Creating Counting Events

You create counting events by launching the Event Creation process. You can create counting events before or after entering the count quantity data. A counting event includes a header and a list of the items being counted. The item information includes storage location, lot ID, serial ID, container ID, staged date, quantity, and unit of measure (UOM). The system obtains this information from the Manual Count table for manual counting events or from the PHYSICAL_INV for system-defined counting events.

Note: To support parallel counting events in multiple storage locations, you can create multiple counting events referencing the same item ID. However, to prevent counting stock twice, system edits do not permit you to have an item with the same combination of storage location, lot ID, serial ID, stage date, container ID, and storage UOM in more than one open counting event.

The Create Counting Event component includes two process pages: the Event Creation page and the Cycle Count Options page. Use both pages to define the parameters for specific request ID.

Page Name

Definition Name


Event Creation Page


Define parameters for the Event Creation process.

Cycle Count Options Page


Use with the Event Creation process page to define parameters for the Event Creation process for both wall-to-wall and cycle counts.

Use the Event Creation page (CNT_CRE_INV_REQ) to define parameters for the Event Creation process.


Inventory > Inventory Counts > Prepare Counting Event > Create Counting Event > Event Creation

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event Creation process page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Event Creation process page

Field or Control


Count Options

The default value comes from the Counting Event Setup - Count Options page and cannot be overridden. Event Creation process values include:

Physical Inventory: Creates a physical inventory counting event for the entire PeopleSoft Inventory business unit.

Cycle Count: Creates a counting event for items that you specify. If this option appears, you can override the default value in the Cycle Count Option field.

Zero Quantity Option

Values include: Exclude Zero Quantity, Include All, and Include Zero Quantity. By default, the field displays the value that was selected on the Setup Counting Event – Count Options page.

For more information, see Setup Counting Event - Count Options Page.

Commit Batch

Controls database commit level processing and is applicable only for cycle counting events using the Due to Count option on the Cycle Count Options Process page. The standard default for PeopleSoft Inventory processes is 100 rows per SQL commit command.

Use the Cycle Count Options page (CNT_CRE_INV_RQ2) to use with the Event Creation process page to define parameters for the Event Creation process for both wall-to-wall and cycle counts.


Inventory > Inventory Counts > Prepare Counting Event > Create Counting Event > Event Creation. Select the Cycle Count Options tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cycle Count Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cycle Count Options page

Field or Control


Cycle Count Option

Select the cycle count criteria you would like to use. Different fields display depending on which type of cycle count you select. Values include:

Due To Count: Select if you would like the system to select all items that are past their due to count date, which is displayed on the Define Business Unit Item, Inventory, Utilization Types page.

Due to Count by Storage Loc: Select if you would like the system to select all items that are past their due to count date and are stored in a specific storage location or range of storage locations.

Family: Select if you would like the system to select all items that are part of an item family.

Item ID: Select if you would like the system to select a specific item ID.

Manual Count: Select if you would like the system to process a manual count.

Negative Balance: Select if you would like the system to select all items that have a negative balance.

Storage Location: Select if you would like the system to select all items that are stored in a specific storage location or a range of storage locations.

Note: If you select the Storage Location option, the last cycle count date used to identify when that item should be counted next is not updated. This design reflects the fact that an item ID can be stored in multiple storage locations. Completing a cycle count for a specific storage location does not provide a valid last-cycle count date for the item ID.

Max Items and Utilization Type

These fields are available if you select the Due To Count cycle count option. Enter the maximum number of items if you wish to limit the system's selection, and the utilization type code for the business unit.


This is available if you select the Item ID cycle count option. The prompt displays the Item Status only if the Use Status For Counting option is set to Yes on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page.


This is available only if you select the Family cycle count option.

Single Storage Location or Range of Locations

Complete for the location required.

Item Status

For the Due to Count, Due to Count by Storage Loc, Family, Negative Balance, and Storage Location options, you can select the status of items such as, Active, Inactive, Hold, Discontinue, and All from the Look Up Item prompt. The default selection is All. Until you deselect the All check box, the other status check boxes are unavailable for selection. You can select multiple statuses. If you select the Active, Inactive, Hold, and Discontinue check boxes, the All check box is unavailable for selection. The Item Status group box is available for selection only if the Use Status For Counting option is set to Yes on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page.

You cannot select item status for the Manual Count option as you select it on the respective Manual Count page.