Running Single-Action Jobs for Regular and Consolidated Invoices

If your business practices mandate that the invoice finalization process and load to receivables, general ledger, and payables always coincide, use the single-action option. Single-action jobs link the finalization and print, Currency Conversion, Pre-Load, Load GL Accounting Entries, Load AR Pending Items, and Generate AP Vouchers processes so that running a single-action job causes these processes to run serially.

Note: If you run single-action jobs most of the time but occasionally finalize invoices separately, you may have more invoices post to the receivables and general ledger systems than you finalized after running a single-action job.

You can run single-action jobs for regular and consolidated invoices.

Page Name

Definition Name


Pro Forma Page


Establish parameters for printing invoices using single-action processes.

Single Action Invoice - Print Options Page


Define parameters for printing an invoice using single-action processes.

Consolidated Pro Forma Page


Establish parameters for printing consolidated invoices using single-action processes.

Bills To Be Processed Page


View all bills in the range selection. The bills reflect the options that you define on the main page. Depending on how you access the page, some fields may not appear.

To finalize and distribute an invoice using a single action, access the Single Action Invoice page (Billing, Generate Invoices, Non-Consolidated, Single Action Invoice) or the Single Action Consolidation page (Billing, Generate Invoices, Consolidated, Single Action Consolidation) for consolidated invoices. The system processes only RDY bills for running invoices. These parameters are the same for reprints as they are for running the original invoices.

Note: Because single action invoicing runs a number of processes in a single action, you specify processing options for all processes on one run control page. This eliminates the need to navigate to different pages to set up the processing options.

Field or Control


Posting Action

Required by the Load AR process to update the Receivables Update process, which uses this data to process the pending receivables items that the Load AR process created.

  • Select Do Not Post to view the pending items online before the Receivables Update process in PeopleSoft Receivables processes them.

  • Select Batch Standard to post to accounts receivable during the next run of the PeopleSoft Receivables Receivables Update process.


Click to access the Process Scheduler Request page. Select the Single Action Invoice job (BIJOB03) to run the listed processes simultaneously. Select BIJOB03K to include the Commitment Control process. Select the Single Action Consolidation job (BIJOB04) to run the listed processes simultaneously for consolidated invoices. Select BIJOB04K to include the Commitment Control process. To run the listed processes individually, run them one at a time in the correct order.


Select to run the Validation process. For more information about the Validation process, see Validation Errors Page (Finalize and Print, and Single Action Invoice)


Click to run the Billing processes using the Business Process Weaver (BPW).

The Launch button appears only if:

  • Business Process Weaver is setup for Billing process.

  • Entry points for Single Action are set as Active on the Business Process Entry Point Registry page (Set Up Financials/ Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Business Process Weaver, Entry Point Registry).

For additional information about the BPW, see Understanding PeopleSoft Business Process Weaver

Note: The following three columns on the Print Options page do not appear on the Single Action Invoice page: Print Only, Primary Copy, and Custom Label. They are options for the Pro Forma and Reprint functions, which also access this page.