Entering Invoice Information for Online Vouchers

This section provides an overview of voucher dependencies and balancing functionality.

Page Name

Definition Name


Invoice Information Page


Enter or view invoice information, including invoice header information, nonmerchandise charges, and voucher line and distribution information.

Supplier Lookup Page


Enter search criteria to retrieve supplier address information.

Selecting an address here does not automatically change the supplier location to any default location that is associated with the address. The system uses different defaults for the supplier location value. Change the default location value using the Location field on the Invoice Information page.

See Invoice Information Page

Contract Line Info Page


View contract ID, line and release number information for recurring vouchers.

This link only appears for recurring vouchers.

See Invoice Information Page

Voucher Comments Page


Enter internal voucher comments.

See Invoice Information Page

Voucher Header Attachments Page


View or attach documents related to the voucher.

See Invoice Information Page

Date Calculation Page


(USF) Define the date calculation basis for U.S. Federal prompt payment due date requirements and enable enforcement of valid reimbursable periods for project-related vouchers.

See Invoice Information Page

Search Audit Logs Page


Search for and view audit logs.

See Invoice Information Page

Payment Terms Page


View or change the default payment and discount terms for the voucher.

Freight Charges Page


Allocate the freight charges for the voucher at a more detailed level.

See Invoice Information Page

Miscellaneous Charges Page


Allocate the miscellaneous charges for the voucher at a more detailed level.

Sales Tax Charges Page


Allocate the sales tax amount at a more detailed level.

See Invoice Information Page

Use Tax Charges Page


Specify the use tax to apply to this voucher.

See Invoice Information Page

Non Merchandise Charges Summary Information Page


View the miscellaneous amounts that are allocated to each voucher line. On this page, you can also change the allocation for a particular voucher.

Sales/Use Tax Summary Page


Review the sales and use tax information for all the voucher lines, and if applicable, modify tax information.

Session Defaults Page


Enter voucher defaults for an ad hoc session, or use an existing available session default. These defaults override the values that the system applies using the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy.

Invoice VAT Summary Information Page


Review the VAT amounts summarized by VAT rate. This page provides a preliminary view of the VAT calculations based on the parameters that have been supplied by default (or have been manually updated), as well as the amounts that are entered. You can also link from this page to the VAT header, line, and distribution line defaults pages.

See Invoice Information Page

Invoice Header VAT Information Page


Review and, if applicable, override the voucher's VAT settings.

See Invoice Information Page

Invoice Line VAT Information Page


Review and, if applicable, override VAT defaults for the distribution line.

See Invoice Information Page

Voucher Distribution Line VAT Information Page


Review and, if applicable, override VAT defaults for the distribution line.

See Invoice Information Page

View Source PO/Receiver Information Page


View references to purchase orders and receivers. View any comments that are associated with the purchase order or receiver header or line from which the voucher and voucher line information have been copied.

Associate Receiver Page


Edit any of the receiver lines that are associated with the voucher line and delete a receiver line.

Associate Receiver Lines Page


Manually associate receiver lines with the voucher line for matching.

Invoice Line Tax Information Page


Review and, if applicable, override tax settings for the voucher line.

GeoCodes and Addresses Page


Define a new tax location for vouchers. (Taxware or Vertex users only.)

See Invoice Line Tax Information Page

Voucher Entry Template List Page


Displays a list of Display and Copy Down Templates that are available for the user based on the user permissions.

G-Invoicing Page


Add the EZ Number and the other fields GTC Number, Performance Date, Transaction Date, and Reject by Date will be defaulted for Federal EZ invoices.

This section discusses:

  • The dependencies of the Voucher component on voucher style and other factors.

  • Voucher balancing.

The Dependencies of the Voucher Component on Voucher Style and Other Factors

The Voucher component looks and acts differently for each voucher style. It also displays different fields and provides different processing depending on:

  • Tax environment (SUT, VAT, Indian excise and customs duty, installed third-party tax applications, and so forth).

  • Your installation options (such as whether you are a U.S. Federal agency, for example).

  • Various processing and display options that you can select at each level of the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy.

For this reason, the description of the Voucher component that follows here includes page elements that you may not see or use for a particular voucher style or that you may not see or use in your implementation of PeopleSoft Payables. Whenever a page element has such dependencies, these are documented, except in the case of tax environment. The tax environment—whether VAT, SUT, Indian excise tax, sales tax, or customs duty—is usually reflected in the field labels themselves.

For discussions of specific voucher styles, see the topics that discuss those styles.

Voucher Balancing

The Voucher component has various functions that enable you to view and correct balance discrepancies. These include:

  • Displays of totals for separate voucher regions— lines, charges and taxes—enabling you to quickly identify the unbalanced area.

  • Calculate button: Located at the header level, this button enables you to perform on-demand balance calculations.

  • Highlighted fields: Displays out-of-balance information highlighted in red.

When the voucher is in balance, the system displays an amount of 0.00 in the Difference field.

This topic discusses three common out-of-balance scenarios:

  • The first scenario is a regular voucher with the header out of balance to the distribution lines.

    In this example, a regular voucher has a header total of 1,500.00 USD, but distribution lines totaling 1,505.00 USD. The system displays discrepancies between the header and the lines in the Difference field at the header level.

  • The next scenario is a regular voucher with the distribution lines out of balance to the invoice line.

    This regular voucher has a header total of 2,000.00 USD and an invoice line total of 2,000.00 USD, but the distribution lines total 2,002.00 USD. When the invoice lines and distribution lines are out of balance, the system displays the discrepancy in the Difference field.

  • The third scenario is a purchase order voucher with distributions that balance to the line, but the voucher has multiple lines that do not balance to the header.

    The purchase order voucher has a header total of 2,100.00 USD, but the invoice line total and the distribution lines total 500.00 USD. The Difference field at the header level displays the 1,600.00 USD discrepancy between the header amount and the lines amount. The Difference field at the invoice and distribution line level displays a 0.00 USD discrepancy between the merchandise amount and the distributed amount, but it appears highlighted in red, because the voucher is out of balance.

Accounting Tags increase data entry efficiency by reducing the number of keystrokes required to enter frequently used ChartField combinations. Accounting Tags are used when a transaction is created using a PeopleSoft Fluid page. For PeopleSoft Classic transaction pages, Accounting Tags can be used to populate ChartFields on transaction distribution lines, instead of using Speedcharts and speedtypes.

You choose to use Accounting Tags or SpeedCharts to distribute line amount on distribution lines. You also use the following components:

  • Tag Registration by Products: Determine if you want to use the Accounting Tags or use the SpeedCharts within your products, when you are using the PeopleSoft Classic.

  • Tag Groups: Restrict the use of Accounting Tags to selected transactions with your products. Tag groups valid for a particular transaction can be specified when a ChartField Display Template is specified for that transaction.

  • Assign Tag Groups: Associate tag groups to specific components, which results in having all the Accounting Tags made available within the component.

  • Accounting Tags: Set up distribution lines with the ChartField combinations pertinent to specific products, which saves you from entering frequently used ChartField combinations.

For a detailed understanding of setting up Accounting Tags, see the section Setting Up Accounting Tags

The Voucher component in PeopleSoft Payables uses deferred processing. If you are adding a new voucher, you can use the fields on the add search page for the component to prepopulate the new voucher and reduce the amount of prompting and editing that you need to do on the new voucher. Note also that:

  • The voucher style that you select on the add search page determines how the system displays, edits, and processes the voucher.

    The default voucher style is Regular Voucher.

    The selected voucher style also determines what nonmerchandise and tax-exempt fields appear on the add search page. These fields are Miscellaneous Amount, Freight Amount, Sales Tax Amount, Tax Exempt, and VAT Amount. The selected business unit determines whether the latter three fields appear.

    Important! When copying purchase order vouchers, do not enter gross, nonmerchandise, and tax-exempt amount information in the fields on the add search page. Be sure to use the Copy PO functionality on the Invoice Information page, which ensures that the system provides these amounts by default into the appropriate fields and creates the correct voucher lines.

  • The system prepopulates the control group on the add search page with the earliest assigned group for the business unit and user ID.

  • PeopleSoft Payables functionality performs duplicate invoice checking using the information that you add on the add search page.

    If the system finds any vouchers that appear to be duplicates, it issues a warning before you enter the Invoice Information page. It also performs duplicate invoice checking when you save a voucher. However, the more information that you enter on the add search page, the more likely you will catch a duplicate invoice before you create another duplicate voucher.

