Defining Equity Information

Page Name

Definition Name


Equity Definition Page


Define equities in the system.

Equity Quotes Page


Enter market prices for equities.

Equity Valuation Page


Run a process to create valuation accounting events that are processed by the accounting program.

To define equity deal information, use the following components:

  • Equity Definition (TRX_EQTY_DEFN)

  • Equity Quotes (TRX_EQTY_QUOTE)

Use the TRX_EQTY_DEFN_CI component interface to load data into the Equity Quotes tables.

Use these components to do the following:

  • Define equities.

  • Enter equity rates.

Use the Equity Definition page (TRX_EQTY_DEFN) to define equities in the system.


Deal Management > Equities > Equity Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Equity Definition page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Equity Definition page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Equity Definition page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Equity Definition page (2 of 2)

Field or Control


Equity ID

Displays the key identifier for an equity in Deal Management. Because the equity symbol, company name, or any field that uniquely identifies an equity can change when a company changes names or merges with another company, Deal Management uses the equity ID as the key identifier.

Ticker Symbol

Enter the series of letters that is used to identify this equity on an exchange.

Effective Date

Effective-dating logic is enforced only on information in the Equity Details section (level one), not on the Deals, Dividend Details, Split Details, or Rights Details sections.

Equity Definition

Field or Control



Enter the marketplace where this equity can be traded.

Security Type

Select the identification system that is used to assign the security ID if the stock is a security on the market with a security type and ID. Values are:

  • CINS (CUSIP International Numbering System)

  • CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures)

  • EPIC (Typically used on the UK stock market)

  • ISID (International Securities Identification Directory)

  • ISIN (International Securities Identification Number)

  • QUICK (Numbering system that is used in the Tokyo Exchange)

  • RIC (Reuters Identification Code)

  • SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List)

  • SICOVAM (Societé Interprofessionelle pour la Compensation des Valeurs Mobilières)

  • Valoren (Swiss Security Number, or Valorennummer, that is assigned by SIX Telekurs)

Security ID

Enter the number that is assigned to this stock according to the identification system that is selected in the Security Type field.

Industry Class

Enter the industry class identifier that is assigned to this stock.

Type of Equity

Field or Control


Common Shares

Select if the type of equity is common shares of stock.

Preferred Shares

Select if the type of equity is preferred shares of stock.

Equity Class

Select the class of preferred shares. Values are A, B, C, D, and Other.

Calculation for Purchase Price

Field or Control


Average Price

Select to calculate the sale price of the equity using a single purchase price for all shares that are to be sold. The seller identifies all the share lots purchased and calculates a single average purchase price for shares that are to be sold. The gain and loss is the same for each lot sold.

Specific Price

Select to calculate the sale price of the equity using multiple purchase prices based on identifying the purchased lots that are to be sold and the number of shares that are sold from those lots. The gain and loss is different for each lot that is sold.

Calculation Method of Fraction Shares

Field or Control



Select when the fractional shares resulting from a stock split are sold and the proceeds sent to you for the value of those shares.

Round Up and Round Down

Select how the fractional shares resulting from a stock split will be rounded to the nearest whole share.

Fractional Shares

Select when the fractional shares resulting from a stock split are issued as fractional certificates.


Select when the fractional shares resulting from a stock split are credited back to the account holder.


Field or Control



Displays the business unit for the deal transaction.


The default currency is that used by the country that is tied to the market exchange.

Fair Value

Displays the market value of the equity as of a particular date.

Dividend Details

Field or Control


Declaration Date

Displays the date that the dividend was declared as defined on the Dividend Details page.

Record Holder Date

Displays the date on which the shareholder of record must own the stock to collect the dividend. This is defined on the Dividend Details page.

Payment Date

Displays the date that the dividend is paid to the shareholders as defined on the Dividend Details page.

Split Details

Field or Control


Split Date

Displays the date that the split is effective, as defined on the Split Details page.

Payment Date

Displays the date that any payment for the split is made, as defined on the Split Details page.


Displays the ratio at which the split is announced, as defined on the Split Details page.

Rights Details

Field or Control


Issue Date

Displays the dates that the rights have been issued, as defined on the Rights Details page.

Exercise Date

Displays the dates on which these rights are exercised, as defined on the Rights Details page.


Displays the ratio at which rights are issued, as defined on the Rights Details page (TRX_EQTY_RIGHTS).


This grid provides information on any deals associated with this particular equity.

See Entering Equity Deal Details.

Use the Equity Quotes page (TRX_EQTY_QUOTE) to enter market prices for equities.


Deal Management > Equities > Equity Quotes

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Equity Quotes page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Equity Quotes page

Note: Not all page elements are visible on this page. Depending on the page arrangement, you see additional elements by scrolling horizontally.

Field or Control


From Date and To Date

Enter dates to specify market prices using specific dates.


Click to populate the quotes grid using the dates that are specified.


Enter the price paid for the stock.

Opening Price and Closing Price

Enter the first and last price at which this stock traded during the regular trading session on the quote date.

Price Diff (price difference)

Enter the difference between the opening price and the closing price.

Trading Volume

Enter the number of equities that were traded on the quote date.

Quote Date

Enter the date of the regular trading session that the entered quote information represents.

Quote Time

Enter the time of day on the quote date that the entered quote information represents.

Use the Equity Valuation page (TR_EQUITY_MTM) to run a process to create valuation accounting events that are processed by the accounting program.


Deal Management > Equities > Equity Valuation

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Equity Valuation page.

Equity Valuation page