
Additional Supported Vendor IDs
Vendor IDs, in addition to the one specified in the CEX parameter list, which can be paired with the Application ID.
Additional Supported Vendor IDs
Format: Selection list
Range: Vendor IDs configured for the Application ID
Default: NA
Protocol Preferences
If zero, the associated protocol is not used for connections to a discovered Peer. Values 1 - 4 indicate the hierarchical local protocol preferences (1 is most preferred, 4 is least preferred).

You can assign the same value to more than one protocol.

Note: This selection is not required if the Local Protocol Preference Override checkbox is unchecked on the view page.

Protocol Preferences
Format: Lists for TCP, SCTP, TLS, and DTLS)
Range: 0 - 4
Default: -Select-
Max Num Peers
The maximum number of peers within the Realm that are created for the selection Application ID.
Max Num Peers
Format: numeric
Range: 1 - 3
Default: 2
Max Num Connections
The maximum number of peers within the Realm that are created spanning discovered Peers that support the associated Application ID.
Max Num Connections
Format: numeric
Range: 1 - 64
Default: 2
Local IP Address

Specifies the local IP address to be used as the Local Node address for all dynamic connections made to Peers in this Realm.

Note: SCTP multi-homed connections to discovered Peers are not supported.

Format: List



IPFE Initiator DAMP

Specifies the DA-MP that initiates the dynamic connections.

Note: This is mandatory if the Local IP Address is a Target Set address; otherwise it is not applicable.

Format: List



Connection Configuration Set Specifies the configuration set to be used when dynamic connections are made to Peers in this Realm.

Format: List

Range: NA

Default: Default

Capacity Configuration Set Specifies the capacity configuration set to be used by all dynamic connections made to Peers in this Realm.

Format: List

Range: NA

Default: Default

Realm Prefix Specifies the Realm prefix to be used as the first portion of the name of all configuration objects that are dynamically created by the application as a function of Realm discovery.

Format: text box; case sensitive; alphanumeric and underscore

Range: 1 - 12 characters, cannot start with a digit and must contain at least one alpha

Range: NA

Default: Default