
To use Match Exception Collaboration and resolve match exceptions, you must have installed PeopleSoft Payables and PeopleSoft Purchasing, and you must complete the following setup:

  1. Enable Match Collaboration on the Installation Options - Payables page.

    You must select Enable Match Collaboration option on the Installation Options - Payables page. Once you enable match collaboration, all notifications will be routed using the PeopleTools notification framework instead of matching notification (worklist/email).

    Important! Customers using PeopleTools 8.58 and have taken the Match Exception Collaboration from Image 40 will experience new configurable notifications that replace Match Exception Worflow/Email.

    Customers using PeopleTools release less than 8.58 and have taken the Match Exception Collaboration from Image 40 will continue to use Match Exception Worflow/Email. When they decide to upgrade to a PeopleTools release at or higher than 8.58.00, they can take the Match Exception Collaboration from Image 40 again which will apply the necessary configuration data to run the new configurable notifications.

    For more information, see Setting Up Application-Specific Installation Options

  2. Use the Match Exception Group page to define a wide range of groups and areas of responsibility in reviewing, analyzing, and resolving match exceptions.

    For more information, see Establishing Matching and Document Association Options

  3. Similarly, use Match Exception Supplier Range page to define supplier name ranges. Defining supplier name range is an optional setup. Supplier name range setup will act as an additional filter. Match Exception Collaboration routings and notifications are generated for users who are specified within the Group and Supplier name range setup components.

    For more information, see Establishing Matching and Document Association Options

  4. Access Match Exception Resolution page to identify reasons for resolving match exceptions.

    For more information, see Establishing Matching and Document Association Options

  5. Set user preferences for Exception Collaboration on the User Preferences - Payables Online Vouchering page. This will determine the default MECC view and focus tabs to be displayed.

    For more information, see Defining Application-Specific User Preferences

  6. Match Action option on the Match Request page will be hidden if Enable Match Collaboration has been selected at the Installation option level, you are using PeopleTools 8.58 or higher and Match Exceptions Collaboration Notifications has been installed.

    For users with PeopleTools release less than 8.58, Match Action options are available on the Match Request page. The Matching Notification and Process Match Exceptions processes generate workflow notifications and worklist items based on the workflow parameters defined on the Match Rule Type and Match Rules - Workflow pages.

    For more information, see Initiating the Matching Application Engine Process

  7. You can archive and purge MECC related records that are generated over time. Only the Match Exception Collaboration Detail records with Status R (Resolved) will be archived.

    For more information on archiving and purging, see PeopleTools: Data Management

The Match Exception Collaboration application engine leverages the existing exceptions that the Matching process generates. Using the Group and optional Supplier Name Range setup, the application engine determine creation of assignment records to the specific users that are identified. The application engine also generates a new Match Exception Collaboration detail record for each exception.

The Match Exception Collaboration application engine utilizes the setup and determine if a match exception should be assigned to an individual or should notify a group of individuals. If a single person is identified as the owner of the match exception then that individual will be automatically assigned the match exception. If multiple individuals are identified as potential owners of a match exception then multiple assignment records will be generated. When these individuals log in they will be able to see those match exceptions that require their review.

Note: You should be careful on how many individuals belong to a group. The higher the number of individuals in a group, the higher number of assignment rows will be created.