(Classic) Updating Evaluations

This topic lists prerequisites and discusses how to update evaluation details in Classic Plus mode.

Note: A fluid version of ePerformance is now available to support employee performance reviews. For more information, see Understanding Fluid ePerformance.

Note: In this section, a page or field title with a word in brackets indicates that the page takes its name from the context in which it appears.

Page Name

Definition Name


<Manager or Self-> Evaluation Page


Enter and maintain evaluation data for an employee based on user role.

Peer Evaluation Page


Provide evaluation feedback to another employee.

Add <section item> Page


Add an item to the section (for example, goal, competency, and responsibility). If configured, you can add a predefined item, a free-form item, copy items from manager documents, another document of yours, and copy items from the Business Objectives page.

Add a Pre-Defined <section item> Page


Add a predefined item to the section.

Add Your Own <section item> or Edit <section item> Page or Edit <section item> Page


Update item details such as title, description, due date, level of difficulty, owner, supports, status, reminder date, percent complete, and flags indicating critical items.

Copy from Business Objectives Page


Copy goals from established business objectives into a performance or development document.

Copy from Manager Document Page


Copy goals, responsibilities, competencies and other items from the manager's document into a performance or development document.

Select a Document Page


Select a document from which items can be copied to the current document.

Copy <section item> from My Documents or Copy <section item> from My Team’s Documents Page


Copy one or more items from the previously selected document to the current document.

Add a <section item> Behavior Page (EP_APPR_EDIT6)


Select a behavior to add to the section item or enter a free-form behavior.

Add a <section item> Behavior or Edit <section item> Behavior Page


Modify the behavior description for a section item.

The evaluation phase of a document begins (during which the manager and employee provides feedback on respective evaluations) when the Define Criteria and Track Progress steps are completed (if they’re enabled at the document template level). To enter evaluation data as a peer, you must have received and accepted a nomination to participate in the evaluation.

During the review process, managers often print out the evaluation documents prior to reviewing them with employees. If the document contains sections where the manager can view participant feedback, the system displays these print options for the manager to select when the manager clicks the Print icon on the evaluation document:

  • Exclude participant feedback from the printed document (default value).

  • Include participant feedback in document but hide participant’s name.

    Participant names are masked in printed documents.

  • Include participant feedback in document and display participant’s name.

    This option is only available for selection if:

    • The Anonymity for Manager option is deselected in the Review Participant Evaluations section of the Template Definition - Process page for any user role.

    • The Display Names in Mgr Doc option is selected enabled on the Template Definition - Process page for any user role.

Participant feedback is not displayed to employees when they print out evaluation documents.

The Export option allows managers to download manager documents into Word or rich text format. Similar to the Print functionality, the system uses the anonymity and display options that are set up in the Review Participant Evaluations section of the Template Definition - Process page to determine how feedback should be included in the downloaded copy for the Manager role.

For managers, if they are not authorized to see participant names in the manager documents online (either the Anonymity for Manager option is enabled or the Display Names in Mgr Doc option is disabled), they will not see the names of participants in downloaded copies either. The setup for managers also applies to administrators.

Employees are not authorized to see participant feedback in downloaded copies.

Use the Manager Evaluation page or Self-Evaluation page (EP_APPR_MAIN1) to enter and maintain evaluation data for an employee based on user role.


Click to open a document that is in the Evaluation in Progress status on the (classic) Current Performance Documents, (classic) Current Development Documents, (fluid) Current Documents, or (fluid) My Current Documents page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manager Evaluation page (1 of 4).

Manager Evaluation page (1 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manager Evaluation page (2 of 4).

Manager Evaluation page (2 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manager Evaluation page (3 of 4).

Manager Evaluation page (3 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manager Evaluation page (4 of 4).

Manager Evaluation page (4 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Self-Evaluation page (1 of 2).

Self-Evaluation page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Self-Evaluation page (2 of 2).

Self-Evaluation page (2 of 2)

Video: Consolidated Participant Feedback Display in Manager Evaluations

Note: The screenshots show the Manager Evaluation page and Self-Evaluation page as the example. The pages are displayed in the tabbed format.

For employee evaluations, the page is renamed Self-Evaluation page.

Evaluations are divided into sections, with each section containing a different type of content. Sections contain the items and sub-items against which an employee's performance is evaluated and can include sections such as mission statement, goals and objectives, responsibilities, competencies, career summary, learning, employee comments, manager comments, signature lines, an overall summary, and organization-specific sections that you define.

