(Classic) Approving Person Profile Changes and Viewing Approval History

Note: This feature has been replaced by Fluid Approvals. For more information, see (Fluid) Approving Profile Items.

Page Name

Definition Name


Select Approval Transaction Page


Managers use this page to view a list of profiles that are waiting for approval. Managers click the profile name to view the Approve Profiles page that lists the changes and approve or deny pending changes.

Profile Approval History Page


Lists profile approval transactions that the employee submitted. Employees can search for transactions within a specific date range and restrict the search to transactions with a specific status (Pending, Denied, or Approved).

Approve Profiles Page


View a list of the changes to the person profile and details of the approvals processing. Managers click the Approve button to approve the changes or click the Deny button to reject the changes.

Approval Confirmation Page

Deny Confirmation Page


Displays a confirmation message when managers click the Approve button to approve profile changes or click the Deny button to reject profile changes submitted for approval

The use of approvals processing with profiles is optional. If your organization uses approvals processing, it is configured at the profile type level. An approval definition is selected for a profile type on the Profile Types - Attributes page and you then specify whether a role for a content section requires approval on the Content Section page. For further information about defining profile types see Creating Profile Group Types and Profile Groups.

If approval is required for a content section role, any additions, updates or deletions trigger approvals workflow. The PeopleSoft application delivers approval definitions for person profiles that are configured so that when employees update or create a profile, their manager approves changes. However, you can create approval definitions to configure approvals according to your requirements.

Managers use the Approval Profiles page to view approvals and they approve or deny changes at the profile level. Employees can track their own approvals using the Profile Approval History component - Approve Profiles page.