Defining Performance Thresholds

To help you assess the relative performance, earned value, index calculations, and other metrics for a WBS, project, or portfolio, you can set performance thresholds. These thresholds capture the current calculations, variances, and metrics and re-route them into one of four ranges or "buckets" as follows:

To define your own performance thresholds:

  1. Click the User menu and select My Preferences.
  2. On the My Preferences page, click Global tab.
  3. On the Global tab:
    1. Expand the Performance Threshold section and then expand Performance, Earned Value, and Index.
    2. For each parameter, shown with its color-coded visual indicator, enter a threshold value. For lists, select a value from the list.
    3. Click Save and Close.


If any logical constraints are not satisfied by your selections, a message appears at the top of the page. For example, if you set a warning to 25 days late, a critical threshold cannot be set to 10 days late; logical constraints require that critical thresholds be greater than warning thresholds. Correct the thresholds and try saving again.

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Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024