  • PeopleSoft Payables uses default information from the voucher origin table and information from other default levels to determine how the system processes the voucher.

    Each user who enters vouchers must be assigned to an active voucher origin. If the user is not assigned to a voucher origin or the voucher origin is inactive, the user cannot save the voucher. Also, you cannot change the voucher origin of a voucher after it is entered into the system.

  • The system automatically populates ChartField values that are defined at the supplier location level into the voucher distribution lines.

  • Entering the estimated number of invoice lines in the Estimated No. of Invoice Lines (estimated number of invoice lines) field enables you to enter lines on the Invoice Information page without repeatedly needing to click the Add button in the Invoice Lines scroll area.

    Any lines that you leave blank are automatically deleted when you save.

  • When you enter gross amount and nonmerchandise amount values on the add search page, the system supplies the difference by default on the first voucher line and distribution line.

Note: If you are adding a voucher, the Invoice Information page appears when you have entered data on the add search page and clicked Add. If you are accessing a voucher that already exists in the system, then the Voucher - Summary page appears when you have entered the search information and clicked Search.

Use the Invoice Information page (VCHR_EXPRESS1) to enter or view invoice information, including invoice header information, nonmerchandise charges, and voucher line and distribution information.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry > Invoice Information

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Invoice Information page for regular voucher style, add mode (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Regular Vouchers Invoice Information

Note: If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level, the system validates the supplier against financial sanctions lists upon saving the voucher. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the bank level, no validation of the supplier is done during voucher processing unless you specify a bank for the remit supplier and the bank requires financial sanctions validation. The system updates the supplier's financial sanctions status on the Supplier Information component.

If the system determines that the supplier is a potential match to a financial sanctions list, the system displays a warning message that the supplier is currently under financial sanctions review. You can proceed with saving the voucher; however, the system does not allow payments to suppliers with a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked.

See Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation.

Field or Control


Related Content

Click and choose a link to view information related to this supplier and business unit combination. The system displays information from today's date to one year prior, allowing you to see at a glance information in a graphical format. You can expand the viewing area by clicking on the box above the frame and dragging it up. You can also close the viewing area by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the viewing area. Information available for viewing is:

  • Match Exceptions: Displays totals for vouchers that are in a match exception for this supplier and business unit combination.

  • Prepayment Pending: Displays the total prepayments that are pending for this supplier and business unit combination.

  • Recycled Vouchers: Displays the total vouchers that are in a recycled status for this supplier and business unit combination.

Invoice Number

Enter the invoice number or some other control number from the voucher's supporting document. The system uses this number as a reference for duplicate invoice checking if you have selected it to be one of your match criteria.

Note: For evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) vouchers that were built by the Voucher Build process, the invoice number is appended with the ERS invoice sequence number suffix.

While creating a voucher for Federal G-Invoicing EZ invoice, enter the EZ number as the Invoice Number.

Invoice Date

Enter the date that appears on the invoice. Invoice Date is a mandatory field and is required even for incomplete vouchers.

Invoice Received

Displays the invoice receipt date.

Accounting Date

Displays the accounting control date, which is based on the settings that are defined in the PeopleSoft Payables default hierarchy. You can override it here on the voucher.

Changing this date also changes the VAT declaration date on the Invoice Header VAT Information page if the declaration point is Accounting Date.

Note: If Current Date is selected as the accounting date option in the PeopleSoft Payables hierarchy, and the current date is not in an open PeopleSoft General Ledger period, the system uses the first available date in an open PeopleSoft General Ledger period as the accounting date.

Tax Exempt

Select if you want to override the default sales and use tax setup for this voucher and make it exempt from taxation.


Click to create the invoice in a PDF file format. The system opens a new window where you can view and print the invoice.

Calculate (calculate on-demand balancing)

Click to perform on-demand balancing calculations and check whether the voucher is in or out of balance. The system displays an amount of 0.00 in the Difference field when the voucher is in balance.

Supplier and Name

Select the supplier by entering the supplier ID or short name.

After you press Tab to exit either field, the system retrieves and populates the voucher with the full supplier name, primary address, default location information, and payment terms. In addition, the system uses default information from the supplier table in conjunction with information from other default levels (business unit, origin, and control group) to determine how the system processes this voucher.

Note: If financial sanctions validation is enabled and the supplier has a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked, the system displays a warning message that the supplier that is selected is currently under financial sanctions review. You can proceed with adding or updating the voucher for this supplier.


Override the default location by selecting a new location. The supplier location controls much of the default voucher processing.


Override the default address by selecting a new address.

Advanced Supplier Search

Click to search for suppliers using partial names and wildcard symbols.

Note: If you find that the referenced supplier does not exist on the supplier table and you want to add the supplier, you do not have to cancel the voucher on which you are working. Access the Supplier Search page by clicking the supplier link and then clicking the Add Supplier button. This takes you to the Supplier Information component, enabling you to add the supplier to the system. After saving the new supplier, close the newly opened browser session to return to the Supplier Search page. When you are back on the Supplier Search page, select the new supplier.

Control Group

Select a control group for the voucher if applicable. The default is the earliest assigned group for the business unit and user ID. If no groups are assigned for your user ID, the Group field does not appear.

Miscellaneous Freight, and Sales Tax

Enter any miscellaneous charge amount, freight amount, or sales tax amount. To allocate these charges at a more detailed level, click the icons next to these fields to access detail pages (the Miscellaneous Charges, Freight Charges, and Sales Tax Charges pages).

You should enter any amounts on the voucher page first before accessing the detail page. When you save the voucher, the system allocates the charges that you enter to the voucher lines based on the defaults that you set in the Procurement Control (BUS_UNIT_INTFC2) component for the PeopleSoft Payables business unit.

Note: If you override the default tax information on the Invoice Line Tax Information page and then change the sales tax amount in this field, the overridden tax information will revert to the default. Enter a tax amount here before you update any tax information on the Invoice Line Tax Information page.

See Miscellaneous Charges Page.

See Creating Third-Party Vouchers with Customs Duty.

Transfer to Misc Chrgs Detail Transfer to Misc Chrgs Detail (transfer to miscellaneous charges detail page)

Click to access the Miscellaneous Charges page and define miscellaneous charges.

Transfer to Freight Detail Transfer to Freight Detail

Click to access the Freight Charges page and define freight charges.

Note: For Amortization Vouchers, non-prorated charge codes are not allowed for any of the non-merchandise charges. The charge codes are copied from the PO or populated by default from the setup on the Procurement Control, Non- Merch charges page.

If a nonprorated charge code is used or defaulted, the Charge Type field is set to blank for you to select from a list of prorated charge codes by using the lookup prompt.

If you try to save the voucher with a blank Charge Type field, an error message is displayed asking you to enter a prorated charge code.

Transfer to Sales Tax Detail Transfer to Sales Tax Detail

Click to access the Sales Tax Charges page and define sales tax charges.

Use Tax

Displays the calculated use tax. The system calculates the use tax either from:

  • A use tax code that is entered on the Invoice Line Tax Information page.

  • The difference between the sales tax that is entered on the voucher header and the sales tax that is entered or calculated for the voucher lines if the voucher lines are tax applicable but the header sales tax amount is less than the total for the lines.

Click the Transfer to Use Tax Detail icon to access the Use Tax Charges page, where you can specify how to allocate the use tax charges.

See Miscellaneous Charges Page.

See Invoice Line Tax Information Page.

Transfer to Use Tax Detail Transfer to Use Tax Detail

Click to access the Use Tax Charges page and define prorated or nonprorated use tax charges.

Transfer to VAT Header Transfer to VAT Header

Click to access the Invoice Header VAT Information page and define VAT default information for this voucher.

Total and Currency

Enter the full amount of the voucher, including merchandise and service amounts (entered on the voucher lines), freight, and tax. Enter the gross amount to ensure balancing between the voucher header and voucher lines. You can enter gross amounts only up to the limit that is specified on your PeopleSoft Payables user profile.


Displays the amount that you are currently out of balance. To arrive at this figure, the system compares the sum of the invoice lines plus the applicable charge amounts and the entered gross amount.

Pay Terms

Select the payment terms. These terms are supplied from the PeopleSoft Payables default hierarchy. Click the Transfer to Pay Terms Detail button to access the Payment Terms page, where you can override the defaults or change associated information.

