Conducting Par Inventory Inquiries

Conduct par inventory inquiries by selecting Inventory > Replenish Par Locations.

Page Name

Definition Name


Review Par Locations by Item Page


Search for items across par locations. This page provides a list of all par locations in a business unit that stock a particular item.

Review Par Location Count (inquiry) Page


View count history for a specific par location and a range of count IDs.

Use the Review Par Location Count page (CART_COUNT_INQ_INV) to view count history for a specific par location and a range of count IDs. This page displays count history for a specific par location. You can use this page in conjunction with the Review Par Locations by Item inquiry page to evaluate whether a par location is likely to have on-hand quantity of an item.


Inventory >Replenish Par Locations > Review Par Location Count

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Par Location Count - Status page.

Par Location Count - Status page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Par Location Count - Requisition Details page.

Review Par Location Count _ Requisition Details Page

The tab displays the Requisition Loader status (Processed, Ready, or Error) and Requisition ID created for the item. The Requisition Details tab is displayed only if the Create Requisition for Par Replenishment is set to Yes in the Inventory - Installation page.

For information on Inventory Installation options, see Installation Options - Inventory Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Par Location Count - Error page.

Review Par Location Count - Error Page

When the Requisition Loader status is Error, the Correct Req Loader Errorsfor Non-Stock link is displayed. You can click the link to navigate to the Manage Req Loader Error page and correct the errors.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Req Loader Error page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Manage Req Loader Error Page

Field or Control


Error Message

Displays the error details updated by the Load Requisition process.


Before taking the necessary action, navigate to the respective page and correct the error.

  • Ready: Select and save the page to make the same Par Location ID and Par Location Count ID available for selection during the Load Requisition process for the particular item. After correcting the error, the Load Requisition process must be run manually to create the requisition.

  • Cancel: Select to stop creating requisition for the particular item.

Note: If you make any corrections, you have to run the Requisition Loader process manually.

For information on Requisition Loader process, see Loading Requisitions.