Entering and Reviewing Conversations

PeopleSoft Receivables conversation pages help keep track of ongoing discussions and conversations with customer contacts. Examples include invoice and payment issues that you are trying to resolve, as well as other customer inquiries. You can link a conversation to a specific item. Use the PeopleSoft notification feature to send an e-mail to an interested party to announce that there is a new conversation entry to review.

Use the conversation pages as needed to review or add entries to an existing conversation thread or to record a new one. The search criteria for retrieving a conversation can be a keyword, subject, or topic that is associated with the conversation or a follow-up action, such as calling the customer again.

You can set up the conversation for review in a specified number of days or have the supervisor review it. The system assigns the supervisor associated with the user profile for the individual to review the conversation.

You can also attach documents to the conversation, such as proof of delivery slips, a bill of lading, or a Microsoft Word or Excel document.

The Condition Monitor process creates an action for a customer, if you create a rule for the Conversation Follow-up condition when a follow-up date is reached or you enter a new follow-up action.

The Collections Workbench enables you to create and manage conversations and conversation promises, as well as assign and perform and update action items based on conditions associated with those conversations.

See information about the Conversations tab in Collections Workbench Detail Tabs.