PeopleSoft Payroll for North America Selected Reports

This topic provides detailed information on selected individual reports listed alphabetically by report ID.

This report lists the direct deposit transactions, sorted by advice number. It includes:

  • Check date for each advice.

  • Net amount deposited.

  • Employee name and ID.

  • Employee department information.

  • Pay group.

  • Employee choice for delivery address.

The report totals the advice amounts at the company level and prints a grand total of all companies reported.

Use this report to identify accounts that were closed during RITS interface processing. For the accounts identified, you must:

  • Process a Personnel Action Request to change the SCD-Retire.

  • Print the OPM Form 1514.

  • Generate an IRR.

The system defines deductions and all nontaxable amounts that are subtracted from employee pay. If the current deduction amount contains adjustments for refunds, amounts paid in arrears, or amounts excluded, the report lists them in separate columns and provides column totals. The report includes:

  • Totals for month-to-date (MTD), QTD, and YTD deductions, sorted by employee.

  • Grand total for the pay period.

  • Goal amounts.

The report lists each deduction type on a separate page and the cumulative totals on the last page.

This report groups the employees by pay group and provides totals, sorted by department ID. It provides totals at the company, pay period, and pay group levels on the last page and a grand total for all paychecks. The report inserts page breaks after each pay group. For each employee listed, the report includes:

  • Check date and number.

  • Hours worked.

  • Earnings.

  • Gross and net amounts of the check.

Note: The check number appears only if you run the report after confirmation. Before confirmation, you do not see a check number.

The report further groups the number of hours worked and the associated earnings into regular, overtime, and other pay types. It contains a column for the gross amount of the check and the net amount.

There are also columns reducing the gross amount by tax type and each separate deduction. Each net amount is labeled with the type of payment document given to employee:

  • Check (C)

  • Direct deposit advice (A)

This report includes the following information about checks:

  • Date.

  • Amount.

  • Name of payee employee.

  • Employee ID.

  • Department name and ID.

  • Location name and ID.

  • Pay group.

  • Address option for the employee.

Each company in the organization has its own register page. The report totals the check amounts and number of checks that are written by the company and includes a grand total for all companies included in the report.

This report provides totals at the cost center level. In the cost center, the report lists employee name and ID and the hours and earnings that are represented in the current pay period.

The hours and earnings are further grouped into regular, overtime, and other types, including a total earnings column for each employee line.

This report includes each Other Earnings type on a separate page and totals, sorted by hours and amounts. It groups earnings information by pay periods for each company in the organization, and it groups pay periods by pay groups. Under each earnings type, the report lists the names and ID numbers of employees in employee ID order. It includes amounts and hours for the current pay period and sorted by MTD, QTD, and YTD totals. The report includes a grand total of hours and amounts for the following:

  • All earnings types for the pay group.

  • Pay period.

  • Company.

  • All companies.

This report includes the type of deduction and the associated benefit plan type for each employee affected. A balance column displays the amount still due in arrears. The report includes totals for the following:

  • The deduction listed.

  • All deductions for the company.

  • All companies in the report.

For each employee, this report lists:

  • Pay group.

  • Deduction name and code.

  • Amount omitted.

If this amount is in arrears, the report displays a Y in the Added to Arrears column and the new total of the arrears amount for that employee.

The report also includes the number and date of the check affected. It provides totals for the following:

  • All deductions not taken in the pay period.

  • Each company.

  • All companies (grand total).

The system creates paysheets in a batch process, during which it scans all employee records and selects the ones that it must pay in the pay period that you specify. For each set of applicable employee records that it finds, it creates a payline displaying payroll information.

You can view the results of this process online or print them (usually on a preprinted form). You might want to modify this report for your organization's unique needs. Specify the paysheet contents on Pay Group Table pages 4−6 and Payroll Data pages 1−2. Each payline consists of information, such as:

  • Amount or hours of regular pay.

  • Job data such as department, location, and job code.

  • Additional pay.

  • Tax information.

For each page, the system creates a paysheet balance, which counts total number of paylines, total number of regular hours, and total amount of regular pay.

For each employee listed, this report sorts the unprocessed hours and earnings by regular, overtime, and other earnings. It provides totals for the following:

  • Pay group.

  • Pay period.

  • Each company.

  • All companies (grand total).

