Generating Complementary Rules Instances

This topic discusses the conditions that trigger the creation of a complementary rule.

A complementary rule is an earning or deduction that the system resolves automatically to complement an existing element assignment when that assignment's begin and end dates do not encompass the entire pay period. For example, suppose that you assign a deduction to a payee with begin and end dates of 1 and 15 January respectively, and that you use a monthly pay period calendar. Under certain conditions, the system automatically generates an assignment for the same element with begin and end dates of 16 and 31 January—in other words, it creates an instance of the deduction in the second slice to complement the existing assignment in the first slice in the segment.

The system generates a complementary rule for an assigned element under these conditions:

  1. You select the Active Anytime Within Segment option on the Countries page.

    When this is the case, the system processes all element assignments within a period, including those with end dates that come before the period end date.

    See Defining Installation Settings.

  2. You set up earnings and deductions to trigger element segmentation (slicing) when they are assigned to payees on the Element Assignment by Payee (GP_ED_PYE) and Payee Assignment by Element components (GP_ED_ELEM).

    See Understanding Triggers.

  3. The assignment begin date for an earning or deduction comes after the period start date, and/or the assignment end date comes before the period end date.

  4. You set the eligibility type of the assigned element to By Eligibility Group on the Element Group Members page, and you specify an override level of Payee for the element on the Earning or Deduction Name page.

    See Defining Element Groups, Override Levels.

    Note: When you select an override level of Payee on the Earning or Deduction Name page, you enable the element to be assigned at the payee level using the Element Assignment by Payee (GP_ED_PYE) and Payee Assignment by Element components (GP_ED_ELEM).

In addition, the following must be true:

Note: These rules assume that there are no user field values associated with the earning or deduction on the assignment pages or on the Earning or Deduction Definition pages. To see how the rules change when there are user fields, review the topic on multiple resolutions.

  • There can be no positive input Override for the same element in any slice in the pay period.

    A positive input Override in any slice prevents the creation of a complementary rule in all other slices.

  • There can be no positive input Do Not Process entry for the same element in any slice in the pay period.

    A Do Not Process entry in any slice prevents the creation of a complementary rule in all other slices.

  • There can be no positive input Resolve to Zero entry for the same element in any slice in the pay period.

    A Resolve to Zero entry in any slice prevents the creation of a complementary rule in all other slices.

Note: The system does not create complementary rule instances where there is already an element assignment for an earning or deduction. For example, if there is an existing assignment for the period 1 to 15 January, and you add an assignment for the same element with begin and end dates of 16 January and 31 January respectively, the system does not generate a complementary rule for the second slice (16-31 January).

Note: The system never generates more than a single complementary rule instance for an assigned element in any slice, even when there are multiple assignments of the same element. For instance, if you assign the same deduction five times in the first slice in a pay period, the system generates only one complementary rule instance in the second slice.

Note: Positive input additional rows in a slice do not prevent the creation of a complementary rule instance in the same or any other slice.

When all of these conditions are met, the system creates a complementary rule using definition of the unit, rate, percent, or amount components specified in the calculation rule of the earning or deduction.

Note: The calculation rule is the definition of the earning or deduction specified in the Earnings Definition (GP_EARNING) and Deductions Definition (GP_DEDUCTION) components.

The following examples illustrate how and under what circumstances the Global Payroll system generates complementary rule instances.

Example: An Earning Assignment Triggers the Creation of A Complementary Rule Instance

Assume that there is an element assignment for earning element E1 (calculation rule of Rate x Unit x Percent). Eligibility is by eligibility group and the begin and end dates of the element assignment are June 1 and June 15 respectively:

Note: In this example, element assignment is abbreviated Assign.


Rule Definition

Assign (Instance 1)

Slice 1: June 1-15

Slice 2: June 16-30










The system divides the calendar into two slices based on the assignment begin and end dates (slice 1 = June 1-15; slice 2 = June 16-30).

The system resolves E1 as follows:

1. In slice 1 (June 1-15): 2 x 60 x 100% x .5 (proration factor) = 60


Rule Definition

Assign (Instance 1)

Slice 1: June 1-15

Slice 2: June 16-30










2. In slice 2 (June 16-30): 5 x 50 x 150% x .5 (proration factor) = 125


Rule Definition

Assign (Instance 1)

Slice 1: June 1-15

Complementary Rule

Slice 2: June 16-30










The system creates a complementary rule instance for E1 in slice 2 (June 16-30) using the rule definition (the definition of the earning specified in the Earning Definition component).

Example: A Positive Input Override Prevents the Creation of A Complementary Rule Instance

Assume that an element assignment and positive input entry exist for earning element E1 (calculation rule of Rate x Unit x Percent). Eligibility is by eligibility group and the begin and end dates of the element assignment and the positive input entry are June 1 and June 15 respectively:

Note: In this example, element assignment is abbreviated Assign, positive input is abbreviated PI, and the positive input action type of override is abbreviated Over.


Rule Definition

Assign (Instance 1)

Slice 1: June 1-15

PI (Over)

Slice 1: June 1-15

Slice 2: June 16-30










The system divides the calendar into two slices based on the assignment begin and end dates (slice 1 = June 1-15; slice 2 = June 16-30).

The system resolves E1 as follows:

1. In slice 1 (June 1-15): 2 x 60 x 150% x .5 (proration factor) = 90


Rule Definition

Assign (Instance 1)

Slice 1: June 1-15

PI (Over)

Slice 1: June 1-15

Slice 2: June 16-30









In keeping with Rule 1 described in the topic Managing Interactions Between Element Assignment Overrides, Positive Input Entries, and Element Definitions, the system processes the positive input entry for slice 1 (June 1-15) but not the corresponding element assignment. The system looks to the element assignment in slice 1 for the Rate component (60) that is missing from positive input, and then retrieves the percent value (150) from the rule (as the element assignment in slice 1 does not specify a percentage).

2. In slice 2 (June 16-30): The system does not create a complementary rule instance for E1 because the positive input override in the first slice blocks the creation of the complementary rule in all other slices.

Example: Complementary Rule Instance Not Created Because of Do Not Process Instructions in Positive Input

Assume that there is a positive input entry and an element assignment for earning element E1 and that eligibility is by eligibility group (the calculation rule of E1 is Rate x Unit x Percent). The begin and end dates of the positive input entry are June 1 and June 10, and the begin and end dates of the element assignment are June 11 and June 20 respectively. The positive input entry has an action type of Do Not Process:

Note: In this example, positive input is abbreviated PI and element assignment is abbreviated Assign.


Rule Definition

PI (Do Not Process)

Slice 1: June 1-10

Assign (Instance 1)

Slice 2: June 11-20

Slice 3: June 21-30









The system divides the calendar into three slices based on the assignment begin and end dates (slice 1 = June 1-10; slice 2 = June 11-20; slice 3 = June 21-30).

The system resolves E1 as follows:

1. In slice 1 (June 1-10): The system does not process E1 because of the do not process instructions.

2. In slice 2 (June 11-20): The system does not process E1 because the do not process instructions in the first slice prevent processing in all other slices in the same segment.

3. In slice 3 (June 21-30): The system does not create a complementary rule instance because the do not process instructions in the first slice block the creation of the complementary rule in all other slices.