Viewing Incident Insights

PeopleSoft Incident Analytics dashboard provides administrators the ability to view and analyze Health and Safety incident data using PeopleSoft Insights visualizations.

Based on user privileges, administrators can access the visualizations delivered on the Incident Analytics dashboard to monitor the safety of workers in the workplace and identify trends of incident occurrence by region or type. Based on the information gathered from the Incident analytics, the company can implement new policies as needed to maintain or improve the health and safety of working environments.

The Incident Analytics dashboard is built on the PeopleSoft Insights platform, which relies on an underlying analytics engine and search engine. Incident data that is visible on the dashboard comes from the HC_HS_INCIDENT_DATA search index.

This video provides an overview of the Incident Analytics dashboard:

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 37: PeopleSoft Insights for Health and Safety

This topic provides an overview of how to set up the dashboard for incident analytics, lists common elements and controls, and discusses the Incident Analytics dashboard.

Understanding PeopleSoft Insights

PeopleSoft Insights is an analytical engine that provides visual reports (visualizations) in the form of charts, tables, graphs and so on. The visualizations are based on queries that retrieve data from the PeopleSoft Search Framework.

These videos provide an overview of the PeopleSoft Insights feature:

Video: Insights with PeopleSoft

Video: PeopleSoft HCM Insights

For information on Insights dashboards, see:

  • Understanding PeopleSoft Insights

  • PeopleTools Search Technology: "Monitoring PeopleSoft Search Framework and OpenSearch" and "Working with Insights Dashboards for PeopleSoft Application Data" documentation.

Page Name

Definition Name


Incident Analytics Tile

HC_HS_ANALYTICS_FL (this is the cref for the tile)

Access the Incident Analytics dashboard.

Incident Analytics Dashboard


Review and analyze incident data using visualizations.

Before administrators can access the visualizations for incident data, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Deploy the HC_HS_INCIDENT_DATA (Incident Data) index.

    (PeopleTools > Search Framework > Search Admin Activity Guide > Administration > Deploy/Delete Object)

  2. Build the HC_HS_INCIDENT_DATA search index.

    (PeopleTools > Search Framework > Search Admin Activity Guide > Administration > Schedule Search Index)

  3. Deploy the Incident Analytics Tile and Incident Analytics dashboard.

    (PeopleTools > Search Framework > Administration > Deploy Insights Dashboards)

    Note: The full index must be run before the dashboard can be deployed.

  4. Assign these user roles to administrators to access and view Incident Analytics visualizations:

    • Health and Safety ADM Fluid, which provides access to the Incident Analytics tile and dashboard.

    • Health & Safety Administrator, which provides access to incident data components, allowing users to view incident data presented on visualizations.

Real Time Index for Incident Analytics Visualizations

The HC_HS_INCIDENT_DATA (Incident Details) search index supports real time indexing (RTI) with PeopleTools version 8.59.10 or higher. When enabled, RTI allows real-time updates to the indexed data that is viewable in incident analytics.

For more information about Real Time Indexing, refer to PeopleTools Search Technology, "Administering Real Time Indexing."

This section lists the common elements and controls that are used in Insights analytics.

For more information on working with PeopleSoft Insights and filters, see PeopleTools: Search Technology, "Working with Insights Dashboards for PeopleSoft Application Data" documentation.

Search and Filter Options:

Note: Filtering options apply to all visualizations, which allows users to drill down on all the charts at once.



See saved queries icon (See saved queries)

Click to save the current query text and filters that you want to reuse in the future, or select an existing query to use to update the visualizations.

Search field

Enter a query to filter data, if applicable.

Change all filters icon (Change all filters), and + Add filter

Enter criteria to filter data on the visualizations. You can apply filters in a number of ways:

  • Enter queries in the Search field.

  • Use the + Add filter link to create filters using fields, operators and field values.

  • Use delivered filter fields.

  • Select a chart item from a visualization.

  • Use the filter options in the Incident Details grid to add or exclude items.

  • Use the legend to add or exclude items.

Added filters are displayed next to the + Add filter link for reference. For example, when you click a doughnut chart item, the filter is automatically added to your filters list. When you click the pie chart item for Injury type incidents in which employees were hospitalized, the system will prompt you to add the Primary Outcome: Injury and Treatment Received: Hospitalized filters since this item consists of more than one filter.

Click the Change all filters icon for a list of actions that can be performed on all filters, for example, disable them temporarily, remove them permanently, or invert inclusion (show data that does not meet filter criteria). Click a filter item for a list of similar actions that can be performed on it individually.

Calendar icon (Calendar) or Show dates

Select a different time period for the analytics. You can enter it manually, or choose from commonly used date ranges provided the system as well as recently used selections. When a new period is selected, all visualizations are refreshed automatically to reflect that change.

If you have selected a commonly used date range, for example, This month, or Week to date, click the Show dates link to view the approximate date period in relation to the current date. For example, the current date is November 1 and the selected date range is Year to date. Clicking the Show dates link displays ~ 10 months ago —> now, which indicates that the selected date range started from approximately 10 months ago and ends on the current date.

Regulatory Region, Location, and Establishment

Select to filter incident data by regulatory region, followed by location, then by establishment.

You must select a regulatory region before selecting a location. A location must be specified before you can filter data by establishment.

Visualization Options:

When you pause over a visualization, the Options and Legend (if applicable) icons are displayed on the top right and bottom corners respectively. Use them to inspect the chart or table and view the details of that visualization, and toggle the legend display.



Options icon (Options)

Pause over the Options icon to select one of these options:

  • Inspect: Select this option to have a slide out page appear providing the details in a grid format. You can also download data from this page.

