Opening Portfolios

When working in the portfolios section of the application, it is important to open only the project group you want to include in the various work areas. You can specify these project groupings by EPS, portfolio, or project code. You can open a portfolio in any of the following ways:

To open a portfolio:

  1. Click the Portfolios menu and choose Open Portfolio.
  2. In the Open Portfolio dialog box
    1. Select a grouping method on the Organize By list.
    2. Expand the resulting groups to select the entry representing the projects you want to open collectively as a portfolio.
    3. Click Open.


Related Topics

Working with Portfolios

Creating Portfolios

Creating Projects While Working with Portfolios

Creating Projects in a Portfolio View Scorecard Portlet

Creating Projects on the Portfolio Analysis Page

Assigning Projects to a Portfolio

Defining Performance Thresholds

Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024