(Fluid) Tracking Mid-Period Progress

This topic discusses how to track mid-period progress in Fluid.

Page Name

Definition Name


Performance Document Page (Checkpoint or Finalize Criteria Step)


Provide feedback on employees' progress in the Checkpoint step, or finalize evaluation criteria before the start of final evaluation in the Finalize Criteria step.

Select/Create Items Page


Add items to document sections.

Select/Create Items - Pre-defined Page


Add pre-defined items to document sections.

Select/Create Items - Your Own Page


Add items that you create manually to document sections.

Select/Create Items - Business Objectives Page


Add items from business objectives to document sections.

Select/Create Items - Manager Document Page


(Employee only) Add items from your manager's documents to document sections.

Select/Create Items - My Document Page


Add items from the manager's or employee's own documents to document sections.

Select/Create Items - Team Document Page


(Manager only) Add items from your team's documents to document sections.

<Section Name> in List Page


View or remove items from the document section.

Details Page


View additional information of the item.

Performance Document Item Page


View or update item details.

Alignment Chain Page


View the alignment of the current objective with its corporate or departmental objectives in the organization.

Sub-Items Page


Add pre-defined sub-items to items.

My Notes Page


Add, update or view notes for items.

Quick Evaluation Page


Enter or view feedback for individual items.


Send messages about the document.

Last Updated Page


View the audit information of documents or items.

Performance Process Overview Page


View the description and objective of each step in the performance process.

<Section or Item> Weight Page


Update document section (or item) weights.

Reorder Items Page


Change the order of items displayed in document sections.

<Section> Page (Delete Multiple Items)


Remove one or more items from document sections.

Copy to Other Documents Page


Copy individual items to other employees' documents.

Rating Model Page


View descriptions of the rating values that are available in the rating model.

Add/Review Participants Page


Add and track participant requests and evaluations.

Fluid ePeformance and Classic ePerformance support the same process for tracking employees' mid-period progress in the Track Progress step, which includes Checkpoint and Finalize Criteria steps).

For more information about this step and what users can do, refer to the Understanding Mid-Period Checkpoints topic.

Despite the common functionality shared between the two versions, Fluid ePeformance behaves differently from Classic ePerformance in these areas:

  • Participant feedback.

    In Fluid ePerformance, both the manager and the employee can view completed participant evaluations from the Add/Review Participants page when the View Evaluations option is enabled for their roles in the template setup.

    In Classic ePerformance, users view completed participant evaluations from a link in the Review Participant Evaluations step.

    In both Fluid and Classic ePerformance, the manager can view inline participant feedback from the document directly, if the Participant Feedback option is enabled in the Role Rules section of a document step in the template setup. Participant feedback can be available as early as the first document step, if participants are allowed to provide feedback at anytime.

  • Reopening the Checkpoint and Finalize Criteria step.

    A prior step can be reopened for updates as needed. If you move to the current step and have not made any changes, you can reopen the prior step from the More Actions menu that is located at the step level.

    In Classic ePerformance, additional conditions are also considered.

  • Both the manager and the employee can rate sections, items and sub-items in the Track Progress step if the options are enabled for their roles in the template setup.

    In Classic ePerformance, these options are not supported.

  • The Stars rating model.

    Users can provide ratings using the stars rating model.

    In Classic ePerformance, this option is not supported.

  • Copy ratings to evaluation documents

    A new option is available to copy section and item ratings from the Finalize Criteria step to the Evaluation step. Manager ratings will be available in the manager document, and employee ratings in the employee's self-evaluation.

    In Classic ePerformance, this option is not supported.

Use the Performance Document page (EP_MAIN_DOC_B_FL) to provide feedback on employees' progress in the Checkpoint step, or finalize evaluation criteria before the start of final evaluation in the Finalize Criteria step.


Select a document from the Track Progress section of a document list (Team Documents, Delegated Documents, or My Documents).

Documents in the Checkpoint or Finalize Criteria steps are grouped together under theTrack Progress section of the document list.

This is an example of the Performance Document page in the Checkpoint step. The layout of the page is the same for the Finalize Criteria step (1 of 3).

Performance Document page (Checkpoint step) (1 of 3)

This is an example of the Performance Document page in the Checkpoint step. The layout of the page is the same for the Finalize Criteria step (2 of 3).

Performance Document page (Checkpoint step) (2 of 3)

This is an example of the Performance Document page in the Checkpoint step. The layout of the page is the same for the Finalize Criteria step (3 of 3).

Performance Document page (Checkpoint step) (3 of 3)

Note: The fields and controls that appear in a document is controlled by its template, which is highly configurable. The sample document used in this topic is for demonstration purposes only, and is likely to look different from your implementation.

In addition to updating evaluation criteria for the review, the manager and the employee can provide feedback on the employee's progress and share it with each other in the Checkpoint and FInalize Criteria steps.

Field or Control


Step drop-down list (Checkpoint)

Displays the step of the review process that the document is currently in.

Click the icon to expand the popup menu and view the overall progress of the document in the review process. The popup menu displays the list of steps available in the review process based on the associated template. The list provides a quick update of where you are in the review process. It shows the current step (name appears in bold font), previous steps that were done (Completed or Skipped), and remaining steps to be worked on (Not Started).

You can select a previous step to view the last-updated and read-only version of the document in that step. Some actions are still available for you to drill down and view the content of the document, such as item details, ratings and comments, and notes. However, you can no longer edit the document.

Complete (for Checkpoint step)

(Manager only) Click this button to complete the checkpoint.

The manager must share the ratings and comments with the employee prior to completing a checkpoint.

Complete (for Finalize Criteria step)

Click this button to complete the Finalize Criteria step. This button can be available to the employee, the manager, or both, as configured in the template setup.