If the system encounters errors during processing, it creates a message describing the condition causing the error. The system displays Check Messages!!! and stores the message for viewing online or in a printed report. The report includes the messages, sorted by company, for all pay groups in a pay period. It includes the following information in employee ID order:

  • Employee name and ID.

  • Department ID.

  • Page and line.

  • Separate check indicator.

  • Message ID number and its text.

The system prompts you for the employee name. You can specify any number of employees. This report includes the following information for each employee:

  • Employee name and ID.

  • Date hired.

  • Date rehired.

  • Service date.

  • Termination date.

  • Leave return date.

  • Status.

  • Regular or temporary.

  • Full-time or part-time.

  • Fair Labor Standards Act status.

  • Employee type.

If the job action dates do not apply to the selected employee, the column remains blank. The report includes the following job information:

  • Job code and title.

  • Department name and ID.

Earnings information includes:

  • Pay group.

  • Pay rate.

  • Monthly rate.

  • Annual rate.

  • Earnings code.

  • Earnings for the current month, QTD, and YTD.

The report lists earnings codes separately and as total amounts.

This report includes the following job information:

  • Job code and title.

  • Department name and ID.

  • Business unit.

Earnings information includes:

  • Pay group.

  • Pay rate.

  • Monthly rate.

  • Annual rate.

  • Earnings code.

  • Earnings for the current month, QTD, and YTD.

The earnings display balances across all wage loss plans and provinces. The report lists earnings codes separately and as total amounts.

Each employee appears on a separate page and includes the following information:

  • Pay period end date.

  • Department ID.

  • Check and advice numbers written in the quarter.

  • Hours and earnings for regular, overtime, and other earnings.

  • Gross pay amounts.

  • Federal and provincial tax types and amounts.

  • Deduction amounts and their codes.

  • Net pay for the quarter.

A new page starts for each different employee, but an employee might have multiple pages, depending on the volume of data.

Report details are the same as PAY014 - Employee Earnings Record report.

Note: Use the Calendar Year and Quarter fields on the Tax Reporting Parameters page to determine the period of data to include.

Use PAY015A and PAY015B to perform check reconciliation.

See Reconciling Checks.

Use PAY015A and PAY015B to perform check reconciliation.

See Reconciling Checks.

This report summarizes, on separate pages, information about:

  • Paycheck amounts.

  • Regular earnings amounts.

  • Special accumulator amounts.

  • Employee deduction amounts.

  • Employer contribution amounts.

  • Employee and employer tax amounts.

  • Other earnings amounts.

Adjusted balance information is reported on separate pages in the following order:

  1. Checks.

  2. Earnings and special accumulators.

  3. Deductions.

  4. Garnishments.

  5. Taxes.

  6. (CAN) ROE insurable earnings and hours.

  7. 7. Arrears

This report includes the following accounting line information:

  • Line description.

  • General ledger account and department ID.

  • Check number.

  • Payroll check date and foreign amount.

  • General ledger monetary amount.

  • Payroll and general ledger currency codes.

  • Conversion rate multiplier and divisor.

You must first run the PAYGL01 process.

This report includes the following information for each tip establishment:

  • To-date totals for gross receipts (if tip allocation method is gross receipts).

  • Direct tips.

  • Indirect tips.

  • Allocation base.

  • Direct tipped allocation base.

  • Total shortfall.

  • Total allocation.

  • Tip hours (if tip allocation method is hours).

  • Employee count.

For each employee, this report includes:

Hours or receipts and the reported tips used to calculate the allocated tips.

  • YTD allocated tips.

  • Previously allocated tips.

  • Current allocated tips.

The report includes subtotals for each establishment and a grand total for the company.

This report is similar to PAY110CN, except that it groups employees by hourly, salaried, and other pay types. For each type, it totals:

  • Employees in the group and their regular gross pay.

  • Overtime pay.

  • Hours paid.

  • Overtime hours paid.

The first part of this report applies to the last pay period of the month. In the second part, it includes information for the complete month at the bottom of the page and includes details about irregular payments, total payroll, and employees absent without pay. It further sorts the irregular payments and employees absent without pay by payment type and employee category, respectively.

Based on the date range or pay run ID that you enter when requesting the report, this report includes the following information, sorted by province:

  • Number of employees.

  • Employees' total unlimited assessable earnings.

  • Total assessed earnings.

  • Assessment rate.

  • Assessment amount.

  • Any limits that apply.

If there are employees who exceed the limit, the report includes the total number with the total amount of their excess earnings.