Each role evaluation contains header information that identifies the role and the person who is evaluated. The header information also contains instructional text that changes depending on the role. The instructional text is system data that is supplied with PeopleSoft ePerformance, but you can modify this text by using the Text Catalog.

See Understanding PeopleSoft HCM Common Components.

Field or Control



Click to save the evaluation and return to it later. The system calculates, according to template rules, all ratings that were entered prior to saving the review to the database.

This button displays on an evaluation when the evaluation status is Evaluation in Progress.

Submit for Approval

Click to submit the evaluation to the designated approver according to the approval rules.

This button is available (in manager evaluation) if the review process selected in the template of this document requires approval.

Note: Prior to submitting an evaluation for approval, be sure to enter ratings for section items and summaries if such rating fields are available for editing.

See Also Delivered Review and Approval Processes

Share with Employee

Click to submit the document for review by the employee, according to the review and approval rules.

This button is available (in manager evaluation) if the review process selected in the template of this document requires employee review, and you have entered all required information.

See Also Delivered Review and Approval Processes

Request Acknowledgement

Click to send a request to ask the employee for an acknowledgment that he or she has read and discussed the evaluation document with the manager.

This button displays (in manager evaluation) if the review process selected in the template of this document requires employee review.

See Also Delivered Review and Approval Processes

Override Acknowledgement

Click to cancel the acknowledgement request that was sent to the employee. Use this button if the employee is not available or refuse to provide acknowledgement to the evaluation and the manager needs to bypass this step. When clicked, the system moves the evaluation to the next step and changes the document status to Acknowledged.

This button displays (in manager evaluation) if the review process selected in the template of this document requires employee review, and an acknowledgement request has been sent.

See Also Delivered Review and Approval Processes


Click to acknowledge that the employee has read and discussed the evaluation document with the manager.

This button displays (in employee self evaluation) if the review process selected in the template of this document requires employee review, and an acknowledgement request has been sent.

See Also Delivered Review and Approval Processes


Click to complete the evaluation.

Once an evaluation is completed, there is no further action that is specific to ePerformance for the manager or employee to take.

See Also Delivered Review and Approval Processes


Click to cancel the changes you have made to the evaluation.

Print Print

Click the Print icon to view a printable version of the performance document. Clicking View Printable Evaluation generates a BI Publisher report that matches the document. The report can include the learning section, eSignature section, employee data, other participants and audit history. Use the browser's Print command to print a hard copy of the document. The eSignature section only exists in the BI Publisher report, it doesn't appear on the document.

Note: You must be the employee or an administrator to access the document.

See the Printing Manager Evaluation Documents with Participant Feedback topic for information on how the system handles the printing of manager evaluation with participant feedback.

Notify Notify

Click the Notify icon to access the Send Notification page, where you can enter email addresses and a message to notify other interested parties.

Export Export

See the Exporting Manager Evaluation Documents with Participant Feedback topic for information on how the system handles the exportation of manager evaluation with participant feedback.

Employee Data

This section is available for employee evaluations and it displays employment information such as employee ID, department ID, years of service in the company, and years of service in the job for which the evaluations is created. The setup of this section is available in the Evaluations - Evaluation Document Header section of the Template Definition - General Page.

Field or Control


Rating History

Click to access the Rating History page (EP_HDR_RATING_SEC) to view all of the past overall rating information for the employee for the same document type, if available.

Check Language

Click to run the Language Checker tool. This button is available if the Language Checker button is selected on the Template Definition - General page.

The Language Checker tool enables you to check a performance review for inappropriate language that is used in the manager's document. When inappropriate words are identified, the Language Checker tool suggests alternative words or phases that are more acceptable from an organization's perspective.

Calculate All Ratings

Click to calculate the rating for each item (if sub-items exist), section summary, and overall summary that appears on the document. Ratings are not calculated for items, sections, or summaries that are overridden.

This icon appears if the Calculate Ratings check box is selected on the Template Definition - Process page.

View Graphical RatingView Graphical Rating

Click the View Graphical Rating icon to display:

  • The average rating report by role for each section, item and sub-item in the 360 Graphical View, if you click the icon in the header area.

  • The average rating report for a section item, if you click the icon within a section.

