Importing Asset Transaction Data by Spreadsheet

This topic provides an overview of the Import Data by Spreadsheet process and discusses how to import asset transaction data into Asset Management using this process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Spreadsheet Template Page


Use this page to define spreadsheet template parameters and generate the template (which you will use to populate with your asset transaction data).

Upload Spreadsheet Data Page


Use this page to audit and review asset transaction data stored in the CSV file, and load the data to the Asset Management interface tables.

Financial Transaction Page


Use this page to review asset transaction data in the INTFC_FIN table.

Physical Transaction Page


Use this page to review asset transaction data in the INTFC_PHY_A table.

The Import Data by Spreadsheet process enables you to enter asset transaction data offline using a spreadsheet application and Comma Separated Values (CSV) file, then import the transaction data into Asset Management tables. Using the Import Data by Spreadsheet process you can:

  • Add capitalized and non capitalized assets

  • Add capitalized assets with accumulated depreciation

  • Transfer assets between business units (interunit transfer)

  • Transfer assets from one asset category to another (recatagorization)

  • Transfer ChartFields

  • Adjust asset cost (upward and downward adjustment)

  • Adjust asset cost by amount

  • Adjust accumulated depreciation

  • Retire assets

  • Create ARO conversions

  • Create initial ARO measurements

Delivered Spreadsheet Templates

The Define Spreadsheet Template page provides you with the framework and fields necessary to generate an individualized CSV file you can use to input your asset transaction data. PeopleSoft delivers spreadsheet templates tailored to these transactions:

  • Adding capitalized and non capitalized assets

  • Adding capitalized assets with accumulated depreciation

  • Transferring assets between business units (interunit transfer)

  • Transferring assets from one asset category to another (recatagorization)

  • Transferring ChartFields

  • Adjusting asset cost (upward and downward adjustment)

  • Adjusting asset cost by amount

  • Adjusting accumulated depreciation of assets

  • Retiring assets

  • Creating ARO conversions

  • Creating initial ARO measurements

The following sections provide examples of the fields available for use with each delivered spreadsheet template.

Adding Capitalized Assets Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Add Assets Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Add Assets)

Adding Non Capitalized Assets Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Add Non Capitalized Assets Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Add Non Capitalized Assets)

Adding Capitalized Assets with Accumulated Depreciation Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Add Assets with Accumulated Depreciation Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Add Assets with Accumulated Depreciation)

Transferring Assets Between Business Units (Interunit Transfer) Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Inter-Unit Transfer Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Inter-Unit Transfer)

Transferring ChartFields Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Transfer Assets Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Chartfield Transfer)

Recategorizing Assets Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Recategorize Asset Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Recatagorize Asset)

Adjusting Asset Cost Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Adjust Asset Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Adjust Asset)

Adjusting Asset Cost by Amount Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Asset Cost Adjustment by Amount Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Asset Cost Adjustment by Amount)

Adjusting Accumulated Depreciation of assets Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Adjust Accumulated Depreciation Template

Spreadsheet Template Page (Adjust Accum Depr)

Retiring Assets Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Retire Assets Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Retire Assets)

The Retirement Convention field is not required. If you do not provide a value for this field in the CSV file, the value automatically defaults from the asset profile. If you provide a value for this field, it overrides the value from the asset profile.

Creating ARO Conversion Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Create ARO Conversion Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Create ARO Conversion)

Creating Initial ARO Measurement Using the Delivered Spreadsheet Template

Create ARO Measurement Spreadsheet Template

Define Spreadsheet Template Page (Create ARO Measurement)

Follow these steps to import asset transaction data into Asset Management using the Import Data by Spreadsheet process:

  1. Define spreadsheet template parameters and generate the CSV file.

    See Define Spreadsheet Template Page

  2. Populate the CSV File with your asset transaction data.

  3. Review asset transaction data stored in the CSV file and load the data to the Asset Management interface tables (INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A).

    See Upload Spreadsheet Data Page

  4. Review asset transaction data stored in the Asset Management interface tables.


    Financial Transaction Page

    Physical Transaction Page

  5. Run the Transaction Loader Edit Process. (existing process)

    See Edit Page

  6. Run Transaction Loader process. (existing process)

    See Load into AM Page

  7. Review final assets using pages such as the General Information, Cost History, and ARO Measurement. (existing pages)


    General Information Page

    Cost History Page

    ARO Measurement Page

Use the Define Spreadsheet Template page (AM_TEMPLATE) to define spreadsheet template parameters and generate the template (which you will use to populate with your asset transaction data).


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Import Spreadsheet Setup > Define AM Spreadsheet Template > Define Spreadsheet Template

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Spreadsheet Template page.

Define Spreadsheet Template page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Spreadsheet Template page.

Define Spreadsheet Template page (2 of 2)

Field or Control


Template ID

Displays the Template ID.


Enter a description for the template CSV file.

This value will appear in the file name of the CSV file.


Displays the asset transaction type for the spreadsheet template.

PeopleSoft provides three transaction types from which to choose:

  • Asset Addition (add capitalized assets)

  • Asset Addition With Accum Depr (add capitalized assets with accumulated depreciation)

  • Non Capitalized Asset Addition

  • ARO Conversion

  • ARO Measurement (create initial ARO measurement)

  • Asset Retirement

  • Adjust Accumulated Depr

  • Asset Cost Adjustment with %

  • Asset Cost Adjustment by Amt

  • Asset Recategorization

  • Interunit Transfer

  • Transfer Assets

View Template Audit

Click this link to view the Template Audit page and review Created by/Created on and Updated by/Updated on information for the template.

