Entering Distribution Information

This section discusses how to Enter Distribution Information

Page Name

Definition Name


Maintain Requisitions - Distribution Page


Specify multiple shipping schedules for each line and define multiple distributions for each schedule.

Currency Information Page


Display the rules used to calculate exchange rates for the transaction.

VAT Details for Distribution Page


View and modify VAT control options, VAT details, and VAT calculations.

Multiple SpeedCharts Page


Define multiple speed charts and the requisition quantity to distribute for each speed chart.

Multiple Accounting Tag Page


Define multiple accounting tag and the requisition quantity to distribute for each accounting tag.

Use the Maintain Requisitions - Distribution page (REQ_DISTRIB_DETAIL) to specify multiple shipping schedules for each line and define multiple distributions for each schedule.


Purchasing > Requisitions > Add/Update Requisitions > Maintain Requisitions - Requisition

Click the Schedule button on the Maintain Requisitions - Requisition page.

Click the Distribution button on the Maintain Requisitions - Schedule page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Requisitions - Distribution page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Maintain Requisitions - Distribution page

The settings of the Override and Default options on the Header Defaults page affect defaulting behavior on this page when you split distribution lines.

For example, if you selected the Override option and you split 50 percent of distribution line 1 to distribution line 2, the system checks the requisition line defaults for a matching distribution line number (in this case, it is 2). If no match exists, the system checks the requisition header defaults. If no match exists, it applies the value from distribution line 1. If no value exists on distribution line 1, the system looks to the next levels in the default hierarchy.

If you have the Default option selected and perform the same split, the system checks the default hierarchy first. If no values exist, the system checks the requisition line and header default values as described previously.

Add distribution lines to the schedule to divide the delivery of goods among business units in the organization and to further define the accounting distributions. Sequential numbers are assigned to each distribution that you define for a schedule.

Distributions are transferred to purchase orders, but are not sent to the supplier.

Field or Control


Distribute by

Select the method to use to allocate the expense account distribution. Selecting either option enables you to distribute by percentage. If you change the amount or quantity, the percent is adjusted. If you change the percent, the amount or quantity is adjusted. In either case, the total must equal 100 percent.

Amount: Select to enter a value in the Amount field. The sum of all distribution amounts must equal the schedule amount (the value in the Amount field on the Maintain Requisitions - Schedule page). It is not recommended that requisition distribution lines for inventory items have a Distribute By value of Amount as it can cause rounding problems if sourced to PeopleSoft Inventory.

Quantity: Select to enter a value in the Req Qty field. The sum of all distribution quantities must equal the schedule quantity (the value in the Req Qty field on the Maintain Requisitions - Schedule page). This options is recommended for inventory items that are sourced from PeopleSoft Inventory.

Liquidate by

Liquidate the outstanding pre-encumbrance and encumbrance balances by amount or quantity.

Note: This field is visible only if commitment control is enabled and you select the Allow Liquidate by Quantity when Distribute by Quantity check box is selected on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page. If commitment controlled is not installed, or you do not select the option to liquidate by quantity on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit page, the budget processor balance liquidates by amount only.


Select a SpeedChart code. A SpeedChart retrieves preset ChartField definitions and applies them to the schedule distribution.

Note: Accounting Tags appear in lieu of Speedcharts when the Accounting Tag check box is selected for Purchasing on the Accounting Tag Registration page. See Setting Up Accounting Tags


Click to access the Multiple Speed Charts page. Use this page to define multiple speed charts and the requisition quantity to distribute by speed chart.

Note: Accounting Tags appear in lieu of Speedcharts when the Accounting Tag check box is selected for Purchasing on the Accounting Tag Registration page. See Setting Up Accounting Tags

Accounting Tag

Enter an Accounting Tag that will be used to populate ChartFields on transaction distribution lines. The system automatically prorates the distribution amounts according to the proration percentages defined on the Accounting Tag.

Note: Accounting Tags appear in lieu of Speedcharts when the Accounting Tag check box is selected for Purchasing on the Accounting Tag Registration page. See Setting Up Accounting Tags

Multi-Accounting Tag

Click to access the Multi Accounting Tag page where you can append and override accounting tags for the purchase order schedule.

Note: Accounting Tags appear in lieu of Speedcharts when the Accounting Tag check box is selected for Purchasing on the Accounting Tag Registration page. See Setting Up Accounting Tags

Open Quantity and Open Amount

Displays the quantity on the schedule not yet sourced to a purchase order if you are distributing by quantity. If you are distributing by amount, this field displays the amount on the schedule not yet sourced to a purchase order.

The following fields apply to the entire distribution.

Field or Control



Displays the quantity of items on the schedule, along with the applicable unit of measure.

Merchandise Amt (merchandise amount)

Displays the total price of the items on the schedule, along with the transaction currency.

Pre-Encumbrance Balance

Click to access information about the pre-encumbrance balance. The link is available when the budget status is valid and the balance is not zero. If the balance is zero and budget status is not check enabled, the link is not available.


Select the ChartFields tab.