Cancel Evaluation Cancel Evaluation

Click the Cancel Evaluation icon to move the current evaluation from a status of Evaluation In Progress to a status of Canceled.

If the template was set up to update Profile Management and a manager cancels the evaluation, the system deletes all evaluations, employees and peers that might have already been sent to the Manage Profiles business process.

If the employee cancels his or her evaluation, the system only deletes his or her evaluation from the Manage Profiles business process.


Click to change the status to Evaluation In Progress.

This button appears for managers and administrators when the evaluation has passed the Evaluation in Progress status but hasn’t been completed.

Also, a document cannot be reopened if it has been submitted for approval.

Section # - <section name>

The fields and information that display in a section depends on the type of section, the special processing associated with the section, and the parameters selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. The system may also display data that was entered on the Template Definition - Content page, or data that was retrieved from the Job Profile Manager (JPM). In some cases you can edit this data.

Note: For a complete list of fields that can be configured to appear in this section, refer to the Defining Sections topic.

See the Define Criteria Page for additional field descriptions that are not mentioned in this topic.

Field or Control


Add <section item>

Click to add a new content item.

The Add <section item> link displays if the Add check box is selected on the Section Roles grid, Item tab.

Edit Details Edit Details

Click the Edit Details icon to edit the detail information for the item. It is available on the evaluation if the Update check box is selected for the role in the Section Roles grid, Item tab for the section.

See Edit <section item> Page.

Delete Goal Delete <item>

Click the Delete <item> icon to delete the content item. It is available if the Mandatory check box is not selected on the Template Definition - Content page.

Note: This overrides the value in the Mandatory field on the job profile. If you specify that an item on the job profile is mandatory and do not select this check box, the item is not mandatory on the document.


The Description label displays if the Description check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. Content for the Description label displays if data is entered in the JPM_TEXT1325_1 field on the Content Items - Items Detail page (Set Up HCM > Product Related > Profile Management > Content Catalog > Content Items > Item Details).


The Measurement label displays if the Measures check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. Content for the Measurement label displays if data is entered in the JPM_TEXT1325_2 field on the Content Items - Items Detail page (Set Up HCM > Product Related > Profile Management > Content Catalog > Content Items > Item Details).

Measurement describes the criteria for measuring an employee's success at meeting this content item.

For example, if the goal is to reduce customer complaints by 5 percent, the measurement might be: "Based on the number of complaints received by Customer Support through December 31, as compared to complaints made in the previous year." You can change the information for free-form items, as needed.

Supports <item>

The Supports <item> label displays if the Supports check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. Content for the Supports <item> label displays if a section is selected in the Link field on the Template Definition - Structure page and a content item is selected for the Supports field on the Template Definition - Content page.

This field is used to link goals to initiatives, or competencies to responsibilities, initiatives or goals.


The Ownership label displays if the Ownership check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. Content for the Ownership label displays if Employee or Manager is selected in the Owned By field on the Template Definition - Content page.

Reminder Date

The Reminder Date label displays if the Reminder Date check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. Content for the Reminder Date label displays if a date is entered in the Reminder Date field on the Template Definition - Content page.

Due Date

The Due Date label displays if the Due Date check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. Content for the Due Date label displays if a date is entered in the Reminder Date field on the Template Definition - Content page.

Target Rating

The Target Rating label displays if the Target Rating check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. Content for the Target Rating label displays if a target rating is selected in the Target Rating field on the Template Definition - Content page.

Level of Difficulty

The system displays this field if the Level of Difficulty check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. The Level of Difficulty field uses Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced as its values. When an item from the Content Catalog is added, this field displays the level of difficulty associated with that item and you cannot edit the values. If the item is manually added, you can select the level of difficulty unless the item is marked mandatory on the Template Definition - Content page.


The Status label displays if the Status check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page.

Percent Complete

The Percent Complete label displays if the Percentage Completed check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page.


The Critical label displays if the Critical check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. Yes or No displays as the content for the Critical label if it is defined on the Template Definition - Content page.

Stretch Goal

The Stretch Goal label displays if the Stretch Goal check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page.

Start Date and End Date

The Start Date and End Date labels display if the Start Date and End Date check boxes are selected on the Template Definition - Structure page.


The Private label displays if:

  • The Private - hide from employees check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page, and

  • The document is in the Define Criteria, Checkpoint, or Finalize Criteria step, during which the private setting is used.

    The Private label is not available for display in the Evaluation step.