Note: This link does not appear until after you create the template.

View/Download Template

Click this link to view or save the CSV template.

If you are using Google Chrome as your web browser, you must download the file before you can view it.

Note: This link does not appear until after you create the template.

Asset Fields

Use the Asset Fields group box to select columns to appear in the spreadsheet and define the column order. PeopleSoft required columns are automatically selected and cannot be altered.

Field or Control


Column Sequence

Enter a numerical value for the column sequence. This value will provide the column order in the CSV file.

Note: PeopleSoft required fields are prepopulated with column sequence values and you cannot alter these values.

Field Name/Field Long Name

Displays the column name and long name.


This option indicates which columns are required by PeopleSoft.

You cannot alter this option.


Select this option to activate non required columns. Selected columns will appear in the generated CSV file.

Create Template

Click this button to create the spreadsheet template—a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file—based on the parameters you defined on this page.

This process runs the ‘AM_ATT’ application engine, creates the CSV file, and stores the file in the PV_ATT_DB_SRV table.

The CSV file name is automatically prefixed with ‘AM_TEMPLATE_’ for your convenience.

Note: Once you run the Create Template process, the View Template Audit and View/Download Template links appear, and the fields in the Asset Fields group box become unavailable for edit.

Delete Template

Click this button to delete the spreadsheet template and corresponding template CSV file from the file repository system.

You cannot delete the template if it is being used in an Upload Spreadsheet Data run control that has not been processed. To delete the template, you must first complete the Upload Spreadsheet Data process.

Note: This button does not appear during initial template creation; it appears only after you save the template and refresh the page.

Use the Upload Spreadsheet Data page (AM_LOAD_RQST) to audit and review asset transaction data stored in the CSV file, and load the data to the Asset Management interface tables.


Asset Management > Send/Receive Information > Import Data via Spreadsheet > Upload Spreadsheet Data > Upload Spreadsheet Data

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Upload Spreadsheet Data page.

Upload Spreadsheet Data Page

Field or Control



Click to run the ‘AM_LOAD’ application engine and load asset transaction data in the CSV file to the Asset Management interface tables INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A.

You cannot run this process if there are error rows in the CSV file, or when the assets being uploaded are mixed approval—that is, some assets require approval and others do not. A validation error will be displayed to indicate this.

Template ID

Select a template ID for the run control.

The template determines what information displays in the View Spreadsheet Data grid.

Select Import File

Field or Control


View Import Data

Select this option to display asset transaction data from the CSV file in the View Spreadsheet Data group box (after you have imported the file).

Error data will automatically display in the View Spreadsheet Data group box, even if you do not select this option.

Select File

Click to import the CSV file you created using the Define Spreadsheet Template page. When you click the Select File button, the File Attachment pagelet appears and enables you to navigate to your CSV file.

After selecting the file, click Upload. The system performs a data integrity check on the CSV file and flags errors such as decimal precision, blank fields, currency codes, and so forth. If an error is detected, the row displays within the View Spreadsheet Data group box and is flagged with an error icon. You cannot run the upload process until the error is corrected.

Note: The file chosen for upload must be a Comma Separated Values file and should be populated with your asset transaction data.

Import File Name

Displays the name of the CSV file you imported.

Row Count

Displays the number of rows contained in the CSV file you imported.

Error Count

Displays the number of error rows in the CSV file you imported.

Run Options

Field or Control


Interface ID

Displays the interface ID.

You can override this value with another if you choose.

Note: If you reuse an existing run control ID with the same Interface ID, the AM_LOAD process overwrites the interface data from the previous run.

Auto Approval

Select this option to automatically approve interface lines for the Transaction Loader process.

View Spreadsheet Data

Use this group box to review asset transaction data from the CSV file you have imported. The group box displays detailed asset information, such as asset ID and location, along with related ChartField and cost information. You can also view whether approvals are required for each asset.

In addition, if a data integrity error is detected in the CSV file, the row is flagged with an error icon and displays here. You cannot run the upload process until the error is corrected. To review detailed error information for a row, click an error icon. Clicking the error icon enables you to access the View Spreadsheet Error page and view error information for the row:

View Spreadsheet Error pagelet

View Spreadsheet Error Page

Use the information on the View Spreadsheet Error page as an aid in correcting data in your CSV file.

Note: This group box does not display on the page until you select the View Import Data option and import the CSV file. However, if a data integrity error is detected in the CSV file, the row displays here regardless of whether you have selected the View Import Data option.

Use the Financial Transaction page (INTFC_FIN_SS) to review asset transaction data in the INTFC_FIN table (after running the ‘AM_LOAD’ process and uploading CSV file data to Asset Management interface tables).


Asset Management > Send/Receive Information > Import Data via Spreadsheet > View Financial & Physical Data > Financial Transaction

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Transaction page.

Financial Transaction Page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Transaction page.

Financial Transaction Page (2 of 2)

Information on this page is display only.

Use the Physical Transaction page (INTFC_PHY_A_SS) to review asset transaction data in the INTFC_PHY_A table (after running the ‘AM_LOAD’ process and uploading CSV file data to Asset Management).


Asset Management > Send/Receive Information > Import Data via Spreadsheet > View Financial & Physical Data > Physical Transaction

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Physical Transaction page.

Physical Transaction Page (1 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Physical Transaction page.

Physical Transaction Page (2 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Physical Transaction page.

Physical Transaction Page (3 of 3)

Information on this page is display only.