Navigating in PeopleSoft Proposal Management

PeopleSoft Proposal Management provides custom navigation center pages that contain groupings of folders that support a specific business process, task, or user role.

Note: In addition to the PeopleSoft Proposal Management custom navigation center pages, Oracle provides menu navigation, standard navigation pages, and PeopleSoft Navigator.

Note: The icons and features that appear on your PeopleSoft Proposal Management Home page may vary based on user security access and roles.

This table lists the Custom Navigation Center pages that are used to navigate in PeopleSoft Proposal Management.

Page Name



Proposal Management Center Page

Proposal Management > Proposal Management Center

Access the key areas of PeopleSoft Financials to manage your proposals.

My Proposals Page

Click the My Proposal link on the Proposal Management Center page.

Manage proposals from a personal list.

Proposal Management Page

Click the Proposal Management link on the Proposal Management Center page.

Create proposals, versions, and budgets. Also inquire on existing proposals.

Resource Estimate Page

Click the Maintain Version Estimate link on the Proposal Management Center page.

Establish and update version project and activity estimates.

Maintain Version Estimate Detail Page

Click the Maintain Version Est. Detail link on the Proposal Management Center page.

Establish and update version activity estimate details.

Copy Proposal Page

Click the Copy Proposal link on the Proposal Management Center page.

Copy a new proposal from an existing proposal.

Contracts Page

Click the Contracts link on the Proposal Management Center page.

Enter and manage contracts, including billing and revenue recognition options.

Projects Page

Click the Projects link on the Proposal Management Center page.

Capture and account for costs and revenue associated with a project.

Reports Page

Click the Reports link on the Proposal Management Center page.

View and create reports.

Definitions Page

Click the Definitions link on the Proposal Management Center page.

Define or maintain PeopleSoft Proposal Management business units and activity types.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Portal Technology