Processing Receipts

This section provides an overview of the receipt processes and discusses how to:

  • Use the Receiver Interface Push Application Engine process (PO_RECVPUSH).

  • Use the Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job (RECV_03).

  • Use the Receipt + INV + MFG + AM multiprocess job (RECV_07).

  • Use additional receipt processes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Process Receipts Page


Define parameters to run the Receiver Interface Push processes.

PeopleSoft Purchasing provides several multiprocess jobs to use when processing receipts. Working together, these processes load receipt information into PeopleSoft application tables managed by the PeopleSoft Inventory putaway process, PeopleSoft Asset Management asset load process, and PeopleSoft Manufacturing routing and completions update process.

Depending on individual receipt characteristics, each receipt transaction should be processed by at least one of these processes. A receipt's status changes from Received to Moved once it has been successfully processed.

Note: These processes also generate receipt landed cost transactions and any applicable receipt notification messages. For this reason, it is important to run these processes on all receipts.

The Receiver Interface Push process moves data to the PeopleSoft application interface table, where it is picked up by the different batch processes. This process is one of the processes in all of the receipt multiprocess jobs.

Before a receipt can be a candidate for the independently run Receiver Interface Push process, the following criteria must be true:

  • The Items for Auto-Putaway check box on the User Preferences - Inventory page must be selected. If this check box is not selected, the item is staged for inventory.

  • The receipt's status must be Received.

  • The Hold Receipt check box on the Maintain Receipts - Header Details page must be clear.

  • The Interface Receipt check box on the User Preferences - Procurement: Receiver Setup page must be selected. If the user's option for interface receipt is set to Y, then the value on the receipt changes to Y, and unless overridden on the receipt, the Receiver Interface Push process is invoked when the receipt is saved.

You can also run the Receiver Interface Push processes from the Process Receipts page.

Multiple Requisition and Purchase Order Lines Consolidated for Assets

The Receiver Interface Push (PO_RECVPUSH) process accommodates the use of Procurement Groups. When an item is flagged as a primary item, a separate transaction is inserted into the INTFC_PRE_AM record in increments of the unit allocation quantity or amount if the Allocate Purchasing Group option is enabled on the Purchasing Options page. Purchasing Options Page

The allocation quantity (or amount) units have already been parsed in the Receipt Asset Lines (by online Receipts) by this point (also contingent on the Allocate Purchasing Group option). The Receiver Interface Push process then moves that data to the INTFC_PRE_AM record, reconciles remainders (fractional allocation quantities or amounts), and assigns each transaction a Procurement Group Sequence. Each non-primary item in the procurement group is assigned the Procurement Group Sequence that is associated with the primary unit

See Consolidating Requisition and Purchase Order Lines for Asset Components.

The Receipt to Inventory & AM process processes receipts that contain inventory-related lines, asset-related lines, or lines that contain both.

The Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job runs these processes automatically:

  • Receiver Interface Push process.

  • PeopleSoft Inventory Load Staged Items process (INPSSTGE).

  • PeopleSoft Inventory Putaway Plan report (INS3500).

  • PeopleSoft Inventory Putaway process (INPPPTWY).

  • PeopleSoft PO/AP/AM Interface process (AMPS1000).

  • PeopleSoft Asset Transaction Loader (AMIF1000).

Also, other receipt multiprocess jobs are provided to assist you with receiving receipts that contain inventory related lines only or asset related lines only. These processes are:

  • Receipt Push Inventory multiprocess job (RECV_01).

    This process runs these processes automatically:

    • Receiver Interface Push process.

    • PeopleSoft Inventory Load Staged Items process (INPSSTGE).

    • PeopleSoft Inventory Putaway Plan report (INS3500).

    • PeopleSoft Inventory Putaway process (INPPPTWY).

  • Receipt Push Assets multiprocess job (RECV_02).

    This process runs these processes automatically:

    • Receiver Interface Push process.

    • PeopleSoft PO/AP/AM Interface process (AMPS1000).

    • PeopleSoft Asset Transaction Loader (AMIF1000).

Note: Care should be taken when modifying the PeopleSoft Job Definitions used to process receipts. PS Job RECV_INV must be the second job in the PS Job submitted to process any inventory related receipts. Otherwise the receipt transactions will not be processed by the inventory processes. This rule applies to PS Jobs RECV_01, RECV_01G, RECV_03, and RECV_03G. Modifications to PS Job RECV_INV should only be done with PeopleSoft Inventory product support direction.

Before a receipt can be a candidate for the Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job, the following criteria must be true:

  • Criteria discussed in the Processing Receipts and Using the Receiver Interface Push Application Engine Process sections must be met.

