Establishing Additional Payment Processing Options

To establish additional payment processing options, use the following components:

  • Payment Handling Codes (PYMNT_HNDL_CD_PNL)

  • Payment Messages (PYMNT_MSG)

This section discusses how to define payment handling codes and establish standard payment messages.

Page Name

Definition Name


Defining Payment Handling Codes


Enter codes that indicate how to handle individual payments. Payment handling codes help determine the order in which payments are generated–typically, they are used to determine the order in which checks are printed. You must enter at least one code for the system to process payments.

Payment Message Page


Enter standard payment messages for printing on payment advices.

Use the Payment Handling Codes page (PYMNT_HNDL_CD_PNL) to enter codes that indicate how to handle individual payments.

Payment handling codes help determine the order in which payments are generated–typically, they are used to determine the order in which checks are printed. You must enter at least one code for the system to process payments.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Payments > Payment Handling Codes > Payment Handling Codes

Payment handling codes work with sequence numbers to determine the order in which payments get generated (that is, typically, the order in which checks get printed) within a pay cycle. Payments with the same handling code get generated together. A higher handling code sequence number causes a payment to be generated last; for checks this means that payments with handling codes of a higher sequence number are printed last and end up on the top of the pile.

Field or Control


Payment Handling

Enter a payment handling code to indicate how you want to handle individual payments. PeopleSoft delivers the following codes, but you can add your own:

  • HD (high dollar payment): This code identifies high-amount payments that typically require special approval or signatures; by assigning them a high sequence number–the delivered sequence number is 99–high-amount checks will print last and therefore be on the top of the pile, where they can easily be extracted for approval and special signatures.

    Note: This code can apply to any currency, despite its name.

  • IN (internal distribution): This code identifies payments to be distributed within the organization by interoffice mail.

  • PO (route to purchasing): This code identifies payments to be routed to purchasing before being transmitted to suppliers.

  • RE (regular payments):

The payment handling code defaults onto the payment from the voucher origin associated with the user or the supplier, but it can be overridden on the voucher. When you set up bank accounts, you can define a high dollar amount that, when reached, causes the payment handling code on a voucher automatically to switch to HD (high dollar payment).

Sequence Number

Determines the sort sequence of the payments generated.

Note: If you are entering multiple payment handling codes, keep a gap between the sequence numbers so that you can subsequently add additional codes between the existing ones.

Note: Typically, multiple scheduled payments to one supplier in a pay cycle are bundled into one payment. This is not the case when the scheduled payments have different payment handling codes. In the last instance, the system produces one payment for each handling code.

Use the Payment Message page (PYMNT_MSG) to enter standard payment messages for printing on payment advices.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Payments > Payment Messages > Payment Message

You can print the messages entered on this page on the payment advice by selecting them from the Payments page in the Voucher component (VCHR_EXPRESS).

Field or Control



Enter a description for the payment message.

Payment Message

Enter the text of the payment message, up to 70 characters. You can have multiple messages for each message code.