Defining and Using ChartField Request and Approval

Page Name

Definition Name


ChartField Request Page


Define a Business Request for approval.

Business Request Long Description Page


Includes information about the complete title description for the Business Request

See the ChartField Request Page.

ChartField Attribute Values Page


Review or add ChartField Attributes and values for the Business Request, if applicable.

See the ChartField Request Page.

Request Copy Page


Select information for copying.

Request Attachments Page


Add or modify supporting documents as attachments for the Business Request.

Account / Alt-Account Mapping Page


Select Account/ Alt Account information for mapping, if applicable.

See the ChartField Request Page.

Component Interface Errors Page


Click the Errors link on the ChartField Request page to display associated errors that happened during the inserting or updating the base table(s) via the corresponding Component Interface action, which should happen seldom.

See the ChartField Request Page.

Approval Flow Page


Access the Approval Flow page to view or modify the approval flow, such as adding ad hoc approvers.

Pending Approvals - Field Request Page (Fluid)


Use the Pending Approvals - Field Request (EOAWMA_MAIN_FL) page in Fluid to take approval actions on requests to add or modify ChartFields.

Field Request (detail) Page (Fluid)


Use the Field Request (EOAWMA_TXNDTL_FL) page in Fluid to view transaction details and take approval actions on requests to add or modify ChartFields.

When you define a Business Request for approval, you can:

  • Include information about the complete title description for the Business Request.

  • Define ChartField Attributes for the Business Request, if applicable.

  • Add or modify supporting documents as attachments for the Business Request.

  • Select information for copying.

  • Select Account/Alt Account information for mapping, if applicable.

  • Display associated errors that happened when inserting/updating the base table(s) via the corresponding Component Interface action.

  • Access the Approval Flow page from the ChartField Request page, to view or modify the approval flow.

  • Use the PeopleSoft Fluid Pending Approvals page to take action on the ChartField Request.

Perform these general steps to set up Fluid Approvals for ChartField Requests:

  1. Verify the setup field on the Register Transactions Page, for the FieldRequestApproval process ID.

    See Completing the Field Approval Transaction Registry and Configuration.

  2. On the Configure Transactions Page, for the FieldRequestApproval process ID, the User Utilities Package should be FLDREQ_FLUID_APPR and the User Utilities Path should be FieldRequestUserUtilities.

    See Completing the Field Approval Transaction Registry and Configuration

  3. On the Mobile Approval Options - Transactions Page, verify or add this information:

    1. On the Transaction tab, add transaction ID FLDREQ for process ID FieldRequestApproval, and select Allow Mass Approvals.

    2. On the Actions tab, select approval actions for transaction ID FLDREQ.

    3. On the Images tab, for transaction ID FLDREQ, enter ImagePS_STRUCHG_FL in the Small, Medium, and Large Image fields.

  4. Verify the setting on the CAVF Configuration Setup Page, for the FLD_REQ_ATTACHMENT Configuration ID, to allow attachments.

Use the ChartField Request page (FLD_REQUEST) to create a new ChartField request, update an existing ChartField request, and define a business request for approval.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Define Values > Submit ChartField Request.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ChartField Request page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ChartField Request page - Account

The fields on this page vary based on the ChartField that you select for the request. For an approved Add request or an Update request, you can click the field value link located beneath the Field Name to access the ChartField definition entry page for that value.

Field or Control


Field Action

Field values are:

  • Add - Displays if your request is to add a new ChartField value.

  • Update - Displays if your request is to modify an existing ChartField value.

Based on the Field Action, the Field Value that you enter is validated against the prompt. For Add requests, if the value that you enter exists in the core base table, you are precluded from adding the request and receive a message stating so. For Update requests, the value must exist in the prompt edit table or you receive a message to that effect. The request itself is also validated against the request table to make sure no incomplete request exists for the same value.

Request ID

When creating a new ChartField Request, the Request ID is system-generated to prevent duplication of requests. Specify the SetID and the Field Name. The system will provide the corresponding information from the predefined template and dynamically construct the Request page.

Field Name

For the prompting on Field Name, only those defined on the Template of the entered SetID are shown in the list: You must select a Field Name and a Field Value for your ChartField request.

Field Value

Enter a value that corresponds with the field that you entered in the Field Name.

When searching for an existing value, you can enter criteria for all of the field values that are required for adding the request, as well as the requester, the user that entered the request, and the status of the request (Approved, Canceled, Component Interface Error, Denied, Need Action, Newly Created, and Pending Approval).

