Running On-Demand Voucher Processes as a Batch Request

If your user ID has access to the appropriate on-demand process group, you can process a voucher on demand, directly from the Invoice Information page, after you save the voucher. You also can run on-demand voucher processes from a batch request page. The advantage of this option over regular batch processing is that you can run a sequential group of processes on a batch of vouchers without having to enter multiple batch requests.

This section discusses how to run batch on-demand voucher processes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Voucher On-Demand Processes Page


Run on-demand process groups (predefined groups of multiple, sequential voucher processes) for a batch of vouchers.

Use the Voucher On-Demand Processes page (VCHR_STM_RQST) to run on-demand process groups (predefined groups of multiple, sequential voucher processes) for a batch of vouchers.


Accounts Payable > Batch Processes > Vouchers > Voucher On-Demand Process

Field or Control


Voucher Process Option

Select from the following values:

Process All Units: Process all available vouchers in all business units.

Process Business Unit: Process all available vouchers in a specific business unit, which you enter in the Business Unit field.

Process Voucher: Process a specific voucher, which you enter in the Voucher field.

Initiate Entry Event Generator

Select to initiate the FS_EVENTGEN Application Engine process, also called the Entry Event Generator, to generate entry events when you run the on-demand process group.

See Understanding Entry Events in PeopleSoft Payables.


Select one of the following on-demand process groups:

  • Journal Gen, Load AM (POSTAPGLAM).

  • Journal Generate (PST_VCHRGL).

  • Voucher Post (PST_VCHR).

  • Voucher Post Load AM (POSTAPAM).

Note: The process groups that are available depend on your user ID.