  • Maximize panel or Minimize: Select Maximize panel to have the page display this visualization in full screen. Select Minimize to return to the dashboard and display all visualizations.

Legend icon (Toggle legend)

Click this icon to hide or display the legend for the chart, if available.

You can click an item in the legend to change its color, or add it as a filter (if applicable).

Chart item (bar, pie slice, and so forth)

Pause over a chart item, such as a bar item or pie slice, to view a summary of details for that item.

Select a chart item to add a filter for it to apply to all visualizations.

Use the Incident Analytics tile to access the Incident Analytics dashboard.


From the Workforce Administrator home page, select the Manage Health and Safety tile.

The Incident Analytics tile is located on the Manage Health and Safety Dashboard.

This example illustrates Incident Analytics tile.

Incident Analytics tile

The Incident Analytics tile displays the Incidents by Type visualization, which gives a snapshot of the distribution of incidents by incident type.

Click this tile to access the Incident Analytics Dashboard where you can use the visualizations provided to view and manipulate Health and Safety incident data.

Use the Incident Analytics dashboard to review and analyze incident data using visualizations.


Select the Incident Analytics tile.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Incident Analytics dashboard (1 of 3). This screenshot shows two filters in place, which has the visualizations display data for incidents that were created in the last 5 years for United States or Brazil with an associated location. It also shows the Options pop-up that will display when you click the Options icon of a visualization.

Incident Analytics Dashboard (1 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Incident Analytics dashboard (2 of 3). This screenshot shows the popup menu details that appear when you pause over a chart item.

Incident Analytics Dashboard (2 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Incident Analytics Dashboard (3 of 3). This screenshot shows incident details in tabular format.

Incident Analytics Dashboard (3 of 3)

Warning! PeopleSoft Insights dashboards may not render properly if you access them using unsupported platforms.

The Incident Analytics dashboard provides you with different visualizations to view and analyze incident data. For example, you can view the distribution of incidents by type, date, location, primary outcome, or treatment received. You can also see the number of days away from work and the number of cases reported as a result of the incidents. When you select filters or chart items, or modify the date range, PeopleSoft Insights dynamically updates all visualizations using the source from the index.

The dashboard uses role-level security to display permitted data to the user.

Important! For optimal performance, only the first 500 rows of data are displayed on the Insights dashboard. Use filters to refine the set of data you wish to visualize using the dashboard.



Incidents by Type

This donut chart visualization displays the number of incidents in percentage by incident type. The chart displays the top 20 incident types (based on frequency).

Incidents by Date

This vertical bar chart visualization displays the number of incidents by incident date.

Incidents by Location

This horizontal bar chart visualization displays the number of incidents by location.

Incident Types

This tag cloud visualization displays incident type terms included in the index. Clicking an incident type term refreshes all visualizations to show the information of incidents specific to the selected type, which is the same result you see when selecting the ring area for that same incident type in the Incidents by Type visualization. The larger the term’s font size, the higher the number of incidents that belong that incident type.

Reportable Cases

This visualization displays two gauges: one shows the total number of incidents, and the other one shows the total count of incident injuries or illnesses that are reportable for employees.

Incident injuries or illnesses are set as reportable to the authority (for example, OSHA for the USA regulatory region), by selecting the Reportable Case option on the Injury Details - Reporting Page.

If more than one employee is involved in an incident, the Incident Details grid displays a row for each employee. The Reportable Case column shows either Reportable or Not Reportable based on the selection of the Reportable Case option on the Reporting page. If no employees are involved in an incident, the grid displays one row the incident, and the row will not show any employee or injury/illness data.


This visualization displays two key information: one shows the total number of incident injuries or illnesses that are classified as work-related for employees, and the other is the total number of days employees were away from work as a result of those work-related cases.

Incident injuries or illnesses are set as work-related by selecting the Work-Related option on the Injury Details - Work-Related Page.

Primary Outcome and Treatment Received

This pie chart visualization displays two levels of metrics. The pie area represents the distribution of incidents by primary outcome and the ring area displays the treatment method of the corresponding pie slice. There can be more than one primary outcome for an incident if multiple people are involved. In this scenario, you can refer to the Incident Details grid for more information, such as the people involved in the incident, the primary outcome of the incident for them, and so forth.

Incident Details

The Incident Details grid lists the incident data, which is presented in visualizations, in a tabular format.

Field or Control


Sort column heading

(Sort column heading)

Click a column heading to sort grid rows by the column value in ascending or descending order.

Filter for value icon (Filter for value) and Filter out value icon (Filter out value)

These filter icons appear when you pause next to a field value. These icons are available for all column values in the grid, and provide a quick way to add filters to the analytics.

Click the Filter for value (+ magnify glass) icon to add the shown field value as a filter to all visualizations. For example, if you click to filter for the Accident incident type value, all visualizations will refresh to show data for incidents that belong to the Accident type.

Click the Filter out value (- magnify glass) icon to remove the shown field value from the filter process for all visualizations. For example, if you click to filter out the Exposure value in the Incident Type column, visualizations will refresh to show incidents for any type except Exposure.

Filters can be removed from the Filters area at the top of the page.


Click to access the corresponding incident in a new browser window or tab.

See Entering Health and Safety Incident Details.

Note: If you update the incident information of an employee using the Incident Details or Injury Details component, you need to rebuild the index for the changes to be reflected in the analytics. However, changes will be updated in the index in real time when RTI is enabled.

See the Real Time Index for Incident Analytics Visualizations section in this topic for the index that is RTI-enabled for the Incident dashboard.

Raw or Formatted

Click to export data from the grid into a .csv file format.