Basis Date Type

Displays the basis date type which controls the basis date on which the payment terms are based. You can override the basis date type on the Payment Terms page.

(USF) Pay Schedule

Indicate a federal payment schedule type for this voucher. The system uses this information to group this voucher with others and assign it to the appropriate payment schedule. Select from:

  • Manual

  • Other

  • Transport (transportation)

See Understanding Federal Payment Processing.

Non Merchandise Summary

Click to access the Non Merchandise Charges Summary Information page, where you can view the miscellaneous amount that is allocated to each voucher line for each charge code. This page is useful only after you enter or copy voucher line information.

Session Defaults

Click to access the Session Defaults page, where you can select existing available session defaults or set ad hoc default values for all of the invoices that you enter in the current session. These defaults override the defaults that the system applies using the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy.

(USF) Calc Basis Date

Click to access the Date Calculation page, where you can enter information that enables you to schedule the payment for this voucher on a U.S. Federal prompt payment basis. You can also use the Date Calculation page to enable enforcement of valid reimbursable periods for project-related vouchers.

See Applying Prompt Payment Protocols.

See Enforcing Valid Reimbursable Periods for Project-Related Vouchers.

Attachments (n)

Click to add or view attachments related to this voucher.

The system displays the number of attachments attached to the voucher. If no attachment is attached, the system displays (0).

If you have enabled the Approval Framework, you can decide if you want to allow approvers to view the attachments on this page.

See Installation Options - Multiple Attachments Page to define the maximum attachment upload limit for various products.

Comments (n)

Click to enter comments for a voucher to explain payment schedules, issues with the supplier, or anything else that you need to document the invoice. Any comments that you enter in this field are meant for your reference only. You can enter up to 254 characters for a comment. If you exceed 254 characters, the system displays a warning message that it can save only 254 characters and truncates the message.

The system displays the number of comments attached to the voucher. If no comment is attached, the system displays (0).

Warning! For claim vouchers, the system populates this field with identification information that is necessary for processing. Do not edit or delete any existing information in this field.

View Invoice Image

Click to open the scanned invoice image, which was used to create a voucher using a third party imaging solution. This link is enabled only after the Voucher Build process runs successfully and creates a voucher.

See Understanding Third Party Imaging Solution Integration with PeopleSoft Accounts Payable and eSettlements

Note: The View Invoice Image is available if you have selected the Voucher Source as Document Management Interface at the time of creating the invoice. This voucher source allows integration from third party imaging solutions to voucher staging.

Approval History

Click this link to access the Approval History page and view the approval history for the voucher.

Note: This link is only available for vouchers that are submitted for approval in the Approval Framework.

View Audit Logs

Click to access the Search Audit Logs page and view audits associated with this voucher.

Note: This link is only available if you enable audit logs. Information displayed depends on the events selected for auditing.

Submit for Approval

Click to submit the voucher for approval.

Note: This button only appears if the voucher is enable for approvals in the Approval Framework.

Note: If the Email Approval System is enabled and set for HTML Email Approval, a Voucher Approval page is sent to the approver by email, with details of the voucher and a Submit button. The approver can approve or deny the voucher approval through the email.

Sales/Use Tax Summary

Click to access the Sales/Use Tax Summary page, where you can review and modify, if applicable, the SUT information for all the voucher lines.


Click this icon to view messages entered on the invoice A buyer can also use this icon to send a message to the supplier. For more information, see the Messages Page section under Self-Service Invoice - Review Invoice Page

Invoice Information

Field or Control


Related Voucher

Journal vouchers only.

Use this field to associate the journal voucher with the voucher for which you are correcting accounting entries.

Finalize Document

Click the Finalize Document icon to finalize the predecessor PO. This icon also appears in the Invoice Lines group box as the Finalize Line icon, which you can click to finalize the predecessor PO line.

Undo Finalize

Click the Undo Finalize icon to undo the finalization of the predecessor PO. This icon also appears in the Invoice Lines group box as the Undo Finalize Line icon, which you can click to undo finalization of the predecessor PO line.

See Performing Partial and Final Liquidations.

Dispatch Method

Debit memo adjustment vouchers only.

Select a dispatch method for this debit memo adjustment voucher. This field is available only if the voucher style is Adjustment and the voucher source is Match Adjustment. You can override the dispatch method that is defined in the Debit Memo Options collapsible region on the Supplier Information - Payables Options page. Values include Blank, EDI/XML, Email, Fax, Phone, and Print.

See Processing Debit Memo Adjustment Vouchers.

VAT Amount (value-added tax amount)

If this is a VAT-applicable voucher that is subject to exclusive VAT, enter the gross VAT amount. Click the Transfer to VAT Header icon to access the Invoice Header VAT Information page if you need to review and override the voucher's default VAT settings. When you click this icon, the system retrieves the VAT defaults based on your VAT setup and entered supplier and supplier location information.

Note: If your voucher is in a VAT environment and you do not enter any of the VAT pages for your voucher before saving it, the process to retrieve the VAT defaults is triggered automatically at save time.

If you are creating an amortization voucher with Value added tax (VAT), the VAT Recovery amount is posted to a separate account as the amount is recoverable. However, the VAT Non Recoverable amount will be charged to the Prepaid Asset account as the amount is non-recoverable and will be amortized.

See Entering Online Vouchers With VAT.

The Action Field

When you have finished entering your voucher and saved it, you have three options for processing your voucher:

  1. Perform budget-checking, matching, document tolerance checking, asset loading, posting, and journal generation on this and other vouchers in batch from the batch request pages for those processes.

  2. Process the voucher on demand, directly from the Invoice Information page, using the Action field.

  3. Process this and other vouchers in batch from the Voucher On-Demand Processes batch request page using on-demand process groups.

The first option is generally the most efficient, but the second option is useful when you must process a voucher immediately, on demand. The third option is convenient when you want to perform multiple sequential processes, such as matching, asset loading, voucher posting, and journal generation, on a batch of vouchers.

If you want to process a voucher on demand from the Invoice Information page:

  1. Save the voucher.

  2. Select an on-demand process group in the Action field.

  3. Click Run to initiate processing.

    While the voucher is being processed, the fields on the Voucher component are unavailable for entry. Click Refresh to view the processing status of the voucher on the Voucher Summary page.

The process groups that are available depend on whether you have on-demand processing enabled, your user ID, and whether your voucher requires the processing. If budget-checking isn't applicable to a voucher, for example, the Budget Checking process group will not be available. Process groups that may be available include:

  • Budget Checking (BUDGET_CHK).

  • Document Tolerance (DOC_TOL).

  • Matching (MATCHING).

  • Matching, Doc Tolerance, Budget Check (MTCH_DT_BC).

  • Voucher Post (PST_VCHR).

  • Journal Generate (PST_VCHRGL).

  • Voucher Post Load AM (POSTAPAM).

  • Journal Gen, Load AM (POSTAPGLAM).

See Running On-Demand Voucher Processes as a Batch Request.

Other Header Information

Field or Control


Document Sequencing

Click to access the Document Sequence page, where you can view or override the document sequencing settings. This link appears only if you have implemented document sequencing.

See Understanding Document Sequencing.


Click to access the Withholding Information page, where you can view or override the default withholding details for the voucher. This link appears only if the voucher is associated with a supplier that is set up for withholding. If you are adding a voucher and enter the supplier on this page rather than the add search page, the link appears when you press Tab to move out of the Supplier field.

See Reviewing and Entering Withholding Information for Vouchers.

VAT Summary

Click to access the Invoice VAT Summary Information page, where you can view the calculated VAT totals for the invoice by VAT code.

You can also link from the Invoice VAT Summary Information page to the VAT default pages if you need to review or override VAT defaults for the voucher.

Note: If the voucher is in a VAT environment and you do not enter any of the VAT default pages for the voucher before you save it, the process to retrieve VAT defaults is triggered automatically at save time.

See Invoice VAT Summary Information Page.

(USF) Advance Payment Option

If you are creating a prepayment voucher and you are a U.S. Federal agency with Enable Federal Payment selected on the Installation Options - Payables page, the Advance Payment Option group box appears. When you select Use Advance Payment in that group box, you are required to associate the prepayment with a purchase order.

Note: The voucher component does not copy lines from the associated purchase order when you enter the PO number here.

See Handling Advances for Federal Agencies.

