Copying and Transferring EBOMs

You can easily copy or transfer EBOMs. Copying EBOMs is useful when you want to copy an existing item's BOM to a different item's BOM. It also allows same as except type functionality. PeopleSoft Engineering transfers are most useful for transferring several BOMs that are associated with a change between manufacturing and engineering.

This topic discusses how to copy and transfer EBOMs.

Page Name

Definition Name


Copying Engineering BOMs Page


Copy EBOMs.

Copy Engineering BOM Detail Page


Provide a larger view of the BOM that you are copying.

Copy Outputs Page


Copy engineering outputs.

Transfer Selection Page


Define transfer criteria for BOMs and routings.

ECO Selection Page


Define the ranges of ECOs by which you want to transfer BOMs, routings, or both.

Assembly Selection Page


Make engineering transfers by assembly item.

Use the Copy Engineering BOMs page (EG_BOM_COPY) to copy EBOMs.


Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Maintain EBOMs and Revisions > Copy EBOMs > Copy Engineering BOMs

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Copy Engineering BOMs page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copy Engineering BOMs page

Source BOM

Field or Control



Select from the list. Values are:

  • Manufacturing to Engineering: Use to begin making design changes to existing MBOMs.

  • Engineering to Manufacturing: Use to copy engineering changes to manufacturing and freely include or exclude components using the Same as Except functionality on the Copy Engineering BOM Detail page.

    You control the ability to copy EBOMs to MBOMs with the Engineering Options page. The assembly item and all of its components must be approved items in PeopleSoft Inventory before you can copy the BOM to manufacturing.

  • Engineering to Engineering: Use to copy EBOMs from one business unit or item ID combination to another, to streamline operations.

    Alternatively, if different items have similar structures, you can copy the structure of one item to another within the same business unit.

During the copying process, you can include or exclude certain components and substitutes. Using Define Engineering Routings pages, you can then change the new structure as needed.

Note: The BOM type of the target BOM (BOM2) and the source BOM must be the same. You don't enter the BOM type in the Target BOM (BOM2) group box.

To enter the target BOM (BOM2):

  1. Enter as the target BOM (BOM2) the business unit, item ID, and BOM code to which you are copying.

    The item must be a valid Make or Buy item in the target business unit. You can't copy a BOM to a Floor Stock or Expensed item.

  2. (Optional) Select the Copy Engineering BOM Detail tab to copy assembly and component text, documents, and attachments.

    If you are copying a source assembly or end item that's revision-controlled to a target that's a non-revision-controlled item, then the system uses the source component's revision effectivity dates to determine the effectivity and obsolete dates of the target item's components. The target BOM also updates with any component revisions specified on the source bill.

    Note: You can copy assembly and component documents for the same item from one BOM code to another. You can't, however, copy assembly and component documents for different items: in this latter case, the Copy Documents fields are unavailable for entry or selection.

  3. Click the Save button.

    If the specific BOM already exists at the target business unit, a message asks whether to overwrite the existing BOM with the information that you are copying. If you overwrite the existing BOM, the system deletes the BOM in the target business unit and adds the source BOM.

    Note: You can't copy a BOM to a target business unit or item ID if the assembly item or any of its components isn't defined in the target. If one or more components don't exist in the target business unit, you can cancel the selection for those components, and then add the balance of the BOM. Then, you can add the missing components in the target business unit and use the BOM maintenance pages to complete the BOM structure.

    You can't copy a BOM to itself.

  4. Click the Edit BOM button to access the appropriate BOM Summary page, where you can edit attributes on the target BOM (BOM2).

Use the Copy Engineering BOM Detail page (EG_BOM_COPY_DET) to provide a larger view of the BOM that you are copying.


Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Maintain EBOMs and Revisions > Copy EBOMs > Copy Engineering BOM Detail

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Copy Engineering BOM Detail page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copy Engineering BOM Detail page

Data on this page appear by default from the Copy Engineering BOMs page, and the fields operate the same as the fields on that page.

You can copy any assembly and component text, attachment, or document.

Note: You can copy documents only if you select identical source BOM and target BOM (BOM2) item IDs. When you copy a BOM, the system creates an audit of the copy including date, time, and user who performed the copy.

Field or Control


Same as Except

Select a value to indicate how you want the BOM copied. You can use the Same as Except values in any combination. For example, you can initially select Exclude All, click Apply, and then select Include Item Range. You can also select Include/Exclude Item Range multiple times, clicking the Apply button after each selection, to include or exclude chunks of items. The effect is cumulative, not exclusive.

Values are:

  • Exclude All: The system copies no components to the target BOM.

    You can still select a component's Copy check box to select specific components or component revisions. You can also select a substitute's Copy Sub check box to select specific substitutes.

    Note: To exclude a range of dates or revisions, select Exclude All, and then include portions (by revision or date) that you want.

  • Exclude Item Range: The system doesn't copy the range of component IDs that you enter in the edit box.

  • Exclude Pos Range (exclude position range): The system doesn't copy the range of position numbers that you enter in the edit box.

  • Include All: The system marks all components on the source BOM to copy.

    You can still deselect a specific component's Copy check box or select Exclude All to deselect all check boxes.

  • Include Item Range: Works like the exclude feature, except that you enter the range of items that you want to copy.

  • Include Pos Range: Works like the exclude feature, except that you enter the position numbers that you want to copy.

  • Include Date Range: Enables you to copy all components that are in effect between the specified dates.

  • Include Revision Range: Enables you to copy all components that are in effect between the specified revisions.


Click after you select your same as except values.

View Source

Click to have the system display items that you copy and the copy choices that you make.

View Target

Click to view how the BOM will look after the copy.

Use the Copy Outputs page (EN_BOM_COPY_OUT) to copy engineering outputs.


Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Maintain EBOMs and Revisions > Copy EBOMs > Copy Outputs

Data on this page appears by default from the Copy Engineering BOMs page. Fields on this page operate the same as fields on the page and fields on the Copy Engineering BOM Detail pages.

Component Details

Field or Control



Select to designate, at the row level, that you want an output row copied from the source to the target BOM. The primary item and co-products are always copied.

While the copy BOM functionality is useful when same as except copies are required, it copies only one BOM at a time. Using the engineering transfers BOMs functionality enables you to transfer at once multiple single-level BOMs within a business unit. You can transfer BOMs:

  • As part of the ECO process.

  • By assembly items: Either a list or range of items.

You can transfer BOMs from engineering to manufacturing or from manufacturing to engineering. Transferring BOMs from engineering to manufacturing requires that all BOM items exist and are approved. So, while you can set up an item as pending, or even use placeholders when you design an EBOM, the item must be defined and approved before it's transferred to manufacturing.