Importing Payments and Payment Cancellations as Flat Files from Third-Party Applications

This topic presents an overview and discusses how to import payment and payment cancellation flat files from third-party applications.

Note: This topic provides information that is necessary for importing payments and payment cancellations into Financial Gateway from third-party applications only in flat file format.

Page Name

Definition Name


Import Payment Flat Files Page


Download payments and payment cancellations as flat files from third-party applications into Financial Gateway.

You can load third-party cancel payments into Financial Gateway by using the Import Payment Flat Files component functionality. When you load canceled payments from a third-party flat file into Financial Gateway, the payment status in Financial Gateway is Pending Cancellation. Once the cancel file is loaded, using the PMT_DISP_BT process, Financial Gateway executes the Payment Cancellations process, generates a cancellation message in compliance with SEPA, and sets the payment status to Cancelled with Message.

Use the Import Payment Flat Files page (BSP_IMPORT) to download payments and payment cancellations as flat files from third-party applications into Financial Gateway.


Financial Gateway > Import Payments > Import Payment Flat Files

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import Payment Flat Files page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Import Payment Flat Files page


Field or Control


Import Type

Select from the following options:

  • FTP: Select if you are importing the file by using file transfer protocol, and enter a bank node through which to transfer the data.

  • File: Select if you are importing a file, and complete the File Path and File Name fields.

  • HTTP: Select if you are importing an XML file using a URL that is included as part of the node configuration. No file path or file name is required.

File Location

Appears when using the File import type only. Displays the file location entered on the configuration page by a bank integration administrator. Users have access only to the folders below the base path displayed in the File Location field.

For more information, see Managing Import File Locations.

Bank Node

Enter the bank node that was used to transfer the data. This field appears only if FTP or HTTP is selected as the import type.

View Bank Node Details

Click to access the Bank Node Details page and review property details of the selected node. This link appears only if FTP or HTTP is selected as the import type.

File Path

Enter a file path according to the import type selected:

  • File Import Type: Leave this field blank to select a file in the base path shown in the File Location field, or enter a folder name with trailing backslash below the base path, for example, /Bank02/.

    Wildcard characters are not supported when using the File import type.

  • FTP Import Type: Enter the complete file path location. To select files by using the Select File button, you must include a trailing backslash (\) in the file path.

    You can you can also load all files in a given directory by using the *.* notation or search for files of a specific type by entering an asterisk and the extension suffix. For example, to search all files with an .xxx suffix, enter \*.xxx.

  • HTTP Import Type: Does not require a file path and the field is unavailable.

Note: Be sure that the application server and the Process Scheduler have access to the directory, FTP node, or HTTP node where the files are staged for import.

File Selection Help

Click to view help information about specifying file paths and file names.

File Name

Select the specific file to import. If you want to import multiple files based on extension for the FTP import type, leave this field blank.




    As the layout that is used to request a payment file.


    As the layout used to request a payment cancellation.

View Layout Details

Click this link to access the details of the selected layout catalog on the Layout Catalog page.

See Define Layout Properties Page.

Advanced Options

Field or Control


Encryption Profile

Select an encryption profile to decrypt bank statements. Encryption profiles contain both encryption and decryption information.

Use Integration Broker

Select to format the files and publish the formatted document to PeopleSoft Integration Broker. Integration Broker then processes the formatted file accordingly.

You select this option if you want to use the bank statement information as a trigger to Integration Broker, as an indication to perform other processes, or to integrate with other systems.

Post Process File Action

Select what action, if any, to perform on bank statement files after the data has been processed. The options are:

  • Copy: Copy the file to the directory that is entered in the Post Precess File Directory field.

  • Delete: Delete the file after the data in it is processed.

  • Move: Move the file to the directory that is entered in the Post Precess File Directory field.

  • None: Take no action.

Post Process File Directory

Enter a file path to the directory to which the file will be moved or copied if either option is selected as the post process file action.

Layout Properties

Field or Control



Specify the type of flat file to be imported. Enter:

  • CSV: For comma-separated values.

  • Fixed: For fixed-length field values.