Copy from a Source Document

Use the following fields for copying from a source document. The voucher style determines which fields appear here:

Field or Control


PO Unit (PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit) and PO Number

If you want to copy all of the lines from a purchase order into the voucher, enter the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit and the PO ID for the purchase order that you want to copy. Then click the Copy PO (copy purchase order) button.

This option is available only if you are creating a regular voucher, template voucher, or third-party voucher.

Important! When copying a purchase order into a voucher, do not begin by entering nonmerchandise and tax-exempt information on the add search page. Use the Copy PO button to ensure that the system provides these amounts by default to the appropriate fields.

Voucher ID

If you want to copy all of the lines from another voucher into the voucher, enter the voucher ID number that you want to copy. Then click the Copy to Voucher button.

To copy individual voucher lines, enter a supplier and click the Copy from Worksheet link.

This option is available only if you are creating an adjustment or third-party voucher.

Voucher to be Reversed

If you want to reverse a voucher, select the voucher ID number of the voucher you want to reverse, and click the Copy to Voucher button. The system copies all information that is related to the selected voucher (such as voucher lines, distribution lines, freight, miscellaneous charges, and sales tax, and VAT information) into the reversal voucher.

This option is available only if you are creating a reversal voucher.

Reverse Remaining Vchr Balance (reverse remaining voucher balance)

Select to reverse only the unpaid voucher balance.

This option is available only if you are creating a reversal voucher.

Adjust PO/Restore Encumbrance (adjust purchase order/restore encumbrance)

Select to restore the encumbrance and to adjust the purchase order matched quantity or amount.

This option is available only if you are creating a reversal voucher, and if the related purchase order has not been reconciled.

If the related purchase order on the voucher line has been reconciled, this check box is deselected and unavailable for entry on the voucher line of the Invoice Information page.

Copy From

If you want to search for individual source documents to copy, to select a range of source documents, or to review individual source documents, select one of the values in this field to access the appropriate Copy Worksheet:

  • Non PO Receipt

  • None

  • PO Receipt

  • Purchase Order Only

  • Template

  • Voucher

See Copying Source Documents to Create Vouchers Online.

Invoice Lines

Use the Invoice Lines scroll area to enter information for each line on the invoice: the merchandise amount, unit price, quantity, and description. Initially, at least one line appears automatically; enter as many additional lines as needed (. The system assigns a line number to each voucher line that you add to ensure that each voucher line is unique.

Note: You cannot add more than one line while creating a voucher for Federal G-Invoicing EZ invoice.

Rebalancing and calculations are affected by deferred processing.

You cannot enter or adjust voucher lines after a voucher has been payment posted.

You cannot combine replacement type return-to-vendor (RTV) vouchers with credit or exchange type RTV vouchers (vouchers having credit and replacement type lines, or exchange and replacement type lines). Doing so causes match exceptions, because these differing voucher types are created with dissimilar statuses. The Voucher Build process builds replacement RTV debit memos with a To Be Matched status so that the Matching process correctly updates the matched amounts between the purchase order, the receiver, and the voucher. However, the system receives credit and exchange RTV vouchers that are already configured with a Matched status. They do not need to be run through the Matching process as their totals do not affect quantities that need to be matched.

Field or Control


Copy Down

Select this check box to allow the fields in the voucher line to be copied. The user can copy information from selected voucher line and distribution line to other voucher lines.

The Copy Down check box on the Invoice Line is disabled if:

  • The voucher has been posted.

  • The voucher has been applied to prepayments.

  • The voucher is closed.

  • The voucher has posted payments.

  • The voucher is in verified control group.

  • The voucher is matched.

Distribute by

Select a distribution method:

Amount: You must enter the merchandise extended amount for the voucher line. You can also enter the quantity, unit price, and unit of measure (UOM) on the voucher line and a quantity on the distribution line for informational purposes only.

If you change the value in the merchandise Extended Amount field, the Unit Price field is recalculated.

Note: Any changes in the extended amount will be reflected in the distribution. The system adjusts the distribution line that has the maximum distribution line number. If you reduce the amount below the original PO amount, then the only adjustment is to set the amount to zero on the distribution line that has the maximum distribution line number. In this case, you must still adjust the distribution amounts so that they tie back to the voucher line amount. In addition, any change to the merchandise amount will be accompanied by a corresponding change to unit price. If the original distribution method on the purchase order was quantity and you change the method to amount, then the distribution as well as the voucher line information remains unchanged. Even under the amount distribution method, the voucher line quantity should equal the sum of the distribution line quantity. If they are not equal, then an error message is issued.

Quantity: The system calculates the merchandise amount on the invoice lines and distribution lines based on the quantity and unit price. You must enter the quantity, unit price, and UOM. The Extended Amount field is not available for entry.

Select the Force Price option if you want to force the unit price based on the entered merchandise amount. This option is described subsequently.

Note: If you change voucher line quantity, the system does not adjust the distribution lines in response. Therefore, if you change the voucher line quantity, you must adjust the corresponding distribution level quantity. A validation exists to check whether the voucher line quantity is equal to the sum of distribution quantities. In addition, if you change the quantity on the copy worksheet (either PO or receiver), then the changed quantity is copied onto the voucher line, whereas the distribution still retains the original PO quantity. You should manually adjust the distribution quantity such that the sum of the distribution quantity equals the voucher line quantity. If the original distribution method on the purchase order was amount and if you change the method to quantity, then the system recalculates the distribution amounts using the quantity on the distribution line and the unit price on the voucher line. An option also exists of forcing the price that is available under this method. Selecting this option will force the system to calculate the price based on the extended amount. When you select this option, the unit price field is not available.


Enter a SpeedChart or Accounting Tag value When you press Tab to move out of the edit box, prorated amounts and distribution ChartFields appear on the voucher distribution lines. If the SpeedChart was defined with no proration percentages, you must enter the distribution amounts yourself.

SpeedChart/Accounting Tag is not available on the reversal or prepaid voucher, as these voucher styles do not enable you to add voucher lines.

If the voucher style is not Prepaid or a Reversal and the Quick Invoice Template status is Complete, the SpeedChart/Accounting Tag field value on the Invoice Line and the Quick Invoice Line will be displayed as default. The default value is populated from the Supplier Location page.

See Defining SpeedCharts.

Note: The option of using SpeedCharts or Accounting Tags is determined by the configuration set up in the Tag Registration by Product component, applicable to PeopleSoft Classic.

See the section Setting Up Accounting Tags

Packing Slip

Enter a packing slip number from the supplier's invoice.

Contract Info

Displays the contract information existing on the PO.

Work Order Resources

If the invoice line is for a Maintenance Management external resource, use these fields to enter the actual resource procurement cost. You then transfer the information back to Maintenance Management to help determine the actual cost.

These fields appear only if your organization has installed the Work Order component in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. If the system populates these fields with data that is copied from a purchase order, you cannot edit the information.

Important! If you are creating a non-purchase order voucher for items that are already entered in the Inventory application, do not enter work order information here. Doing so creates a duplicate charge situation, because PeopleSoft Payables and Inventory individually send work order charges for the same item to Maintenance Management.

If you create new (that is, not already entered in Inventory) non-purchase order vouchers that are associated with a work order, you can choose to distribute the invoice line by quantity or amount, but you must specify values for the Quantity, UOM (unit of measure), and Unit Price fields on the related invoice lines.

Maintenance Work Order

Select the specific work order for the invoice line.

Task Number

Select a work order task for the invoice line. Available tasks depend on the selected maintenance work order.

Resource Type

Select Labor, Material, or Tools.

Resource Line No (resource line number)

Select a specific resource line number for this invoice line. Available resource line numbers depend on the selected resource type.


Enter an item ID reference code and a line item description of up to 30 characters. If you also have PeopleSoft Purchasing installed, you can use an existing item from the PeopleSoft Purchasing item table. When you press Tab to move out of this field, the system populates the Description field with the associated description.

Related Voucher

For reversal and adjustment vouchers, displays the voucher ID of the voucher line that is being reversed or adjusted.

Use One Asset ID

Select to override all assets on the voucher line to use the same asset ID.

Selecting this option causes the system to update all of the asset IDs for all asset-applicable distribution lines under the voucher line to NEXT, each sequence number to 1, and the profile ID to the profile ID of the first distribution line.

You can override these values on individual distribution lines.

UPN (Universal Product Number)

Select to access the Invoice Line UPN Information to view the UPN Details.