In accordance with WCB requirements, this report excludes certain employees, based on the status of their officer code in the Job record. For the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island, employees whose officer code is other than N (none) are excluded. For Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec, employees with an officer code of D (director) and C (chairman) are excluded.

This program creates the BPS EDR file for transmission to Statistics Canada, as well as the BPS Summary report for your reference.

Create this file for each reference month only after the corresponding Pay Confirmation process is complete for all pay periods that are associated with that reference month.

PAY110CN is similar to PAY100CN, with the exception that PAY110CN groups employees into teaching staff, nonteaching staff, and supply or substitute teachers (rather than hourly, salaried, and other employees).

The Create Record of Employment SQR Report process (PAY124CN) creates ROE data for all employees who had, during the specified date range, a change in employee job status requiring an ROE. It generates entries in the ROE Data 1 and 2 pages for your review and makes updates as applicable.

This process does not produce a printed report unless the system generates an exception message, in which case the system produces an exception report.

Provides a list of employees based on the ROE process status indicated on the run control page. The report will contain the deleted ROEs if the Delete ROEs check box is selected.

This program produces an exception report of potential errors detected during the ROE Print process. The errors will not prevent the corresponding ROE forms from being processed. However, it is your responsibility to review the exceptions after each run of the ROE Print program, to ensure that all errors have been resolved prior to printing the ROE forms in Final Print mode.

Details of this report are discussed with the business process.

See Administering Canada Payroll Savings Programs.

This report lists valid general deduction codes and their effective dates. It includes:

  • Calculation type code for each deduction.

  • Flat rate or percentage.

  • Special accumulator code.

  • Employee pay frequency.

  • Additional flat deduction amount.

This report includes:

  • Each deduction plan type, its description, and effective date.

  • Codes that determine how the system handles deductions during payroll processing.

This report comes in two parts; you must request each report separately by ID number. PAY705A contains processing and GL information for deduction classes. PAY705B contains the effect of deduction classes on taxes.

This report lists the shifts for each Earnings table ID. It includes:

  • Date on which the shift became effective.

  • Flag indicating whether you must specify the rate and factor at the employee level.

  • Shift rate and factor.

  • Shift time in hours and minutes.

Lists information from the Pay Group table.

Note: (CAN) For Canadian reports, the three-digit bank ID is reported in the Bank Transit # field and the branch ID is reported in the Bank Branch field.

This report comes in three parts:

  • PAY712A: Lists selected tax effects related to earnings.

  • PAY712B: Lists selected tax effects related to earnings.

  • PAY712C: Contains the Canadian requirements for earnings types.

For every ChartField mapping, this report includes:

  • Company

  • HR Business Unit

  • Mapping Level

  • Effective Date

  • ChartFields

  • Line description

The primary page break for this report is check date, because it usually determines when you must deposit the taxes. For each check date, the report includes taxable gross amounts and taxes, sorted by taxing jurisdiction. Federal taxes are first, followed by states and localities. There are separate sections for withholding, FICA and disability, and unemployment amounts on this report. It lists employee contributions to unemployment insurance separately, with a tax type of UI-EE. The report lists special employer unemployment taxes—such as the medical Security Tax in Massachusetts and Louisiana's special assessment—separately under the Unemployment columns of the report, with a tax type of UI-SP.

This report includes:

  • Income tax

  • Payroll tax

  • Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

  • Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)

  • EI deductions

  • Quebec Parental Insurance Plan premiums (QPIP)

  • Total remittance amounts

This report includes:

  • Company name and address.

  • Location name and address.

  • Count of employees working at each worksite.

  • Total wages paid at each worksite.

  • Employee and wage totals are for the quarter. The report extracts employee information that is related to the tax location code.

For each taxing locality, this report lists:

  • Employee counts.

  • Taxable gross amount.

  • Tax withheld.

It lists separately employees paying resident and nonresident taxes, providing a total for each.

The report also includes taxes withheld for residents working in other taxing jurisdictions. Ohio taxing authorities apply credit for work tax paid to the residence tax liability (up to the rate of the residence tax). The report lists these work credits by locality name and includes the work tax rate. The report displays an asterisk next to the work tax rate if it exceeds the residence locality rate. In this case, the system calculates the credit based on the residence rate.

A summary line includes:

  • Total taxable gross for the locality.

  • Calculated tax based on the residence tax rate.

  • Actual tax withheld.

