Working with Related Content in Asset Management

This topic provides an overview of related content and discusses how to access Asset Management related information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Related Content Service Page


Create and manage service definitions.

Manage Related Content for Content References Page


Manage related content and related action configurations for content references.

Configure Related Content – Assign Related Content


Assign the related content service ID to the application component.

General Information Page (Basic Add)


Asset Basic Add component.

Cost History List Page


Review Cost component.

Asset Depreciation - Asset Page


Asset Depreciation component.

Review Reversal Transaction Page


Review Transaction Reversal component.

Using PeopleSoft Related Content Services Framework, you can configure services to appear on component pages without customizing PeopleSoft-delivered application pages. This framework provides immediate access to relevant, contextual information for PeopleSoft applications, such as Asset information, without requiring any additional user effort.

Asset Management delivers the following related content:

Related Content Service ID

Related Content Label



ARO Information

Review Cost


Review Book

Review Transaction Reversal


Book History

Asset Depreciation


Review Cost

Review Transaction Reversal


Cost History

Basic Add

Asset Depreciation

For more information about using related content, see PeopleTools: PeopleTools Portal Technology.

See "Working with Related Content Services," PeopleTools: PeopleTools Portal Technology.

Access the Define Related Content Service page to create and manage service definitions.


PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content Service

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Related Content Service page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Related Content Service page

Use the Manage Related Content for Content References page to manage related content and related action configurations for content references.


PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Services > Manage Related Content Service > Manage Related Content for Content References

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Related Content for Content References page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Manage Related Content for Content References page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Related Content page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Assign Related Content page

Notice that the Component Level Related Content is assigned to the Service ID, AM_COST_HISTORY2. There is no page level related content . If you want to modify the setup as delivered, see PeopleTools Documentation: PeopleTools Portal Technologies, Developing and Configuring Related Content Services.

Click the Configure layout button to assign the related content service ID to the application component.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Layout page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Configure Layout page

Click OK and Save the Configure Layout page.

See Asset Acquisition Detail Page