This link is available when following vouchers are created by copying from a source document:

  • Regular vouchers

  • Adjustment/Reversal vouchers

  • Quick voucher

Force Price

Select if you want to force a change to the unit price to achieve the entered extended amount. Use when the sum of the merchandise amounts on the distribution lines does not match, usually because of rounding. Selecting Force Price enables you to change the extended amount and have the unit price recalculated to achieve that extended amount.

Note: This check box is available only if you are distributing by quantity and copying from either a purchase order or a receiver. You must refresh the page to enable the Force Price check box.

Adjust PO Percentage

Click this button to adjust the purchase order percentages. After clicking the button, the Percentage column becomes available for edit. The totals entered must equal 100. Once reallocated, click the Allocate by Percentage button to reallocate the expenses.

This button only appears for vouchers created from purchase orders or receipts.

Allocate by Percentage

Click this button to reallocate the voucher line's quantity and amount over the distributions by the percentage copied forward from the purchase order.

This button only appears for vouchers created from purchase orders or receipts.

Sales/Use Tax

Click to access the Invoice Line Tax Information page, where you can override the default tax settings for the voucher line.

Purchase Order & Receiver Info (purchase order and receiver information)

Click to access the View Source PO/Receiver Information page, where you can view information about the source purchase order or receiver, including comments of various types, including header, line, and ship-to comments. This link appears only if you have PeopleSoft Purchasing installed on the same database.

Associate Receiver(s)

Click to access the Associate Receiver page and Associate Receiver Lines page, where you can manually associate individual receivers with the voucher line for three-way matching. This link is active only if you have copied purchase order or receiver information onto the voucher using the Copy Worksheet Option field and the purchase order requires matching, or if the supplier is set up for receipt-only matching.

See Understanding the Matching Process.

Invoice Line VAT or VAT and Intrastat

Click to access the Invoice Line VAT Information page if you need to review and override the default VAT and Intrastat settings for the voucher line. The VAT and Intrastat link appears only on VAT-applicable adjustment vouchers.

Note: If your voucher is in a VAT environment and you do not enter any of the VAT pages for your voucher before saving it, the VAT default process is triggered automatically at save time.

See Invoice Line VAT Information Page.

Distribution Lines

For each voucher line that you enter, you must also enter the distribution information in the Distribution Lines grid. Each voucher line must have one or more distribution lines. You can select the Copy Down check box on a distribution line to copy that line's general ledger business unit and ChartField values to new distribution lines.

Note: You cannot enter or adjust distribution lines after a voucher has been payment posted.

You can enter project information on distribution lines, and the project information that you capture on vouchers is available to PeopleSoft Project Costing. By entering multiple distribution lines, you can add multiple project lines for each voucher line to categorize project costs. If you have implemented PeopleSoft Project Costing during installation and add project information to a distribution line, you need at minimum to add the project business unit, project ID, activity ID, and resource type. The other fields are optional. If you have not installed PeopleSoft Project Costing, you are not required to enter a project business unit.

See Understanding Integration with PeopleSoft Payables.

To access the Voucher Distribution Line VAT Information Page, click the VAT link on the VAT tab in the Distribution Lines scroll area on the Invoice Information page.

To access the Invoice Line VAT Information Page, click the Invoice Line VAT link in the Distribution Lines scroll area on the Invoice Information page.

To access the Invoice Header VAT Information Page, click the VAT Summary link on the Invoice Information page.

Click the Transfer to VAT Header link on the Invoice VAT Summary Information page.

GL Chart Tab

Fields on this tab that are not documented here are optional ChartFields that are delivered with PeopleSoft Payables. They share the same validation error processing when you save the voucher as do the fields described here.

Important! ChartFields that appear here depend on how you configure options on the Standard Chartfield Configuration page.

See Standard ChartField Configuration Page.

Field or Control


Copy Down

Select the check box on a distribution line and click the Insert Row button to copy that line's general ledger business unit and ChartField values to new distribution lines. If multiple distribution lines are selected, the system will issue a warning and arbitrarily select the ChartField values from one of the selected lines to populate the new lines. If no line is selected, only the default general ledger business unit will be populated.

Note: Selecting the Copy Down check box at distribution line is ignored during copy down from the voucher line.

PO Percent

This field appears only if the voucher was created by copying a purchase order into the voucher.


If the user removes distributions or reallocates the distribution amounts, the Percent column will update with the changes to reflect the actual percentage (Distribution Amount / Line Amount).

Note: This field appears only if the voucher was created by copying a purchase order into the voucher.

Merchandise Amt (merchandise amount)

Enter the amount that you want to charge to the ChartField values that follow. The total of all amounts that you enter on the distribution lines for a voucher line must equal the merchandise amount on the parent voucher line. An error message appears if an imbalance occurs.


Enter the number of units purchased that should be associated with the distribution line. This field is required if you are distributing by quantity. It is optional if you are distributing by amount. If you have entered a quantity on the voucher line, the total of all quantities entered on the distribution lines for that voucher line must equal the quantity on the parent voucher line. If you are entering a voucher line for a fixed asset that you will send to PeopleSoft Asset Management, you must enter a quantity for the asset.

Approval History

Click the link to open the Approval History page and view the voucher approval details.

This field is available only when an eSettlements Voucher using AWE approvals has line level approval enabled and the distribution has been submitted to workflow.

See Approving Invoices Using Mobile Approvals

GL Unit (general ledger business unit)

Identifies the general ledger business unit that will be charged with the expense that is coded on the distribution line.

The default value is the general ledger business unit of the PeopleSoft Payables business unit under which the voucher is being entered. If you change the value to charge a different PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit, the system creates interunit accounting entries. This occurs during voucher and payment posting. In this case, ChartField validation occurs based on the ChartFields of the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit.

Note: When you enter interunit vouchers on the Invoice Information page, the value for the Budget Status field on the Voucher Summary page changes from Valid to Not Budget Checked. You must run the budget checking process to reset the status to Valid to make the voucher eligible for posting during voucher post.

Entry Event

Enter the entry event code for the voucher if applicable. The system displays this field if you have enabled entry events.

See Processing Vouchers, Payments, and Cash Clearing Transactions with Entry Events.

See Understanding Entry Events in PeopleSoft Payables.


Enter an account. When you save the voucher, the system validates the account that you enter along with any other ChartField values. If the account that you select has been set up as a statistical account, the Amount and Quantity fields on the invoice line become inactive and any values that you may have already entered are deleted.

If the Installation option is enabled, the Altacct (alternate account) field appears next to the Account field in the grid.

If you are creating an Amortization voucher, the account field is automatically populated with the account value entered on the Accounting Entry Template page against the Accounting Entry Type - Prepaid Asset Account.


If the account that you enter has been set up as an OpenItem account, you must enter an open item reference.

Select a reference by prompting. If you enter a reference for an account that is not an open item account, an error message appears when you attempt to save the voucher. You must remove the invalid reference before you can save the voucher.

See Using OpenItem Accounting in PeopleSoft Payables.

Project ID

Enter a project identifier. This field appears if you do not have PeopleSoft Project Costing installed on your database.

Budget Date

Displays the budget date of the distribution line if the Commitment Control feature is enabled. You define which field the system uses for the budget date on a voucher in the Source Transactions component when you set up the Commitment Control feature in PeopleSoft General Ledger. You can also specify at the installation options whether the default budget date is the accounting date of the voucher or of the predecessor document (purchase order).


If the supplier is an interunit supplier, this field is not editable and the affiliate code appears by default.

Exchange Rate Tab

Field or Control


GL Unit (general ledger business unit) and Currency

Identifies the general ledger business unit that is charged with the expense that is coded on the distribution line, as well as the currency in which it will be charged.

Exchange Rate

Appears automatically based on the default rate type from the market rate tables. You can override this value on the Voucher Attributes page. This field appears only when the distribution general ledger business unit is different from the voucher's general ledger business unit, or when the voucher is saved.

Statistics Tab

This page displays statistical quantity information.

If you are distributing by quantity, you can distribute that quantity using a statistics code. The system converts the distribution line quantity from the distribution line UOM to the standard UOM that is associated with the Statistics Code field. The converted quantity is stored in the Statistic Amount field. The Statistic Amount and Unit of Measure fields are inactive.

If you enter a statistic account on a voucher line, you must refresh the page by clicking the Refresh button (access key: Alt+0) so that the merchandise amount and quantity fields on the invoice line are unavailable and blank. You must enter a statistic amount. You can enter the statistic amount in a UOM that is different from the standard UOM that is associated with the statistic account. After you enter the statistic amount, enter the corresponding UOM. The system converts the statistic amount that you enter back to the standard UOM that is associated with the statistic account. The Statistics Code field becomes unavailable for entry.