  • Total credit amount.

  • Sum of actual tax withheld and credits.

  • The calculated tax should be within pennies of the withheld tax and credits.

This is an exception report; that is, it lists only employees whose balances are not equal to the sum of the detail records. The report includes:

  • Tax class.

  • Balance type.

  • Payline detail sum.

  • QTD balance.

  • Discrepancy between the balance and the detail sum.

Note: (E&G) Select the Include 1042 Balances check box on the Tax Balance Audit run control page to include 1042 tax balances in the TAX015 audit process.

No employees should be listed on this report. If they appear, investigate the source of the discrepancy immediately. TAX015, which you can run for any quarter of any year, is not restricted to a pay run ID or pay calendar, but runs across all companies.

When you hire an employee using PeopleSoft HCM, the system automatically sets up the following Tax records for the employee:

  • Federal

  • State

  • Local

The system uses information, such as the employees' home address and job location from their Personal Data and Job Data records, as the default in their Tax Data records, with a tax status of single and withholding allowances of zero (for state and local data only; allowance is not used in federal tax). As a safeguard against incorrect default data slipping through unchecked, you can run SQR TAX016 - Employees Default Tax Data. This report identifies which employees have such default data in their Tax records. The report reviews records from a date range that you specify.

When you hire someone for a 1099-R company using PeopleSoft HCM, the system automatically sets up tax records for the payee. Run TAX016A as a safeguard against incorrect default data slipping through unchecked.

When you hire someone using PeopleSoft HCM, the system automatically sets up Income Tax Data records for that employee. Run TAX016CN as a safeguard against incorrect default data slipping through unchecked.

In the case of an employee who, for reasons such as termination, stops being paid during a quarter in which a tax rate change later occurs, you might need to adjust the tax in the Balance record, because the quarterly tax should have been based on the later rate. Employees who continue to be paid throughout the quarter are self-adjusting.

The report lists, for employees whose balances are not what they should be:

  • Current YTD, QTD, and latest MTD employer unemployment tax balances.

  • Amounts of the adjustments.

  • Adjusted balance amounts.

If you run the SQR in R (report only) mode, the system performs the verification only, without actually updating system balances. To update the balances, run the report in U (update and report) mode.

This report lists the tax withholding information for employees and payees (in 1099-R companies). Run TAX019 to verify that the tax withholding data is correct.

For each employee listed, the report includes:

  • Employee ID.

  • Name.

  • Effective date of the exemption.

  • Department information.

  • Social security number.

  • Federal taxable gross YTD earnings.

  • Number of allowances.

  • Special federal withholding tax status.

  • Election of additional federal withholding.

Lists all employees whose Canadian or Quebec Tax Data records indicate that they are exempt from income tax withholding, exempt from unemployment insurance payments, exempt from Quebec Parental Insurance Plan premiums, or have fewer than 12 months subject to Canada or Quebec Pension Plan contributions.

Canadian employers use this annual report with private income replacement plans. These employers pay EI premiums at a reduced rate and, by law, must pass at least 5/12 of the premium reduction along to employees, either as cash or in the form of increased benefits.

For each employer wage loss plan for which the premium rate differs from the standard employer rate, rebates the system calculates rebates as follows:

Employee's YTD EI premium × (standard rate − employer rate) × 5/12

For each employee, the report includes:

  • Employee rate and premium.

  • Employer rate and premium.

  • Calculated employee rebate amount.

This report provides monthly or pay period reporting totals as specified in the report request parameters. It inserts page breaks after each company.

The Arizona Tax Percentage Update SQR process (TAX516AZ) is a special process that assists in implementing Arizona state income tax withholding rate changes. It inserts new effective-dated employee tax data records with the required new Arizona withholding percentages for employees subject to Arizona withholding tax.

The process updates employee tax data records for employees who meet all of the following conditions:

  • Are currently subject to Arizona state withholding tax.

  • Are not terminated (PS_JOB.ACTION = TER) prior to the TAX516AZ.SQR run date.

  • Have an Arizona withholding percentage rate that was valid prior to the Arizona withholding percentage rate changes.

You can run TAX516AZ in audit mode or update mode. The process creates a TAX516AZ.LIS audit or update report. The report lists the employee ID, company, name, the effective-date of the new employee tax data record (if updated), prior percent of FWT, new percent of taxable gross, and any error conditions. The rows newly inserted into State_Tax_Data reflect the process run date.