When an item is set as private in a document, it becomes unavailable for selection to other managers and employees who use the copy feature to add items to their documents from another document that has the private item.

Note: The Private option does not affect the visibility of an item on a shared document between its manager and employee.


This field displays if the Rate check box is selected for the section and the applicable Rate Section, Rate Item, or Rate Sub-Item check box is selected in the Final Evaluation Step – Role Rules grid, Rate/Weight tab.

View or enter ratings. The action that is permitted depends on the level (sub-item, item, section) where the field occurs if calculation is enabled in the document template, and the user actions that the template definition permits.

For example, at the overall summary and section summary levels, the rating field is read-only unless the role has permission to override system-calculated ratings or calculate field was not enabled on the document template.

Note: In the Rating Display field on the Template Definition - Structure page you can select Radio Buttons to display ratings as radio bullets or you can select Drop-Down Box to display ratings in a drop-down list.

Calculate Rating Calculate Ratings

Click to calculate the corresponding rating.

This icon appears if the Calculate Ratings option is selected on the Template Definition - Process Page. It is available next to rating fields in the <content item> Summary group box and Overall Summary section, and in some cases for items that have sub-items.


Click to override a system-calculated rating or remove an existing override.

The button appears at the following levels on the performance review page, depending on the template definition:

  • At the item level within a section, to override the system-calculated average of individual sub-item ratings.

  • At the section summary level to override the system-calculated average of individual item ratings.

  • At the overall performance review summary level, to override the system-calculated average of individual section ratings.

Note: An override that you enter remains in place until you remove it. To have the system recalculate the rating, remove the override.

Add Behavior

Click to add a new behavior.

The Add Behavior link displays if sub-items are enabled on the Template Definition - Structure page.

Participant Ratings

Click to view review any participant’s evaluation rating for the corresponding sub-item (behavior), if the information is available.


The Weight field displays if the Weight check box is selected for the section and the applicable Weight Section or Weight Item check box is selected in the Final Evaluation Step – Role Rules grid, Rate/Weight tab.

Enter the weight of an item relative to the other items in the same section or relative to other sections in the evaluation.

Note: The sum of the weights for all items in a section or all sections in a document, must equal 100 percent in the manager's document.

Manager Rating

Enter the rating for the item as the manager.

Rating Description Rating Description

Click the Rating Description icon to display a page that provides an explanation of the rating.

From this page you can select the rating that best describes the employee's proficiency. The system displays either the description entered on the Rating Explanation page or the proficiency description entered on the Content Item page. If the system finds there is a rating explanation and a proficiency description, the proficiency description has precedence over the rating explanation.

Avg Rating (average rating)

The Avg Rating label displays if the View Average Rating check box is selected on the Template Definition - Process page.

View Graphical Rating View Graphical Rating

Click the View Graphical Rating icon to display the Average Ratings report in a modal window. It is available if the View Average Rating check box is selected on the Template Definition - Process page.

Manager Comments

Enter comments about employee’s performance relative to the corresponding section or item from a manager’s perspective.

The Manager Comments field appears if the Comments check box is selected in the Final Evaluation Step – Role Rules grid, Section tab or Item tab. As you enter comments, access to spell checker is always available. Access to writing tools may also be available if they are set up at the template level.

This field is displayed as read-only, if the Enable Rich Text in Modal only option is enabled on the ePerformance Installation - ePerformance Page (EP_INSTALLATION) at the installation level. In this case, enter your comments by clicking the Writing Tools or Edit Comments link, whichever is displayed.

Writing Tools

Click this link to access the Writing Tools - Suggested Results Page where you can select suggested texts as comments, or enter feedback manually. This page displays a list of related text entries that you can include in the Comments text field, which supports both plain and rich text editing. You may also select additional content to be considered as comments, such as performance notes, comments from other people, results writer and development tips statements.

The Writing Tools link appears if the role of the user is enabled at the template level to view suggestions for sections and items from any of these categories: results writer entries, development tips, other evaluators’ comments (manager only), and performance notes. Note that any performance notes that the employee or manager recorded from within the Define Criteria step about the employee also appear in this list if enabled, but are restricted to the user’s own role. In other words, the employee does not have access to notes that the manager has recorded about him or her, and the manager cannot see notes from the employee.

Edit Comments

Click this link to open a modal page (EP_EDIT_COMMENTS) to enter plain or rich text comments for the corresponding section or item.

