Working with Portfolios

To begin using the analysis features in the portfolios section, you must already have created and updated multiple projects. Begin your work in the portfolios section by creating and configuring at least one portfolio. It's also possible for another user to create one and share it with you. Over time, your team will create additional portfolios and views in order to perform comparative analysis, obtain status, and perform other operations.

When creating a portfolio, decide whether you want to hand pick the projects that it will comprise, or if you want the application to create and periodically update the set of projects in your portfolio based on your filter criteria. Either way, you can change these settings at any time.

Note: An administrative option is available to increase or decrease the refresh interval for filtered portfolios. A portfolio will be refreshed when you view its projects in either a dashboard or portfolio view, if it has not been refreshed within the interval specified in the Filter Portfolio Stale Period on the Data Limits page of the Application Settings page.

Related Topics

Creating Portfolios

Opening Portfolios

Creating Projects While Working with Portfolios

Creating Projects in a Portfolio View Scorecard Portlet

Creating Projects on the Portfolio Analysis Page

Assigning Projects to a Portfolio

Defining Performance Thresholds

About Portfolios

Portfolio Views

About What-if Analysis

Capacity Planning

Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024