Delivered Delegation Definitions for Recruiting

This overview discusses:

  • Delivered workflow transactions.

  • Delivered permission lists and roles for delegation.

  • Installation Settings

  • Delivered delegation transactions.

Talent Acquisition Manager delivers these two approval transactions that are preconfigured for delegation:

Transaction Name

Transaction Type




Job opening approval.



Job offer approval.

Talent Acquisition Manager delivers permission lists that are required for use of the Delegation framework. This table describes the delivered recruiting roles for the delegation framework:

Role Name

Attached Permission Lists



HCCPDL2021 (Approve Job Opening)

Provides access to the Pending Approvals component and to the pages needed to view job opening details.


HCCPDL2029 (Approve Job Offer)

Provides access to the Pending Approvals component and to the pages needed to view job offer details.

Note: Generally, users who can access an existing job opening can create a new job opening using either the Create New or Clone icons at the top of the Job Opening page. However, these icons are hidden from proxies who are not recruiting users. The system determines if a proxy is a recruiting user by comparing the proxy's roles to the roles that you include on the Recruiting Roles page.

See Recruiting Roles Page.

The delegation framework provides additional permission lists for users and administrators of the delegation framework.

  • The delegation administrator permission list, HCCPDL1000, is associated with the delivered HCM Delegation Admin role.

  • The delegation user permission list, HCCPDL1100, enables delegation users (both delegators and proxies) access to the Manage Delegation home page.

    When implementing delegations, make sure that all of your delegation users are associated with this permission list. As delivered, the permission list is associated with the Manager and Employee roles, but you must analyze delegation security requirements based on your organization's security configuration.

Delegation installation settings control which users can be chosen as proxies. The settings are global (that is, they apply to all applications in your HCM system).

See Defining Delegation Installation Settings.

This table lists the delegation transactions delivered for Talent Acquisition Manager:

Transaction Name

Transaction Type


Job Openings



Job Offers



Note: All transactions are delivered inactive.