This link appears, if the Enable Rich Text in Modal only option is enabled and the role of the user is not enabled to view any suggested text (results writer entries, development tips, other evaluators’ comments, and performance notes).

Spell Check Comments Spell Check Comments

Click the Spell Check Comments icon to check the spelling of the text entered in the Comments field.

Employee Rating

This field displays if the Employee Rating check box is selected for the section in the Final Evaluation Step – Role Rules grid, Rate/Weight tab of the template definition.

This field shows the rating that was entered in the employee’s self evaluation in the manager’s evaluation document.

Employee Comments

The Employee Comments field displays if the Employee Comments check box is selected for the section in the Final Evaluation Step – Role Rules grid, Section tab or Item tab.

This field displays comments that were entered in the employee’s self evaluation in the manager’s evaluation document.

Learning Name

Click this link to display the <learning name> Description page in the Enterprise Learning Management database. This link appears only in Learning sections.

Find Learning Gaps

Click this link to access the Enterprise Learning Management database. Based on the role of the user, clicking the Find Learning Gaps link opens one of these ELM pages:

  • For employees, it opens the Learning Objectives - Current Objectives (LM_OBJV_LRNR) page.

  • For managers, it opens the Team Members Objectives - Current Objectives (LM_OBJV_MTM) page.

  • For administrators, it opens the Enroll Learners - Find Requester (LM_CALL_CENTER_REQ) page.

Only competencies with blank Target Ratings trigger the gap analysis process. Competencies with Target Ratings that are not met are added as learning objectives for the learner without doing a comparison.

Note: This link appears only in Learning sections.

Participant Feedback

This collapsible section lists the completed evaluation feedback ratings and comments that are provided by peer reviewers. It appears if all these conditions are met:

  1. The user who is currently logged in to view the manager document is a manager, an administrator, or an indirect manager (who views the document in the view-only mode).

  2. The Participant Feedback option is selected in the document template, under the Final Evaluation Step – Role Rules - Section tab on the Structure page for the corresponding section (for example, Goals, Competencies and so on).

  3. One or more of these role rule options are enabled for participants (for example, Peer or Other) for the section being viewed:

    • Rate section, item, or sub-items

    • Enter comments for section or item

For example, if the role rule options for entering ratings and comments at the item level are enabled for the Goals section in the document, the system displays the Participant Feedback section for all items in the Goals section only when the manager accesses it.

When enabled and displayed at the sub-item level, this section is called Participant Ratings. It shows the name, role, and rating of each evaluator feedback.

Field or Control



Displays the name of the person who provided the evaluation.

If the Anonymity for Manager option is enabled for the role that the participant has, the system masks his or her name and the name is displayed in this format: <role name> <number>. For example, Peer 1 or Other 2.


Displays the role of the evaluator. For example, Peer, Other, and so on.


Displays the description for the rating given by the evaluator (if available) for the level being viewed.

If the evaluator is not allowed to rate, this field value reads N/A.

If the evaluator is allowed to rate but didn’t enter a rating, this field value is blank.


Displays the comment given by each evaluator for the level being viewed.

This is not available to participant feedback at the sub-item level.

Note: Participant feedback is not available for review in canceled documents.


This section appears on the Manager Evaluation page if the Allow Manager Attachments option is enabled on the Template Definition - Process Page of the associated template. Similarly, the section is displayed on the Self-Evaluation page if the Allow Employee Attachments option is enabled.

Click the Add Attachment link to upload an attachment to the document. Once you select an attachment and the file is uploaded, the system transfers you back to the document where you can enter a file description and specify user role permission (attachment audience) for the attachment.

While a document is in progress, the author (manager in the case of a manager evaluation, or employee in the case of a self-evaluation) can add, view, or delete attachments, and specify who can see these attachments (when the Evaluation step of the document is completed).

When a self-evaluation, currently in progress, is viewed by a manager, attachments are hidden. After the self-evaluation is completed, the manager can see the attachments that are given manager access from the self-evaluation, and has the option to copy them to the manager evaluation that is in progress, if necessary. Similarly, after the manager evaluation is completed, the employee can view the attachments that are given employee access from the manager evaluation.

The Attachments section is displayed as read-only on completed manager evaluations or self-evaluations. A person who is viewing a completed document will be able to view attachments that list his or her user role as attachment audience. For example, a manager will have access to all attachments (including the ones copied from self-evaluations) that are marked for manager access. An employee will not see files on a manager evaluation that are marked for manager access only.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Attachments group box of the <Manager or Self> Evaluation page.