Field or Control



Displays the distribution line status:

Complete: The distribution line has met requisition reconciliation criteria and has been closed.

Open: The distribution line is open and is available for sourcing. This value is open by default when the Requisition Status option is set to open on the Requester Setup page.

Canceled: The distribution line has been canceled and is not available for sourcing.

Processed: The distribution line is available for sourcing and is either in process or complete. This status implies that the line has already been processed.


Enter the percentage of either the quantity or the amount that you want distributed on the distribution line. The value in the Amount or Req Qty field, depending on the distribution method, is calculated based on the value that you enter.


Enter the quantity of items that you want distributed on the distribution line. The value in the Percent field is calculated based on this value.

This field is available for entry when you distribute by quantity.

Note: You cannot enter a distribution quantity greater than the associated schedule quantity. To increase the quantity on a distribution line, return to the Maintain Requisitions - Schedule page and increase the schedule quantity, or reduce the quantity on other distributions for that schedule. The quantity on the distributions must equal the ordered quantity of the associated schedule.

Merchandise Amt (merchandise amount)

Enter the total amount that you want distributed on the distribution line. The value in the Percent field is calculated based on this value.

This field is available for entry when you distribute by amount.

Field or Control


Account and Alt Account (alternate account)

Select the account and alternate account for this distribution line.

If you associate a purchasing kit definition with a requisition, the account and alternate account fields appear by default from the purchasing kit definition. If the fields are not defined on the purchasing kit definition, the system looks at the header defaults. If the fields are not there, the system continues to look at the other levels of the default ChartField hierarchy.

See Purchasing ChartField Default Hierarchy.

See Creating Purchasing Kits.

Pre-Encumbrance Amount

Displays the monies that you have committed in pre-encumbrances. The system extracts these values from commitment control tables by passing the business unit, document ID, and other key information that depends on the display.

Pre-encumbrance balances appear on the currency code for the balances in the transaction currency of the requisition and are based on the transaction date rate.

You can view budget details for the requisition, such as the purchase orders and voucher that have been created from the requisition. Click the Pre-Encumbrance link to access the PO Accounting Entries Inquiry, where you can select a General Ledger business unit and commitment control ledger group to use as a budget inquiry.

See Viewing Budget Details and Transaction Activity.


Select the Details tab.

Field or Control


IN Unit (PeopleSoft Inventory business unit)

Select the default PeopleSoft Inventory business unit for which you are purchasing the items.

If the item on the requisition line is an inventory item and the Defaults Inventory BU check box is selected on the Requester Setup page, the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit defined at the ship to level is supplied to the distribution. If the item is an inventory item and the check box is deselected, the system does not provide a default value. If the item on the requisition line is not an inventory item, this field is unavailable for entry. You can enter a PeopleSoft Inventory business unit for items that are identified as stockless.

The presence of an Inventory business unit value in this field causes the items to be received and put away to the selected Inventory business unit. If you do not want the items to be received into inventory, be sure to clear this value.

Statistics Code

Select a code that identifies a value that you use to identify non-monetary amounts. Examples might be work days or floor space.

Open Qty (open quantity)

Enter the quantity on the distribution not yet sourced to a purchase order. This field is available for entry when you distribute by quantity.

Open Amt (open amount)

Enter the amount on the distribution not yet sourced to a purchase order. This field is available for entry when you distribute by amount.

GL Base Amount (general ledger base amount)

Displays the total amount of the distribution, expressed in the base currency of the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit associated with the distribution line.

Distribution VAT (distribution value-added tax)

Click to view VAT information for the current line, schedule, and distribution.

Exchange rate detail

Click the Exchange Rate Detail button to access the Currency Information page. Use this page to view the rules used to calculate exchange rates for the transaction.


Click the Cancel button to cancel a selected distribution line. After a distribution line is canceled and the requisition is saved, the distribution line cannot be changed and is unavailable for entry.

Cancellation reduces the schedule line open quantity and amount by the open quantity and amount on the distribution line. It also changes the distribution line open quantity and amount to zero. The total order quantity at the requisition line and schedule are not reduced.

The canceled distribution line information is stored for future reference.

Important! You can't source a quantity on a distribution line that has been canceled.

Asset Information

Select the Asset Information tab.

Field or Control


AM Unit (PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit)

Select a PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit to associate with the asset item. If this field is populated by the system, the value appears by default from the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit or the Requisition Defaults page.

Note: If you consider an item to be an asset and plan to pass it to PeopleSoft Asset Management through the PeopleSoft Receiving business process, you must populate theAM Unit (PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit) field and Profile ID field.

If both fields contain values, data is written to the PeopleSoft Asset Management staging tables. If only one of the fields is populated, the system does not consider the item an asset. All of the information that you enter on this page is passed to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Profile ID

Select an asset profile ID.

CAP# (capital acquisition plan number)

Select a CAP number defined for this item in PeopleSoft Asset Management. This is required only if the item is capitalized.


Select a sequence number for the capital acquisition plan.