Whether you are using a statistic account or a statistics code, if the system cannot find a conversion formula between the two UOMs in the UOM conversion table, an error message appears. For example:

  • If you are using a statistic account, the system resets the UOM to the standard UOM for the account, and you must modify the Statistic Amount field manually so that it corresponds to the standard unit of measure.

  • If you are using a statistics code, the system does not calculate a statistic amount; you must delete the Statistic Code field value or enter another one.

Assets Tab

Field or Control



Select to enter asset information for the distribution line. All the fields on this tab become active when you select the Asset check box.

Business Unit (PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit) and Profile ID

Enter a business unit and a profile ID to indicate that the distribution line is related to an asset. These fields are required.

Note: You cannot assign the same asset ID to different profile IDs.

After the voucher has been sent to PeopleSoft Asset Management, you cannot change the PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit or Profile ID fields unless you unpost the voucher.

Asset ID

Enter an asset ID. Otherwise, the field value NEXT appears by default. This value indicates that the next asset ID value in the PeopleSoft Asset Management system is assigned automatically. When you accept NEXT as the default, you can use the Sequence Number field to make more than one distribution line share the same automatically incremented asset ID.

The system validates that a unique asset ID has only one profile ID associated with it for a given voucher line.

Note: You cannot perform asset transfers in PeopleSoft Payables. You can make ChartField changes in PeopleSoft Payables, but you must also have your asset manager make a corresponding change in the appropriate PeopleSoft Asset Management page.

Sequence Number

If you have accepted the default asset ID value of NEXT, you can enter a sequence number to indicate an asset grouping of voucher distribution lines.

If the asset ID is NEXT, you can enter any numeric value in this field. The unique combination of NEXT in the Asset ID field and the sequence number that you enter here cause a unique asset ID to be generated when the information is processed by PeopleSoft Asset Management.

For example, if you have four distribution lines for assets that you want to assign to two separate asset IDs, you can specify an asset ID of NEXT and a sequence number of 1 for the first two lines and an asset ID of NEXT and a sequence number of 2 for the next two. Each group of two lines is assigned its own asset ID number.

Leave this field blank if you entered a known asset ID. If the asset ID is NEXT and the Sequence Number field is blank, the system generates a unique number.

If you selected the Use One Asset ID check box for the voucher line, the system populates the Asset ID field with NEXT and the Sequence Number field with 1 for each asset-applicable distribution line, and causes PeopleSoft Asset Management to assign all distribution lines to the same asset ID.

Cost Type

Select the cost type for the asset. Values are:

A: Allowance for ADV depreciation.

C: Cost type.

G: Grant reimbursements.

I: Impairment loss.

M: Margin.

P: Scrap on asset.

R: Revaluation.

S: Sale of assets.

V: Reserve for ADV depreciation.

W: Depreciation write-off.

X: Revaluation reversal.

Y: Impairment reversal.


The TAS/BETC tab appears only if:

  • Federal payments are enabled, the voucher is using a Secure Payment System (SPS) payment format, and you are a GWA Reporter.  Or

  • The Non-Treasury Disbursed ALC check box is selected on the Agency Location Code tab, and the Reporter Category for the ALC associated with the voucher contains AP Payments.

The TAS value appears by default based upon the fund and in most cases the BETC code will also be displayed by default. If BETC does not appear by default, it will have to be manually selected from the BETC prompt list. For a non GWA Reporter, the fields will be hidden.


This tab appears only for business units that are enabled for VAT.

Click the VAT link to access the Invoice Distribution Line VAT Information page if you need to review or update the VAT control settings for the distribution line.

Note: If your voucher is in a VAT environment and you do not enter any of the VAT pages for your voucher before saving it, the VAT default process is triggered automatically at save time.

See Voucher Distribution Line VAT Information Page.

Amortization Tab

This tab appears only if the Voucher Style is Amortization.

Field or Control


Start and End Dates

Enter the start and end dates for the amortization schedule. These fields are mandatory at the time of posting the voucher. However, you can save the voucher without entering the dates using the Save for Later button and later return to update at the dates.

Amortization Type

Select an amortization type using the lookup prompt. The values available depend on the setup on the Amortization Template page. The Amortization Template used is determined based on the value defined on the Ledgers for a Unit page setup for a particular Ledger Type and Ledger Group.

Amortization ID

Displays the system generated ID after you save the voucher. This value is unique for a GL business unit.


The system automatically enters default values that are entered for miscellaneous charges, freight charges, VAT, and taxes on the add search page into the appropriate fields. You can edit these amounts.

In addition, field display in this group box varies depending on add search page values that are entered. For example, when you use a Prepaid voucher style, the system disables the Misc Charge Amount (miscellaneous charge amount), Freight Amount, and Sales Tax Amount fields. And if you select a VAT-applicable business unit, the system enables VAT fields on the voucher.

Note: The system acts differently when calculating VAT depending on whether you are in the Add mode or the Update/Display mode. When you enter a VAT amount using the add search page, the system supplies the VAT line amount on the Invoice Information page, and if the amount is edited, correctly recalculates this amount. However, when you modify an existing voucher VAT amount using the Update/Display mode, the system does not recalculate the VAT line amount. Instead, it displays the difference between the header and line amounts in the Difference Amount field.

Use the Payment Terms page (VCHR_TERMS_EXP) to view or change the default payment and discount terms for the voucher.


Click the Transfer to Pay Terms Detail button on the Invoice Information page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payment Terms page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Payment Terms page

Field or Control


Payment Terms ID

Controls how the voucher is paid, including the discount date and discount amount. PeopleSoft Payables supports both single and multipayment (installment) terms. You define payment terms on the Payment Terms - Multi Payment page or the Payment Terms - Single Payment page. The default setting on the voucher is based on the payment terms that are established for the supplier location for this voucher.

Multipayment terms generate multiple scheduled payment records when you save the voucher by allocating the total payment amount for the voucher over these scheduled payments, according to the percentages that are established in the terms definition.

With multipayment terms, you can also generate installment payment records (and review them and edit them, if necessary) in advance of committing them by saving the voucher. You can always edit the voucher immediately after saving, but this alternate method may offer more peace of mind.

Schedule Payments

Click the Schedule Payments icon to generate payment records in advance of saving the voucher. For multipayment terms, this prepopulates multiple schedule payment records (installments). For single payment terms, this calculates and supplies the net due date, the discount amount, and the discount due date if the terms are discount-applicable. You can also do this by clicking the Schedule Payment button on the Payments page.

Due Date Control

Either accept the default due dates, or enter user-specified amounts. Select from:

Terms: This is the default setting. When you select this value, the Basis Dt Type (basis date type) field is available for entry, but the Discount Due Date and Due Date fields are not. If the Due Date Control field is specified as Terms, then the scheduled due dates and net due dates are determined by the payment term specified.

User: When you select this value, the Discount Due Date and Due Date fields are available for entry and you can modify them. The Basis Dt Type field is unavailable for entry. If the Due Date Control field is set to User, then the date is derived from the Due Date field.

Basis Dt Type (basis date type)

Enter the date for the system to use to calculate the discount due date and payment due date for the voucher. This field controls the basis date on which the payment terms are based.

Values are:

Acct Date (account date): The accounting date determines the payment basis date.

Doc Date (document date): The date that the voucher is entered, which determines the payment basis date. If you select this value, the document date appears in the Basis Date field.

Inv Date (invoice date): The invoice date determines the payment basis date.

Recpt Date (receipt date): The receipt date determines the payment basis date.

Ship Date: The ship date determines the payment basis date.

User Date: The user-defined date that is entered in the Basis Date field determines the payment basis date.

Note: Just because you can select an alternate basis date source does not necessarily guarantee that the particular date is currently available for the voucher. For example, the receipt date and ship date values would typically be available only if the invoice had first been matched to the purchase order, the receiver, or both. If you select a basis date value for which no corresponding date value is populated, a warning appears asking whether you want to use the invoice date as the override basis date. If you select Yes, you can save the voucher and generate scheduled payment data. Until a voucher is posted or paid, you can always update the voucher for the intended basis date if it becomes available.

Basis Date

Displays the date used to calculate the discount due date and payment due date for the voucher. The system populates the date based on the basis date type. If the basis date type is User Date, this field is available and the system requires that you enter a date.

