Peer Discovery DNS Sets Elements

Table 2-41 describes fields on the DNS Sets View, Insert, Edit pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

This DNS Sets page shows all DNS Sets configured for potential Dynamic Peer Discovery.


Although a DNS set is listed on the DNS Sets GUI page, this does not mean it is used for DPD. Configured DNS sets displayed on this page are candidates for DPD; the DNS sets listed here become available on the Discovery Attributes page. See Discovery Attributes.

Table 2-41 DNS Sets Elements

Field Description Data Input Notes
DNS Set Name Name of the DNS Set.

Format: text box; case sensitive; alphanumeric and underscore

Range: 1 - 32 characters, cannot start with a digit and must contain at least one alpha

Default: NA

Primary DNS Server IP Address IP address of the primary DNS server.

Format: valid IP address

Range: 39 characters (The longest IPv6 address that can be formed is 8 octets of 4 characters (=32) plus seven colon delimiters (=7), for a total of 39 characters.

Secondary DNS Server IP Address IP address of the secondary DNS server.

Format: valid IP address

Range: 39 characters (The longest IPv6 address that can be formed is 8 octets of 4 characters (=32) plus seven colon delimiters (=7), for a total of 39 characters.

DNS Query Timeout (sec) Specifies how long the application waits for a response from the DNS server.

Format: numeric value

Range: 1 - 4 seconds

Default: 2

Number of Retries Specifies how many times the application retires if the DNA query times out.

Format: numeric value

Range: 1 - 3 seconds

Default: 2