Sharing of ratings and comments is optional prior to completing the Finalize Criteria step.

More icon

Click to view the list of actions that are applicable to the current step and select an action to perform. The list of actions varies based on a few factors, such as the template setup, the current step of the document, and your user role.

See Step-Level More Actions.

Change Visibility

(Checkpoint and Finalize Criteria steps only) The text displayed to the left of the Change Visibility link states the current visibility setting of the document.

Click this link to share or unshare your feedback (ratings and comments) with the employee or manager on the Change Visibility page (modal) that appears.

After the information is shared, click the action button. After that, the system unshares the information by resetting to Only You automatically.

Error Message icon

Displays error messages that need to be addressed before proceeding to the next action. The system displays, if any, error messages after you clicked an action button.

<Section Name>

See Also Performance Document Page, <Section Name> section.

Field or Control


Add icon

Click to add items to the section on the Select/Create Items Page.

This action is available if your role can add items in the current step based on the template setup.

More icon

Click to view the list of actions that are applicable to the section and select an action to perform. The list of actions varies based on a few factors, such as the template setup, the current step of the document, and your user role.

See Section-Level More Actions.

Note: The More Actions menu is not available to sections that cannot be weighted or cannot have items, for example, Career Plan Summary, Employee Comments, Manager Comments, Overall Summary, Signatures and eSignatures.

Section Weight <number> %

Displays the weight of the section in percentage. The total weight of all weighted sections in a document is 100%. Click this link to update the section weight on the Section Weight page.

This link appears if the section can be weighted based on the template setup.

See <Section or Item> Weight Page.

<Item title>

Click to access the item on the Performance Document Item Page.

Sub-Item number

Indicates the number of sub-items added to the corresponding item.

Performance Notes icon

Click to view or add notes for the item on the My Notes Page.

This icon appears if notes were added to the item.

Quick Evaluation icon


Quick Evaluation icon (with feedback)

Click to view existing or add new feedback for the corresponding item (and sub-items if applicable) on the Quick Evaluation Page.

This icon appears if your role can perform any of these actions based on the template setup:

  • Rate items or sub-items in the current step

  • Enter item comments in the current step

More icon

Click to view the list of actions that are applicable to the item and select an action to perform. The list of actions varies based on a few factors, such as the template setup, the current step of the document, and your user role.

See Item-Level More Actions.

(Section) Summary

Click the Summary link of a section to expand the area and perform any of these tasks:

  • View section feedback shared by the employee or the manager.

  • (Manager only) View section feedback entered by participants, if applicable.

  • Enter your section feedback.

A section summary appears if your role is configured in the template setup to perform any of the listed tasks. If a role (for example, peer) does not have permission to provide feedback in a section summary, or you do not have permission to view the information, the feedback (or the subsection) for that role within the section summary is not shown.

Field or Control


<Rating display>

Use the star or drop-down box rating display to provide rating. The corresponding rating description is displayed.

This rating display appears if your role can rate sections in the current step based on the template setup.

Note: The option to automatically calculate ratings is not supported in the Checkpoint or FInalize Criteria step.

Target Rating Description icon

Click to view rating descriptions of the associated rating model. This icon is available near a rating display.

See Rating Model Page.

<Comment field>

Enter your comment.

This field appears if your user role can provide comments based on template setup.

Rich text editor (RTE) support for comments and other long fields can be enabled for Fluid ePerformance on the ePerformance Installation - ePerformance Page.

Visibility information is also shown, indicating if the feedback you provide is shared with the employee or the manager.

View Prior Steps Evaluation

Click to view the feedback that you entered in previous document steps for the section on the Prior Steps Evaluation page (EP_PRIOR_STEPS_SCF).

This link appears if the document contains Checkpoint and Finalize Criteria steps and you have finished at least one of them.

Career Plan Summary

This section lists the career planning information for the employee. This section appears if it is included in the template setup. It is tied to the Career Planning Summary special processing and does not include any items. The section name is configurable in the template.

This section is applicable to the manager only.

Field or Control


Risk of Leaving

Displays the risk of the employee leaving the current position, as specified on the Manage Career Plans page.

Impact of Loss

Displays the impact to the organization if the employee leaves the current position, as specified on the Manage Career Plans page.

Career Potential

Displays the career potential of the employee, as specified on the Manage Career Plans - Ranking/Potential page.

Official Career Path

Click to view the list of career moves made by the employee on a modal page.

This information comes from the Manage Career Plans - Career Path page.

Manager Agreed Career Path

Click to view the list of manager-supported career moves made by this employee, as specified on the Manage Career Plans - Career Path page.

Personal Path

Click to view the personal career path that was created by this employee on a modal page.

This information comes from the Career Path page through Employee Self Service. This section appears only if the Personal Path section is not marked as private by the employee on the Career Path page.

Update Employee Career Plan

Use this link to navigate to the Manage Career Plans component in Manager Self Service to perform necessary activities on the employee’s most current career plan. This link appears if you (the logged-on user) are currently the manager of the employee and has access to the employee’s career plans. Any changes that are made in the Manage Career Plans component for the employee are reflected in this section upon return.

See Manage Career Plans Component.

Overall Summary

Use the Overall Summary section to perform any of these tasks:

  • View the overall feedback shared by the employee or the manager.

  • (Manager only) View the overall feedback entered by participants, if applicable.

  • Enter the overall feedback for the employee's performance as the manager or the employee.

This section appears if it is configured for your user role in the template setup. It is tied to the Overall Summary special processing and does not include any items. The section name is configurable in the template.

The look and feel of the Overall Summary section is the same as the section summary.

See Also Performance Document Page (Checkpoint or Finalize Criteria Step), (Section) Summary section.