This basis date is not the same as the federal payment basis date on the Date Calculation page.

Discount Due Date

If you select User in the Due Date Control field, enter a discount due date.

Due Date

If you select User in the Due Date Control field, enter a due date.

Discount Amount Control

Accept the default discount amounts or enter user-specified amounts. Values are:

Terms: This is the default setting. When you select this value, the Account At field is available for entry but the Discount Amount field is not.

User: When you select this value, the Discount Amount field is available for entry and you can enter the amount for the discount in the Discount Amount field.

Account At

Determines whether the discount is accounted at gross or net. Values are:

Net: Any discounts not taken are accounted for as discounts lost.

Gross: Any discounts taken are accounted for as discounts earned.

Basis Amt (basis amount)

Displays the amount upon which the discount is calculated. This amount is the total of the merchandise amount for each line with the Apply Discount check box selected.

Discount Amount

If you select User in the Discount Amount Control field, enter a discount amount.

Apply Discount

Select to make individual voucher lines discount-applicable.

Note: Payment terms for a third-party voucher cannot include a discount. For third-party vouchers, the payment terms are supplied by default from the Prepay/Third/Claim Pay Terms option that is selected for the SetID on the Payables Options - Payment Options page.

Use the Miscellaneous Charges page (VCHR_MISC_SEC) to allocate the miscellaneous charges for the voucher at a more detailed level.


Enter a miscellaneous charge amount and click the Transfer to Misc Chrgs Detail (transfer to miscellaneous charges detail) button on the Invoice Information page.

Note: The fields on this and the other nonmerchandise charges detail pages (Freight Charges page, Sales Tax Charges page, and Use Tax Charges page) are similar. Rather than documenting all four pages, the Miscellaneous Charges page is documented as an example of these detail pages.

Use this page to allocate your miscellaneous charges to multiple charge codes. The total of the separate miscellaneous charges that you enter must equal the total miscellaneous amount that is entered on the Invoice Information page.

Note: You can add multiple charge codes on the freight and miscellaneous charges detail pages, but you can enter only one charge code on the sales tax and use tax detail pages.

Field or Control



The charge code appears based on the defaults that you have set on the Procurement Control - Non-Merch Charges page. If the default is to prorate the freight, the Prorate check box is selected. This field is unavailable for entry.

Charge Type

Select a charge code for each miscellaneous charge amount that you add. You define these codes on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page and set up the default charge codes for the PeopleSoft Payables business unit on the Procurement Control - Non-Merch Charges page.

If you select a nonprorate charge code, the system uses the allocation option that you selected on the Procurement Control - Non-Merch Charges page to either allocate the charge to the distribution line or expense it to the header.

Account and other ChartFields

If you add a prorated charge code, no ChartFields appear on this page.

If you add a nonprorated charge code and allocate the charge, the system requires an account. The value appears by default from the Accounting Entry Template. You can override the account.

If you are expensing, the account and other ChartField values appear by default based on the inheritance rules. You cannot modify balanced ChartFields.

Use the Non Merchandise Charges Summary Information page (VCHR_LINE_MISC_CHG) to view the miscellaneous amounts that are allocated to each voucher line.

On this page, you can also change the allocation for a particular voucher.


Click the Non Merchandise Summary link on the Invoice Information page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Non Merchandise Charges Summary Information page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Non Merchandise Charges Summary Information page

Field or Control



Click to reallocate the unapplied amount to the other voucher lines.


Deselect this option to remove a particular charge for a given voucher line.

Use the View Source PO/Receiver Information page (VCHR_PO_INFO) to view references to purchase orders and receivers.

View any comments that are associated with the purchase order or receiver header or line from which the voucher and voucher line information have been copied.


Click the Purchase Order & Receiver Info link in the Invoice Lines group box on the Invoice Information page.

Field or Control


Line Match Option

Select a matching option for the line:

Full Match: Requires matching.

No Match: Does not require matching.

PO/Receipt Header Comments and PO/Receipt Line Comments

Use these group boxes to view any comments that are associated with the purchase order or receiver line from which the voucher line information has been copied. The original comments were entered with the purchase order or receiver in PeopleSoft Purchasing. The Comment Type field indicates whether the comment is a ship-to comment, PO header comment, and so forth.

Send to Supplier

Indicates whether this comment has been sent to the merchandise supplier through PO Dispatch.

Use the Associate Receiver page (VCHR_RECV_MTCH) to edit any of the receiver lines that are associated with the voucher line and delete a receiver line.


Click the Associate Receiver(s) link in the Invoice Lines group box on the Invoice Information page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Associate Receiver page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Associate Receiver page

Field or Control


Amt Only (amount only)

Appears as checked if the purchase order is an amount-only PO. For amount-only POs, you can modify the Merch Amt (merchandise amount) field, but you cannot modify the Quantity to Match (PO UOM) field.


Manually delete receiver lines that are associated with the voucher line by deleting a row. This field does not appear when you are creating adjustment or reversal vouchers.

Quantity to Match (PO UOM) (quantity to match, purchase order unit of measure)

Edit the quantity in the purchase order unit of measure to be matched for any of the receiver lines that are currently associated with the voucher line. You cannot modify this field if the receiver is associated with an amount-only PO.

Note: A warning message appears if the sum of the quantity to be matched does not equal the voucher line quantity.

Merch Amt (merchandise amount)

Enter the merchandise amount for amount-only POs to be matched for any of the receiver lines that are currently associated with the voucher line.

Merchandise Amount Received

Displays the amount received for the receiver line.

Associate Receiver Lines

Click to access the Associate Receiver Lines page, where you can manually associate receivers with the voucher line for matching. This link does not appear when you are creating adjustment or reversal vouchers.

Use the Associate Receiver Lines page (RECEIVER_LOOKUP) to manually associate receiver lines with the voucher line for matching.


Click the Associate Receiver Lines link on the Associate Receiver page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Associate Receiver Lines page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Associate Receiver Lines page

Using the search function that is provided, you can display all receivers that are related to the purchase order schedule line that is specified on the voucher line.

Field or Control


Recv Dt Opt (receiver date option) and Recv Date (receiver date)

You can further narrow your search by selecting from the following values and then specifying a receiver date:

<=: The system searches for receivers that are dated before or on the date that is specified in the Recv Date field.

=: The system searches for receivers with a date that is equal to the date that is specified in the Recv Date field.

>=: The system searches for receivers that are dated after or on the date that is specified in the Recv Date field.

No Date: The date of the receiver is not included in the search. This is the default setting.


When you have entered the search criteria, click this button and the system returns all receivers that are related to the specified search criteria and the purchase order on the voucher line.


Select the receiver or receivers that you want to associate with the voucher line, and click OK. The system associates the selected receiver or receivers' details with the voucher to be used when matching the voucher.

Use the Sales/Use Tax Summary page (AP_SUT_SUMM_PG) to review the sales and use tax information for all the voucher lines, and if applicable, modify tax information.


Click the Sales/Use Tax Summary link on the Invoice Information page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Sales/Use Tax Summary page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Sales/Use Tax Summary page

The Sales/Use Tax Summary page provides tax details by line for the voucher. The fields on this page display values that are either passed to the voucher line through the PeopleSoft Payables default hierarchy or inherited from the purchase order. You can enter override tax values for each voucher line or you can access the Invoice Line Tax Information page to view additional details and override tax values.

This page includes different fields from those described here if you have installed and enabled a third-party tax application, such as Taxware or Vertex.

See Sales/Use Tax Summary Page.

SUT Amounts

Displays the merchandise amount and calculated tax amounts for each line.

Field or Control


Invoice Line Tax Information

Click to access the Invoice Line Tax Information page to review detailed tax information for this voucher line.

SUT Apply (apply sales and use tax)

Indicates the tax that applies to the tax destination. Values are:

Direct Pay: Select if you do not want sales tax calculated. The system treats a direct pay line as a use tax line, except that it uses a different value for tax applicability.

Item is Exempt: Select if the line is exempt from sales and use tax.

Purchaser is Exonerated: Select if the purchaser does not have to pay sales or use tax.

Sales Tax Appl (sales tax applicable): Select to calculate and apply sales tax to the line. Enter the gross sales tax amount on the voucher header.

Use Tax Appl (use tax applicable): Select to calculate and apply use tax to the line. Do not enter the tax amount on the voucher header.

