ChartField Inheritance

PeopleSoft Receivables inherits the ChartField values for receivables transactions. The Pending Group Generator Application Engine process determines the inheritance option for each ChartField and populates each ChartField value based on the inheritance option selected for the ChartField.

This topic discusses:

  • Inheritance setup

  • Inheritance accounting entries

You must define inheritance rules for the following inheritance groups on the ChartField Inheritance page:

  • Billing (AR/BI): Used for all transactions except revaluation.

  • Receivables Revaluation (AR Reval): Used for revaluation.

PeopleSoft Receivables uses these rules for all transactions that inherit ChartField values.

Note: ChartField inheritance rules do not apply to PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartFields, with the exception of the Project ID ChartField, unless otherwise noted in the inheritance options that follow.

Options for each ChartField are:



Always Inherit

The system uses the ChartField values from another line in the transaction, even if it is in a different business unit. The distribution line varies based on the transaction. The table in the section about anchor lines describes the distribution line that the system uses for different transaction types. Select this option only if all business units share the same ChartField values; otherwise, the inherited value could be invalid.

Project ChartFields, other than Project Id, such as Business Unit PC, Activity Id, and more are inherited to the offsetting cash accounting line if the inheritance option for Project Id is set to Always Inherit. If the inheritance option for Project Id is set to Do Not Inherit, then these Project ChartFields will not be inherited. This functionality is applicable to direct journals as well as payment worksheet cash entries and direct debit cash entries, but not drafts.

Do Not Inherit

The system uses the ChartField values that you specify in either the receivables setup tables (Distribution Code, Item Entry Type, or Automatic Entry Type) or when you enter the transaction. The source of the ChartField values varies based on the transaction type. You would usually not select this option for a balanced ChartField unless you select the IntraUnit Balancing Entries check box on the Detail Ledger Group - Balancing page.

Note: For value-added tax (VAT) lines, the system uses the ChartField values that you defined for the VAT code associated with the item.

Use Unit Default

The system uses the default ChartField values that you assigned to the general ledger business unit associated with the transaction in the inheritance defaults on the General Ledger Definition - Inter/IntraUnit page. The system uses the general ledger business unit that you assign to the receivables business unit.

Inherit within Unit

The system uses the ChartField values from another line in the transaction only if it is in the same business unit. The distribution line varies, based on the transaction type. Otherwise, it uses the default ChartField values for the general ledger business unit. You may want to select this option if the ChartField values are not shared across all business units.

Bank accounts can be associated with a single fund (nonpooled) or group of funds (pooled). A nonpooled bank account must be associated with a fund code, and the inheritance option must be Do not Inherit. When you set up pooled bank accounts, you must define the inheritance rules for the account. The rules that you can select for the Deposit - AR, Control - AR, Draft - AR, and Discount - AR account types are limited based on your selection for the Cash - AR account type.

Note: To set up rules for direct debits, select the DD/AR Draft Cash Control check box, and enter inheritance options for Control - AR account type.

When you enter accounting entries online for pending items, you cannot change values for ChartFields that are set to Always Inherit or Inherit within Unit. Also, if you enter additional AR and user-defined (revenue) lines, the system automatically populates the values for ChartFields that are set to Always Inherit or Inherit within Unit. For transactions on payment, draft, maintenance, or transfer worksheets, you can add additional accounting entries only for items that do not reference existing items, such as on-account items and prepayments.

If the values for ChartFields are set to Always Inherit or Inherit within Unit and you have items with multiple AR accounting lines, the system generates multiple offset lines for all payments, write-offs, maintenance worksheet matching, and so on.

For direct journal payments, the system uses the User-defined line to inherit ChartField values to the Cash line, if the inheritance option for the ChartField associated with the Cash - AR account type is set to Always Inherit or Inherit within Unit for the bank account. If you enter additional User-defined lines, the system automatically populates the ChartField values on the new line. After you create the accounting entries, you cannot change the ChartField values.

For cash control deposit entries, ChartField values are inherited from the cash control line to the cash line, if the inheritance option for the ChartField associated with the Cash - AR account type is set to Always Inherit or Inherit within BU for the bank account.

The following is an example of accounting entries where the inheritance option for the Fund ChartField is set to Always Inherit. The transaction is a payment in full of a 300.00 USD item:



Dept ID


Debit Amount

Credit Amount













The Fund code in the Cash line is inherited from the Fund code in the AR line, but the Dept ID is different because it is not set to inherit.