Understanding Employee Profiles

Employee data is the foundation of PeopleSoft Expenses. Oracle's PeopleSoft provides centralized access to employee information, such as their cost center codes, credit card numbers, check printing addresses, direct deposit bank accounts, and transportation data. The employee profile also stores default values and settings that PeopleSoft Expenses uses to streamline the time and expense report entry.

Although Oracle highly recommends that your human resource system regularly update your employee tables, you may need to add or edit employee profiles manually to provide data required for expense reimbursement. PeopleSoft Expenses enables you to add and maintain personal, organizational, and financial data. Because of the sensitivity of employee information, Oracle suggests that you authorize access to these pages carefully.

To update employee data, use the Update Profile page (EX_EE_PROFILE2). You can also use the EX_EE_ORG_DTA_SETUP component interface to load data into the tables during implementation. Whenever you manually add a new employee, you must validate that new employee and associate them with a valid user ID to enable them to enter information in PeopleSoft Expenses. You perform the manual validation on the Organization Data page in the Update Profile component. Access the Authorize Users page to add a validated employee to the Authorize User table.

Note: If PeopleSoft Expenses receives data from human resources, updates from human resources may overwrite changes made through the expense system. PeopleSoft recommends using the Employee Self-Service navigation if human resources feeds your expense system. The pages accessed through the Employee Self-Service navigation are displayed in read-only mode, with the exception of the User Defaults page.

PeopleSoft Expenses allows employees to set up their own user defaults to reduce data entry time for travel authorizations, cash advances, expense reports, and time reports, and they can easily change these defaults during data entry. Employees can also set up project defaults, accounting distributions, and number of hours worked per day.

Displaying Preferred Name

Some employees may ask to be identified by a preferred name rather than their legal name. The Display Preferred Name check box (Installation Options - Overall Page) allows this capability.

When this check box is selected, the system uses the Display Name to identify an individual and typically includes Preferred Name information. Most PeopleSoft Financial pages show the Display Name and Preferred Name fields. Pages and processes that require the legal name continue to do so. See Personal Data (Edit) Page (Common Definitions) to view an image showing the Display Name and Preferred Name fields used in FSCM.

The Personal Data record is the source of name information and can be updated using an interface with PeopleSoft HCM, or manually using navigations under Common Definitions, Travel and Expenses, Resource Management, Maintenance Management, Grants or a third-party interface.

If your organization uses PeopleSoft HCM, it is recommended that you update employee tables in your human resources system first, and then load the employee data into your PeopleSoft FSCM database using the PERSON_BASIC_SYNC or PERSON_BASIC_FULLSYNC messages. After the synchronization process completes, you may need to add or edit employee profiles in the FSCM database. Employee information is sensitive. Therefore, it is suggested that you carefully authorize access to these pages. Any changes you make in your FSCM database using Personal Data pages may be overwritten in subsequent HCM synchronizations.

Navigations to Update Name: Name information can be viewed and updated from several different navigations in FSCM. Your use of these navigations is largely dependent on the products installed and whether an employee or resource is sourced from and synchronized using PeopleSoft HCM.

Controls for Updating Name Information

Source Page and Navigation

Employees and Resources Sourced from PeopleSoft HCM

Employees and Resources Not Sourced from PeopleSoft HCM

Personal Data (Edit) Page (Common Definitions)



Employee Data Page (Travel and Expenses)



Update Employee Data: Personal Data Page

Not Editable


Update Employee Data - Personal Data Page

Not Editable


Professional Name & Address Page



Displaying Preferred Name for Expenses

Regardless of how the data is updated, if a value is entered into the Preferred Name fields, PeopleSoft Expenses always uses the Display Name field on all Expense transactions. The Expenses Employee Data Page (Employee Self-Service) and the Fluid Approval pages display the Preferred Name. However, when Expenses sends expense report or cash advance information to Payables, the legal name is sent. Therefore, when a legal document is created in PeopleSoft, such as a W2, W4, a check for an expense report, or a payroll check, the legal name is always used.