Ultimate Use Code

Enter an ultimate use code to override the default tax rate for a line.

Tax Code SUT (sales and use tax code)

Enter the tax code for the line. A tax code consists of a group of tax authorities. For example, if a certain locality has a city tax, county tax, and state tax, you can create three tax authorities and group them into a single tax code.

Tax Parameters

Fields displayed when you select the Tax Parameters tab are discussed in detail in the following section.

Use the Invoice Line Tax Information page (VCHR_LINE_TAX) to review and, if applicable, override tax settings for the voucher line.


Click the Sales/Use Tax link in the Invoice Lines group box on the Invoice Information page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Invoice Line Tax Information page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Invoice Line Tax Information page

Similar to the Sales/Use Tax Summary page, the fields on this page display values that are passed to the voucher line through the PeopleSoft Payables default hierarchy. If the voucher was created by copying a purchase order, purchase order values override the PeopleSoft Payables default hierarchy, so the voucher inherits sales and use tax data from the purchase order. When you create a new voucher, all of the fields on this page can be overridden for the voucher line.

This page includes different fields from those described here if you have installed and enabled a third-party tax application, such as Taxware or Vertex.

See Managing Voucher Line Tax Information with Taxware and Vertex.

Field or Control


Sales/Use Tax Destination

Indicates the location for which a sales or use tax is applicable. This value is defined as a ship to location, but it does not have to be the same as the ship to location that is defined in the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy.

Sales/Use Tax Applicability

Indicates the tax that applies to the tax destination. Values are:

Direct Pay: The system handles a direct pay line as a use tax line, except that it uses a different value for tax applicability.

Exempt: The line is exempt from sales tax.

Exonerated: The purchaser is exonerated from sales tax.

Sales Tax: Apply sales tax. Enter the gross sales tax amount on the voucher header.

Note: If you copy a single purchase order line that has use tax applicability, and you enter sales tax on the voucher header, the system automatically changes the tax applicability for that voucher line to sales tax.

Use Tax: Apply use tax. Do not enter the tax amount on the voucher header.

Note: If you copy purchase order lines with sales tax applicability, and you do not enter sales tax on the voucher header, the system automatically changes the tax applicability for those voucher lines to use tax.

Ultimate Use Code

Enter a code to override the default tax rate that is based on the ship to location. This field is available for entry only if an ultimate use code is defined for the ship to location on the Ship To Sales/Use Tax Default page.

See Ultimate Use Codes Page.

Tax Code SUT (sales and use tax code)

Enter the tax code that applies to this voucher line. A tax code consists of a group of tax authorities. The tax code that is supplied by default here depends on a number of factors.

See Understanding PeopleSoft-Only Sales and Use Tax Processing.

Calculation Parameters

Field or Control


Include Misc Charges (include miscellaneous charges)

Select to indicate that any additional charges must be taxed and added to the net-extended amount before the system calculates SUT.

Include Discount

Select to have the system calculate any applicable discount and subtract it from the net-extended amount before calculating SUT.

Note: If the discount is lost, the system does not automatically recalculate and adjust any tax amounts.

Include Freight

Select to indicate that any freight amount must be taxed and added to the net-extended amount before the system calculates SUT.

Include VAT

Select to indicate that any VAT amount must be taxed and added to the net-extended amount before the system calculates SUT.

Note: The values in these fields are supplied by default from the tax code in a PeopleSoft-only tax calculation environment and from the ship to location if you are using a third-party tax application.

To access the GeoCodes and Addresses Page, click the Override Tax Location link on the Invoice Line Tax Information page.

Use the Session Defaults page (AP_SESSN_DFLT_SEC) to enter voucher defaults for an ad hoc session, or use an existing available session default.

These defaults override the values that the system applies using the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy.


Click the Session Defaults link on the Invoice Information page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Session Defaults page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Session Defaults page

Session defaults are available for the Journal Voucher, Regular Voucher, Single Payment Voucher, and Template Voucher styles.

This page is similar to the page that you use to predefine session defaults. You can select existing available session defaults or set ad hoc default values for all of the invoices that you enter in the current session. These defaults override the defaults that the system applies using the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy. Only fields that are particular to this page or act in ways that are particular to this page are documented here.

See Defining Voucher Session Defaults.

Field or Control


Available Session Defaults

Select an existing session default to use in the current session. When you select an option, the system supplies the predefined default attributes and the Apply button is activated.

Note: You can use the predefined attributes or modify them. However, if you modify the attributes, they are available only for the current session. To retain these attributes, you must use the Session Defaults page. Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Vouchers > Session Defaults.


Click to apply the predefined session default attributes in your current session. This button is active if you select an available session default.

Ad Hoc

Enter default attributes, and then click the Ad Hoc button to apply these default attributes in your current session. Also, click this button if you select an existing session default and modify the attributes.


Click to deselect the current session defaults. This applies only to the ad hoc default attributes. You cannot clear the predefined session defaults from this page.

Note: You must click either the Apply button or theAd Hoc button to use session defaults in your current session. Your session remains current until you sign out.

Use the Voucher Entry Template List page to view the list of Display and Copy Down Templates that are available for the user based on the user permissions.


Click the Template List link on the Invoice Information page. The Template List link on the Voucher Header and the Copy Down check box on the Invoice Line is displayed only for the following Voucher Styles; Regular Voucher (REG), Single Payment Voucher (SGLP), Template Voucher (TMPL), Journal Voucher (JRNL) and Amortization Voucher (AMR).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Voucher Entry Template List page.

Vocuher Entry Template List page

The Accounting Tag field on this page is available in place of SpeedChart if Use Accounting Tag check box is selected in the Accounting Tag Registration component for Payables product. The Template Voucher distribution lines can be populated as per the Accounting Tag defined. If you create a regular voucher copying from the Template voucher, the distribution lines will have the same ChartField values as the Template voucher.

See Setting Up Accounting Tags

Field or Control



Indicates the template that is currently in use. A Template is selected as default. You can change the Display Template and the Copy Down Template that is selected.

For the Copy Down Template, you can temporarily change the Copy Down selections on the Voucher Entry Template List page for the current voucher. To save the copy down selection, you should change the selections on the Display and Copy Down Template page.

When you add a new voucher line, the fields that you selected on the Voucher Entry Copy Down Template will be copied to the new line from the selected voucher line. To select the voucher line, you have to select the Copy Down check box on the Invoice Information page. The purchasing information, receiver information and the Work Order related information are not copied down from the voucher line.

If a voucher is selected to be copied down, all the distribution line(s) under this voucher line will also be copied. Changes made to the original line will not change the value of a voucher line and/or distribution line that was copied down.

Sales/Use Tax, VAT invoice line, VAT distribution Line, and Withholding Information links are part of the copy down selection.

Use the Display and Copy Down Template page (AP_VCHR_TMPLT) to copy information from selected voucher line and distribution line to other voucher lines.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Vouchers > Display and Copy Down Template

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Display and Copy Down Template page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Display and Copy Down Template

The Accounting Tag field on this page is available in place of SpeedChart if “Use Accounting Tag” check box is selected in the Accounting Tag Registration component for Payables product.

See Setting Up Accounting Tags

Voucher Entry Display Template

The Display Template is used to specify which voucher line fields and distribution line columns are displayed on the Voucher Entry page.

Field or Control


Display Template ID

Enter the name of the Display Template.


Select the check box if you want to use the Display Template as the default when you use a Voucher Entry page. Only one Display Template can be selected as the default value.

Note: If the user changes the selected Display Template, it will affect all the existing voucher lines.


Use Action list to check or uncheck all the check boxes except the Default check box.

Voucher Entry Copy Down Template

The Copy Down Template is used to specify which voucher line fields and distribution line columns are copied down from the selected voucher line.

Field or Control


Copy Down Template ID

Enter the name of the Copy Down Template.


Select the check box if you want to use the Copy Down Template as the default when you use a Voucher Entry page. Only one Display Template can be selected as the default value.


Use Action list to check or uncheck all the check boxes except the Default check box.

Use G-Invoicing page (AP_VCHR_EZ_PNL_SEC) to add the EZ Number and the other fields. GTC Number, Performance Date, Transaction Date, and Reject by Date will be defaulted for Federal EZ invoices.


Click the G-Invoicing link on the Invoice Information page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the G-Invoicing page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Voucher G-Invoicing page

Enter or select the EZ number for which you want to create the voucher. All the other fields will be auto-populated from the selected EZ invoice.