  • The Hold Inventory check box on the Maintain Receipts - Header Details page must be clear to enable the process to move received items to PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • The Hold Assets check box on the Maintain Receipts - Header Details page must be clear to enable the process to move received items to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

The Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job inserts any applicable putaway rows from the receipt and loads them into the Putaway staging table for the inventory putaway segment of the process.

When a receipt requires corrections to asset-applicable lines, assets previously interfaced can have their quantities both increased or decreased. In addition, if an asset row is canceled on the receipt, a retirement transaction is created and sent to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Notifications of the receipt of subcontracted purchases are routed to PeopleSoft Manufacturing through the Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job. The identifying keys of the Production ID from the original request, along with details about the receipt are passed to the Manufacturing receipt process. When a subcontracted receipt is updated, the Manufacturing receipt process is notified of any changes to the accepted and rejected quantities.

When processing a receipt for a subcontract line that is marked for subcontract streamline and that has a data collection receipt source, transaction log entries are created that are later processed by PeopleSoft Manufacturing batch processing. When processing a last operation receipt, Subcontract Receipt to Stock (0112) transactions are created. Otherwise, Subcontract Receipt Operation (0113) transactions are created.

The successful completion of this process generates landed cost transactions. After these transactions are generated, the process complete status on the receipt line is set to Yes. In addition, receipt notification messages are generated for applicable PeopleSoft Inventory par locations for non-inventory receipt.

You can run the Receipt to Inventory & AM multiprocess job from the Process Receipts page.

The Receipt + INV+ MFG + AM process processes receipts that contain inventory-related lines, asset-related lines, and subcontracted related lines.

The Receipt + INV + MFG + AM multiprocess job runs these processes automatically:

  • Receiver Interface Push process.

  • PeopleSoft Inventory Load Staged Items process (INPSSTGE).

  • PeopleSoft Inventory Putaway Plan report (INS3500).

  • PeopleSoft Inventory Putaway process (INPPPTWY).

  • PeopleSoft Manufacturing Completions and Scrap Update process (SFPDCDRV).

  • PeopleSoft Asset Management PO/AP/AM Interface process (AMPS1000).

  • PeopleSoft Asset Management Transaction Loader (AMIF1000).

Also, other receipt multiprocess jobs are provided to assist you with receiving receipts that contain subcontracting related lines only, subcontracting and asset related lines only, or subcontracting and inventory related lines only. These processes are:

  • Receipt Push + MFG multiprocss job (RECV_04).

    This process runs these processes automatically:

    • Receiver Interface Push process

    • PeopleSoft Manufacturing Completions and Scrap Update process (SFPDCDRV).

  • Receipt + INV + MFG multiprocess job (RECV_05).

    This process runs these processes automatically:

    • Receiver Interface Push process

    • PeopleSoft Inventory Load Staged Items process (INPSSTGE).

    • PeopleSoft Inventory Putaway Plan report (INS3500).

    • PeopleSoft Inventory Putaway process (INPPPTWY).

    • PeopleSoft Manufacturing Completions and Scrap Update process (SFPDCDRV).

  • Receipt + MFG + AM multiprocess job (RECV_06).

    This process runs these processes automatically:

    • Receiver Interface Push process

    • PeopleSoft Manufacturing Completions and Scrap Update process (SFPDCDRV).

    • PeopleSoft Asset Management PO/AP/AM Interface process (AMPS1000).

    • PeopleSoft Asset Management Transaction Loader (AMIF1000).

If the Interface Receipt check box and the Subcontract Streamline check box are both selected on the receipt, then one of the multiprocess jobs is submitted to the process scheduler upon saving the receipt using the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page. The type of receipt related lines determine which job is submitted by the system.

Use additional receipt processes to process receipts that contain inventory-related lines, asset-related lines, or subcontracted related lines. Use PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to run one or more of the following additional receipt multiprocess jobs:

  • Assets Interface (RECV_AM).

  • Inventory Putaway (RECV_INV).

  • Recv Push and Accrual (RECV_00G)

  • Recv Push and Accrual (RECV_GL).

  • Receipt Accrual and Inventory Interface (RECV_01G).

  • Receipt Accrual and AM Interface (RECV_02G).

  • Recv Push and Accrual to Inventory and Asset Management (RECV_03G).

  • Receipt Accrual (RECV_G).

  • Receipt Push + MFG + Accrual (RECV_04G).

  • Receipt + INV + MFG + Accrual (RECV_05G).

  • Receipt + MFG + AM + Accrual (RECV_06G).

  • Receipt + INV + MFG + AM + Accrual (RECV_07G).

Note: Job names ending in the letter G means the receipt accrual process is being requested as well.

Use the Process Receipts page (RUN_PO_RECEIPT) to define parameters to run the Receiver Interface Push processes.


Purchasing > Receipts > Process Receipts

Field or Control


Autogenerate Labels

Select this check box to generate labels for the receipt using the PO Receipt Labels report page.