Defining Counterparty Information

This topic discusses how to define counterparties and settlement instructions for counterparty deals.

Page Name

Definition Name


Treasury Counterparties Page


Establish counterparties.

Address Information


Enter your counterparty's address (optional).

See the Treasury Counterparties Page for more information.

Settlement Instructions Page


Specify, by currency, the counterparty's account into which your payments will be directed as a result of deals transacted with this counterparty.

To define treasury counterparties, use the Treasury Counterparties component (BANK_PNL_TR_GBL).

If a trading relationship with a bank exists, then the bank is defined as counterparty with appropriate role. You do not need to set up a bank before defining a counterparty.

Use the Treasury Counterparties page (BANK_PNL_TR) to establish counterparties.


Banking > Banks and Branches > Treasury Counterparties

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Treasury Counterparties page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Treasury Counterparties page

Most of the fields on this page are the same as the fields on the Bank Information page. See the Bank Information Page for more information.

Field or Control


Address Information

Click this link to access the Address Information page (BANK_ADDR_PNL_TR), where you can enter a counterparty’s address, if desired.

Counterparty Options

Field or Control


Corporate Treasury

Select if a bank is a regional or corporate treasury. This option applies only to internal bank types. Corporate treasury entities have special rights within PeopleSoft Treasury, such as servicing internal accounts. You can designate multiple internal counterparties as a corporate treasury. If you select this check box, you should also specify the general ledger unit with which it is associated. When you select this check box, the system automatically selects the Internal BU check box.

Counterparty Roles

Select the check boxes that reflect the activities in which this counterparty is involved. Options are: Deal Counterparty, Issuer, or Broker.

Use the Settlement Instructions page (BANK_STL_NET) to specify, by currency, the counterparty's account into which your payments will be directed as a result of deals transacted with this counterparty.


Click the Settlement Instructions link on the Counterparty Information page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Settlement Instructions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Settlement Instructions page

You can specify netting options and payment instructions for deals associated with a specified counterparty.

Note: Netting options specified here are used only in the deal settlement netting process; these options are not used in the bilateral account netting process.

See Settlement Instructions Page.

Settlement Netting Options

Select a netting option for this counterparty.

Field or Control


Do Not Net

Select if no netting takes place for transactions with this counterparty.


Select if both positive and negative cash flows for each currency are netted, resulting in one net cash flow per currency.

Net Bulk

Select if positive and negative cash flows for each currency are netted separately, resulting in one positive cash flow amount and one negative cash flow amount per currency.

Contractual Netting

If you select either Net or Net Bulk, select this check box to indicate that there is a netting contract in place with this counterparty.

Payment Instructions

Field or Control



Select a settlement instruction.


Select to indicate which instructions are the default instructions in Deal Management.

Settle Thru Internal Account

Select to enable settlements to go through an internal account as opposed to an account in another bank. This check box is available only if the bank type is Internal.

Settle Thru Bank and Settle Thru Account

Select the appropriate bank code and account code.

Payment Method

Payment methods available to you are determined by the selected Settle Thru Bank and Settle Thru Account.

See External Accounts - Payment Methods Page.

See Setting Up Payment Processing.

Options include:

Automated Clearing House

Direct Debit

Draft - Customer EFT

Draft - Customer Initiated

Draft - Supplier Initiated

Electronic Funds Transfer



Letter of Credit

Manual Check

System Check

Wire Transfer

Edit Settlement Instructions icon

Click to access the Beneficiary Bank Page and edit settlement instructions.