Understanding ASSEDIC Rates, Limits, and Ceilings

ASSEDIC (or GARP in Paris) contributions are paid to the state unemployment fund, Pôle Emploi, which finances unemployment insurance Régime d'Assurance Chômage (RAC) and salary guarantee Fond National de Garantie des Salaires (FNGS). Global Payroll for France offers complete ASSEDIC functionality, enabling you to:

  • Enter and maintain rates using the ASSEDIC Rates component.

  • Create regulatory reports and make payments to collector institutions using the DUCS component.

  • Create ASSEDIC certificates upon employee termination in three steps using three components (ASSEDIC Data Retrieval, ASSEDIC Certificate, and ASSEDIC Printing Process).

PeopleSoft delivers current contribution rate percentages for RAC and FNGS contributions on the ASSEDIC Rates (GPFR_ASS_RATES) component, but you must update and maintain this information yourself as the government issues new rate changes. The contribution percentages vary depending on gross monthly salary as reflected in government-mandated ceilings, which you enter on the Define Ceiling Values FRA (GPFR_CEILINGS) component.

The fields on the ASSEDIC Rates component are dynamically displayed based on these ceilings. For example, if you enter a new ceiling, the data changes when you view ASSEDIC rates.

In addition to ceilings, Global Payroll for France also uses rates and limits to determine ASSEDIC contributions. PeopleSoft delivers this data, but you should verify it before proceeding with ASSEDIC processing.

See Reviewing and Updating Contribution Rates and Limits, Setting up Rates and Ceilings for ASSEDIC Contributions.