When adding a new value, this field can be left blank. However, it is important that the value be entered by one of the approvers before the request receives final approval; otherwise, the system assigns Blank Value as the status, and no value is inserted into the ChartField base table. In this case, the approver must select Update Blank Value as the action in order to assign a new value.

Request Status

Displays current ChartField Request status. Values are:

  • Approved

  • Blank Value

  • Cancelled

  • Component Interface Error

  • Denied

  • Need Attention

  • Newly Created

  • Pending Approval

Request Action

After you have entered the required fields for a new ChartField Request and you save the page successfully, the Request Action field appears. Select one of the following actions:

  • Approve: Select to approve the request.

  • Cancel: Select to disable the request. Request Status field changes to Cancelled.

  • Deny: Select to deny the request.

  • Execute Component Interface: Select to correct component interface errors.

  • Hold: Select to place the approval process on-hold so that you can seek more information.

    Note: After one step has been put on-hold, it still can be approved or denied by the approver who put it on-hold. Other approvers on the same step will be either bypassed if the step only requires one approval, or still needed to approve or deny this step if it requires multiple approvals. This is determined by the Approval Framework and the corresponding rule setup. if the approver chooses a Hold or Pushback action (if the step is eligible for pushback), for the step they already put on-hold, nothing will happen (the step remains on Hold).

  • Mark ‘Needs Attention’: Select to change the Request Status field to Needs Attention.

  • Mark ‘New’: Select to change the Request Status field to Newly Created.

  • Pushback: Select to push back the request for modification.

  • Submit for Approval: Select to route the request to the designated approvers. This action changes the Request Status field to Pending Approval. The person who re-submits the request for approval becomes the requester.

    The request remains open to allow changes. When a change is made and the request is saved, the system updates the Updated By and Updated Date/Time fields to track the change. Approval Workflow reminds approvers that the Field Value field should not be blank.

  • Update Blank Value: Select to insert the value into the ChartField base table for a Blank Value status request, after you have completed the value.

    This option is only available to approvers who have approved the request.


Click this button after making a selection in the Request Action field.

View Approval Flow

This link appears when you have selected the Submit for Approval request action. Click to view the Approval Flow page from which you can add adhoc approvers and view statuses.

See Approval Flow Page

Request Status

Request Action Values

Allow Update and Save



No. Page fields are unavailable for updates.

Blank Value


Update Blank Value

No. Page fields are unavailable for updates because the request is approved. The Field Value field is available to approvers who have approved this request.

Component Interface Error


Execute Component Interface

Note: Execute Component Interface is suitable when fixing CI errors doesn’t need to change the request data.

No. Page fields are unavailable for updates.



Mark ‘Needs Attention’

Mark ‘New’

Submit for Approval

Yes. Request Status preserved.

Need Attention


Mark ‘New’

Submit for Approval

Yes. Request Status preserved.

Newly Created


Mark ‘Needs Attention’

Submit for Approval

Yes. Request Status preserved.

Pending Approval

(below are only available for Approvers)




Pushback (only if not on the first level)

Yes. Request Status preserved.

Core Information

Fields under the Core Information group box are copied over from the corresponding business request template. The Long Description, Attributes and Account / Alt-Account Mapping links are also included under this group box when they are enabled on the template. All the Required fields are prefixed with a “*” on their labels. Upon save, validations are enforced if no values on those required fields.

Business Justification

Fields in the Business Justification group box are derived from the corresponding Business Request Template. The Attachments link is also included in this group box. See Business Request Template Page.


Field or Control


Insert Value Under Node

Select the node for which you want to add below. You can specify a new node, however, this option is only available for summer trees.

To insert a value under a new node for a spring or winter tree, you should go to the tree manager.

Move/Add Node to Parent Node

Select a parent node for which you want to move to. This is a required field when adding a new node.


Select Leaf or Node. Leaf appears by default.

  • For spring trees, you can choose either a Leaf or Node.

  • For summer trees, sets to Leaf and is unavailable.

  • For winter trees, sets to Node and is unavailable.

Note: When inserting the requested value as a spring tree node, the tree will be saved as Draft Tree as the new tree node does not have a specified range; for example, detail values (leaves). In all other scenarios, the tree will be saved as Valid Tree if no other tree audit errors exist.

Auto Update

Select to indicate that upon final approval of the request, the tree is updated.

Update Status

Displays the update status as: None, Success, Saved as Draft & Failed.

Note: For trees with Saved as Draft or Failed auto update status, you must manually fix the tree audit issue(s) or perform the update using Tree Manager, as the requested value is already inserted (updated) in the base table and the request is closed.