Attachments group box of the Manager Evaluation or Self-Evaluation page

Field or Control


File Name

Displays the name of the file with a link to the file that was uploaded.

Files with the same name are uploaded in separate entries.


Use this field to enter a description of the file that you uploaded.

Attachment Audience

Select the roles of users who can view and download the file once the evaluation document is completed and being viewed by other users.

If you select Employee and Manager, the file can be viewed and downloaded by the employee, manager, the manager's upward management chain, and the ePerformance administrator.

If you select Manager Only, the file can only be viewed and downloaded by the manager, the manager's upward management chain, and the ePerformance administrator.

If you select Employee Only, the file can only be viewed and downloaded by the employee.

If the field is left blank, the file is accessible only to the user role who uploaded the attachment.

Last Update Date/Time

Displays the date and time the manager uploaded the file to the document.

Uploaded By

Displays the name of the manager that uploaded the file to the document.

Delete Delete

Click the Delete icon to delete the attachments. You can only do this when the document status is In Progress.

Save (save to manager evaluation)

(For managers) Click to save a copy of the attachment file from a self-evaluation to the manager evaluation.

This button appears after the document status has moved past Evaluation in Progress, and is visible on employee self-evaluations only. Manager evaluations must also be configured to allow attachments at the template level to support this feature.

Audit History

See Understanding Document Audits.

Use the Peer Evaluation page (EP_APPR_MAIN1) to provide evaluation feedback to another employee.


  • (Fluid) Click the Performance tile on the Employee Self Service home page. Click the Evaluations of Others tab on the left panel of the Performance page that appears.

  • (Classic) Self Service > Performance Management > Other's Performance Documents > Others Performance Evaluations

  • (Classic) Self Service > Performance Management > Other's Development Documents > Others Development Evaluations

Click an employee link on the My Current Evaluations for Others page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Evaluation page (1 of 2).

Peer Evaluation page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Evaluation page (2 of 2).

Peer Evaluation page (2 of 2)

The look and feel of the Peer Evaluation page is similar to the Self Evaluation or Manager Evaluation page, although it is not displayed in WorkCenter like the other evaluation pages. The Actions drop down appears below the employee’s name if you access the Peer Evaluation page from the Review Participant Evaluations step of the WorkCenter as the manager.

A peer provides feedback for an employee by filling in information against the listed evaluation criteria on the page and click the Complete button when the evaluation is finished.

Refer to the <Manager or Self-> Evaluation Page topic for field descriptions on this page.

Use the Edit <section item> page (EP_APPR_M_EDIT5) to update item details such as title, description, due date, level of difficulty, owner, supports, status, reminder date, percent complete, and flags indicating critical items.


Click the Edit Details icon of a section item on an evaluation.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Edit <section item> page.

<>Edit <section item> page

Use this page to change the evaluation details for the item.

Note: The fields that appear on this page will be different based on the items you select and the way that you set up your document template. You can configure the document template to enable an evaluator to change the value of any field except Title, Description, and Measurement. The evaluator can modify these fields only if the item is not coded (stored in a system table). The values that initially appear for detail fields are set on the Content page of the document template.

For a complete list of fields that can be configured to appear in this section, refer to Defining Sections.

Field or Control



Displays the title of the item.


Displays a description of the item.

Level of Difficulty

The system displays this field if the Level of Difficulty check box is selected on the Template Definition - Structure page. The Level of Difficulty field uses Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced as its values. When an item from the Content Catalog is added, this field displays the level of difficulty associated with that item and you cannot edit the values. If the item is manually added, you can select the level of difficulty unless the item is marked mandatory on the Template Definition - Content page.


Select a value to indicate who is responsible for the item.


Select a value to indicate the status of the item. Possible values are Complete, In Progress, and N/A (not applicable).

Percent Complete

Enter the completion percentage for an item that appears on the performance document.

Due Date

Enter the date when a particular goal or item should be completed.

Reminder Date

Enter a date. This field is used for informational purposes only.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the beginning and ending dates for the item.


Select this check box to have the label Critical appear in the detail area of the item on the evaluation.

Stretch Goal

Select this check box to have the label Stretch Goal appear in the detail area of the item on the evaluation.