Tag Number

Enter an asset tag number. The quantity on the distribution must be 1 to enter a tag number. This information becomes available on the Asset Information page when the asset data has passed on to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

In addition, the system checks the tag number that you enter on the requisition to make sure it is not already assigned to an asset when the Allow Dup Tags option is not set for the PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit. If the tag number has already been assigned to another asset, the system issues a warning. The system looks only at the Assets table; it does not look at the interface tables, previously entered receipts, purchase orders, or requisitions to determine whether the tag number has been assigned to another pending transaction.

EmplID (employee ID)

Select an employee ID of the custodian for this item. This information corresponds to the employee ID number on the Asset Custodian/License/Manufacturer page.


Designates a capitalized item. A PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit must be selected for this check box to be enabled. If the item is capitalized, it can be depreciated before being paid.

Cost Type

Select the cost type associated with the item purchase, if applicable. Cost types represent components of the cost of an asset, such as materials, labor, and overhead. For example, you can differentiate between the cost of building an asset and its market value by allocating production cost to one cost type and the profit margin to another. Cost type, in combination with asset category and transaction code, determines which accounts the costs are entered into in the general ledger.

See Understanding the Manufacturing Standard Cost Foundation.

Budget Information

Select the Budget Information tab.

Field or Control


Distrib (distribution line)

Displays the distribution line number.

Budget Status

When commitment control is on, the system displays the budget status for this distribution line. Statuses include Valid and Not Chk'd.

Budget Date

If commitment control is enabled, enter a budget date. Commitment control uses this date to determine the budget period to which this item cost belongs.

Merchandise Amount

Displays the merchandise amount for this distribution line.

Pre-Encumbrance Balance

When commitment control is activated, the system displays the pre-encumbrance balance. When you create a purchase order, commitment control liquidates the pre-encumbrance balance from the requisition and establishes an encumbrance for the purchase order. You must reestablish pre-encumbrance documents manually.

See Maintain Requisitions - Requisition Page.

Currency Code

Appears for the pre-encumbrance amounts at the distribution level of the requisition. This is the currency of the default commitment control ledger group for the distribution-level General Ledger business unit.

Pre-Encumbered Base Balance

Displays the beginning pre-encumbered amount.

Base Currency

Displays the base currency for the distribution.

Commitment Control Close Flag

Appears as selected when the purchase order associated with the requisition has been fully liquidated, thus indicating that the outstanding pre-encumbrance has also been fully liquidated. This option can also appear as selected when the distribution has been canceled.

Use the VAT Details for Distribution page (REQ_DISTRIB_VAT) to view and modify VAT control options, VAT details, and VAT calculations.


Click the Distribution VAT button on the Maintain Requisitions - Distribution page.

Field or Control


Use Type

Displays the use type entered on the schedule line, which determines the split between recoverable (taxable) and nonrecoverable (nontaxable) VAT.

For the Canadian public sector, the use type also determines the rebate of the nonrecoverable VAT. VAT rebates are calculated based on statutory rebate rates that are established for each public service body.

The value comes from the VAT defaulting hierarchy, either from the item, item business unit, item category, supplier location, supplier, or purchasing options.

VAT Apportionment Control (value-added apportionment control)

Select the appropriate apportionment control to apply, as applicable. The default value comes from the Purchasing business unit definition driver.

Distribution GL Business Unit (distribution General Ledger business unit): The system uses the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit on the distribution line to search for the taxable and exempt percentages.

Transaction Business Unit: The system uses the applicable transaction business unit to search for the taxable and exempt percentages

Transaction GL Business Unit (transaction General Ledger business unit): The system uses the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit to which the applicable transaction business unit is mapped to search for the taxable and exempt percentages.

Recovery Source

See Understanding VAT Processing in PeopleSoft Payables.

Rebate Source

See Understanding VAT Processing in PeopleSoft Payables.

Transaction Type

Displays the code that categorizes and classifies this transaction for VAT reporting and accounting. This value comes from the requisition schedule but can be overridden at the requisition distribution.

VAT Calculations

Use this group box to review the VAT calculations for the line.

Field or Control


Transaction Amount

Displays the amount of the transaction in the transaction currency.

Transaction Amount Base

Displays the amount of the transaction in the base currency.

Basis Amount

Displays the amount on which the VAT is calculated in the transaction currency. If VAT is being calculated at net, this amount is net of any discounts.

Basis Amount Base

Displays the amount on which the VAT is calculated in the base currency. If VAT is being calculated at net, this amount is net of any discounts.

Tax Rate

Displays the applicable VAT percentage.

Recorded Amount

Displays the calculated VAT amount that is recorded for this transaction in the transaction currency.

Recorded Amount Base

Displays the calculated VAT amount that is recorded for this transaction in the base currency.

Recovery Amount

Displays the amount of VAT that is recoverable in transaction currency.

Recovery Amount Base

Displays the amount of VAT that is recoverable in base currency.

Rebate Amount

Displays the amount of VAT that is available as a rebate in transaction currency.

Rebate Amount Base

Displays the amount of VAT that is available as a rebate in base currency.


Click to recalculate the VAT for the line.