There are three possible entries in the Errors column:

  • Error: FED and ST tax row EFFDT not equal - No Update. This message indicates that the process could not find FEDERAL_TAX_DATA and STATE_TAX_DATA record with corresponding effective dates.

    This error condition occurs in cases where the files are out of sync and should be investigated.

  • Error: Existing AZ Tax Percent Invalid - No Update.

    The process could not determine the appropriate percentage to change.

  • Informational Message: Found tax row dated => Eff Date. Updated.

    The process has encountered a future-dated AZ row. If the data passes the above edits, it will be updated with the new percentages.

TAX5162T was provided to implement the new two-tiered federal supplemental tax rates in tax year 2005. You can also use it if you did not specify the supplemental payment special accumulator for all supplemental earnings codes and must correct the balances.

Note: As a prerequisite to running this report, you must create a special accumulator code to store each employee's taxable gross for supplemental payments. Enter this special accumulator on the Earnings Table - Special Process page with T selected in the Effect on Special Balance field for each earnings code identified as using the supplemental tax method.

TAX5162T relies on the special accumulator for supplemental payments to determine the taxable gross (as opposed to the total gross) amounts from confirmed payments of supplemental wages. It populates the to-date balances of the special accumulator by overriding existing period-to-date balance amounts with the cumulative period-to-date taxable gross portions of supplemental wage payments.

Note: The TAX5162T process cannot determine the taxable gross if supplemental payments were issued as part of the employee's regular paycheck. In this case, it updates the special accumulator with the total gross rather than the taxable gross.

TAX5162T produces a report to document the override to the special accumulator. From the run control page, run the process in either audit or update mode.

  • Audit mode creates a preliminary report that you can review for accuracy.

    Audit mode does not update the database.

  • Update mode updates the special accumulator balances in the database.

    Run the program only once in update mode. If previously calculated but unconfirmed payrolls exist, rerun the Pay Calculation process with the calculation option Recalculate All Checks selected so that the new special accumulator balances are accessed.

The output is produced in the electronic/magnetic media format. It can be copied to diskette, tape, or cartridge before filing, and some states allow the file to be submitted electronically. Some states use the TAX860XX format, which creates the file using the EFW2 format.

The state-specific versions of the reports have self-explanatory prompts. You can specify the calendar year and quarter on the Define Tax Reporting Parameters page, found under the Quarterly Processing menu.

Where applicable, choose between the TAX810XX and TAX860XX formats from the choices displayed in the process list that appears after you select the Run button on the run control page.

Use the TAX815XX and TAX816XX process to create electronic files and reports for Paid Family and Medical Leave quarterly reporting.

Use the Qtrly Wage - Eugene SQR process (TAX870EU) to create the electronic file and print the corresponding Oregon-Eugene Quarterly Wage Report.

This report prints the following information for employees who reside in the specified area:

  • Employee name.

  • SIN.

  • Total remuneration.

  • Taxable remuneration.

  • Tax withheld.

Total remuneration in the report is set to True T4 Total Gross YTD. A company total appears at the end of the report.

Employees who are exempted from payroll tax at the end of the report year do not appear in the report, even if their Tax Balance records indicate nonzero YTD tax or YTD taxable gross. An employee is exempted from payroll tax if the Payroll Tax Exempt check box in the employee's Canadian Income Tax Data record is selected.

You normally run this report at year-end, but you can run it at other times for data verification purposes.

The report prints the following information for the annual total remuneration of B.C. employees:

  • Company.

  • Description.

  • Payroll account number.

  • Total T4 slips.

  • T4 Box 14 total remuneration.

  • Total T4A slips.

  • T4A total taxable benefits.

  • Company total.

The payroll account number in the report is associated with each individual company and used when filing employees’ payroll information.

The total T4 slips represent the number of year-end T4 slips for employees in B.C. by company and payroll account number.

The T4 Box 14 total remuneration reports the total income reported in the total T4 slips for B.C. employees by company and payroll account number.

The total T4A slips represent the number of year-end T4A slips containing amounts in Box 118 and/or 119 for employees in B.C. by company and payroll account number.

The T4A total taxable benefits report the taxable benefits reported in all T4A slips for B.C. employees by company and payroll account number.

The total for each company appears after every company on the report.

This report is normally run after the final year-end slips have been filed, but it can be run after amended or canceled year-end slips have been closed for B.C. employees.