Long Description Page

Use the Long Description page (FLD_REQ_LONG_DESCR) to enter more details regarding the ChartField Request.


Click the Long Description link, if available, on the ChartField Request page. See Business Request Template Page for Display Options of a given field. This determines whether a link or field displays on the ChartField Request page.

ChartField Attribute Values Page

Use the ChartField Attribute Values page (FLD_REQ_ATTRIB) to attach ChartField Attributes and Attribute values for the Business Request, if applicable.

Click the Attributes link, if applicable, on the ChartField Request page to view details or add attributes and values.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ChartField Attribute Values page.

Business Request - ChartField Attribute Values page

For more information, see “Creating Generic ChartField Attribues”, ChartField Request Page

Acct / Alt-Acct Mapping

Click the Account / Alt-Account Mapping link when available (can only be enabled for Account & Alt-Account) on the ChartField Request page to view details of the Alternate Accounts that are mapped to the requested account and vice versa or modify mappings.

Note: Click the Account / Alt-Account Mapping link when available (can only be enabled for Account & Alt-Account) on the ChartField Request page to view details of the Alternate Accounts that are mapped to the requested account and vice versa or modify mappings.

For more information see “Using Alternate Account”, Adding and Mapping Accounts and Alternate Accounts

Use the Request Copy (FLD_REQ_COPY_SEC) page to copy information from an existing request to a new one. The SetID and Field Name combination, must be the same for both requests.


Click the Copy button on the saved ChartField Request page to open the Request Copy page.

Field or Control


Field Value

Enter a value that is appropriate for the Field Action Field. This field is not required when the field action is Add. However, the field is required when the field action is Update.

Note: Attachments, Account, and Alt-Account Mappings are not copied to the new request because they are not appropriate for the new request. However, when copying to a new Update request, the existing Account / Alt-Account Mapping is derived from the base table to the new Update request.

Use the Request Attachments page (FLD_REQ_ATT_SEC) to add, modify, or delete supporting documents as attachments for the ChartField Request.


Click the Attachments link on the ChartField Request page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Request Attachments page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Business Request - Request Attachments page

Field or Control


Show to Approver

Select this check box adjacent to the attachment to permit an Approver to view it on the Manage Business Request Approval page. See Managing the Business Request and Approval Process


Enter a brief description for the attachment.

Add Attachment

Select to add one or more attachments. The system displays and error message if you try to load more than the number of attachments specified on the Installation Options - Multiple Attachments Page for the General Ledger product.

This option only appears if the user is authorized.

Note: Only the user who added the attachment can modify or delete the attachment.

Use the Approval Flow (FLD_REQ_AF_MONITOR) page to review or modify the approval flow (add adhoc approvers, for example). You can access this page from the ChartField Request page or from the Manage Business Request Approval page.


Click the View Approval Flow link from the ChartField Request page.


Click the View Approval Flow icon from the Manage Business Request Approval page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approval Flow page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Business Request - Approval Flow (expanded path)

Click the Multiple Approvers link to view the names of the approvers. If there is only one approver or reviewer in a step, the user’s name appears as the link (Smith, Jane as pictured in the example): The status appears for each step of the approval process path. Once the approvals are received from the first step, the statuses change accordingly for the next step in the path.

Field or Control


Start New Path

Click to start a new approval path and select to insert reviewers or approvers.

Save Approval Flow Changes

This button appears only after changes are made to the Approval Flow page, such as adding adhoc approvers.

Click the plus buttons within an existing path to add adhoc approvers to the approval path. A minus sign appears in the upper right corner of the adhoc approver to easily remove, if needed.

You can enter comments in the space that is provided. Comments are required when the approver selects to Deny, Hold, Pushback or Update a request.

Use the Pending Approvals - Field Request (EOAWMA_MAIN_FL) page in Fluid to take approval actions on requests to add or modify ChartFields.


Select the Approval tile and then select Field Request.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals - Field Request Page (Fluid).

Pending Approvals - Field Request page (Fluid)

This page is designed in Page Composer in Large Form Factor (LFF) and Small Form Factor (SFF). You can change the first column that displays the ChartField to add or update.

Use the Field Request (EOAWMA_TXNDTL_FL) page in Fluid to view transaction details and take approval actions on requests to add or modify ChartFields.


From the Approval tile, select Field Request, and then select an approval transaction.

From a user’s Worklist, click the Field Request Approval link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Field Request (detail) Page (Fluid).

Field Request (detail) page (Fluid)

This page is designed in Page Composer in Large Form Factor (LFF) and Small Form Factor (SFF). You can change all sections in this page except for the grid in the Tree Information section.