Reviewing and Collaborating on External Documents

Page Name

Definition Name


Document Search Page


Search for external contract documents. External pages are designed for external system access and are available only on the supplier portal registry where SUPPLIER is in the URL instead of EMPLOYEE.

Document Management Page


Maintain and collaborate on external contract documents.

Attachments and Related Authored Documents Page


View attachments and related authored documents for external documents.

Document Details Page


View a listing of interested parties that have been defined by the contract administrator by clicking the Contract Document link on the Document Search page and then clicking the Document Details link on the Document Management page. See also, Document Details Page in the “Maintaining Document Details” topic.

Document History Page


View external document history.

External Collaboration History Details Page


View external collaboration history details.

Send Email Page


Send email to contract administrators and other external users.

External collaboration on documents is always initiated by the PeopleSoft system contract administrator. The administrator first reviews and updates the list of external collaborators using the External Contacts/Signers link in the Document Management component, and then clicks the Route Externally button to notify the external user that a collaboration is pending. The most common method for this notification is through email that provides a link into the supplier portal web site.

For authored documents rendered by Microsoft Word , the system makes the .xml document available for collaboration. When using Microsoft Word, external users must be using a comparable version of Microsoft Word to support the content controls that the system includes in the document. This maintains the document's capability for checking in the document.

When using Microsoft Word , the system verifies that the same document checked out is coming back in for .xml formats using an internal persistent code. The code is the document ID that represents the document. You can also collaborate with external users on imported documents such as a legacy .doc version of the file. In this case, the external user can upload as well. However; a persistent document ID is not maintained internal to the document for imported legacy files.

In addition to supporting authored .xml documents you can also import legacy documents or supplier paper such as a word .doc file and collaborate on them as well. For scenarios where you want to initiate contract negotiations with a document, but do not want to initiate a transactional contract or purchase order prior to document approval, you can first create the document as an ad hoc type, and collaborate on the document as an ad hoc document and if needed do a one-time change of the source transaction from the ad hoc to another source, such as a purchase order or purchasing contract. This enables a contract under negotiation that has been initiated from a supplier document to result in a purchase order or purchasing contract after the supplier document has been supplied. This feature is enabled with or without external collaboration.

Use the Document Search page (CS_DOC_SRCH_EXT) to search for external contract documents.


Manage Contracts > Maintain Contract Documents

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Document Search page for suppliers.

Document Search page for suppliers

You can search for specific documents using search criteria. After you define the criteria and click the Search button, the system populates the List of Documents section with documents that meet the criteria.

Field or Control


Document Administrator

Select an administrator on which to base a document search. The document administrator is the internal user who is typically the contract specialist in an organization and the user who performs day-to-day management of documents.

From Begin Date, To Begin Date, From End Date, and To End Date

Select dates on which you want to begin and the date range for a document search. Any documents that were created starting within the from and to beginning dates and within the from and to ending dates range will be included in the search results.

All Documents

Select to view all documents for which you have view authority. You must select at least one of the three check boxes to search for documents. When you select the All Documents check box, the system inactivates the Pending Review and Pending Approval Signatures check boxes.

Note: The system searches for all documents and includes ad hoc, purchase order, and purchasing contract documents in the search results. If you want to search for specific documents, use the Advanced Search Criteria section.

Pending Review

Select to access only the documents that are pending your review. These are documents that have been routed for external collaboration by the contract administrator.

Pending Approval/Signatures

Select to access only the documents that are pending your approval and signature. These documents have been routed for external digital signatures by the contract administrator. By signing the document, you are approving it.

Advanced Search Criteria

Use this section to define additional criteria for searching. Use the Source Transaction field to select individual types on which to base a search. The default value is clear, meaning that all types will appear in the search results when the system performs the search. Settings on the Installation Options page determine if purchase order and purchasing contract source transaction are enabled.

These values are available for the field:

  • Ad Hoc: Select to search for ad hoc contract documents that meet the remaining criteria that you define. When you select this option, the Ad Hoc ID field becomes available for you to further limit the search to a specific ID.

  • Purchase Orders: Select to search for purchase order contract documents that meet the remaining criteria that you define. When you select this option, the PO Number (purchase order number) field becomes available for you to further limit the search to a specific purchase order number.

  • Purchasing Contracts: Select to search for purchasing contract documents that meet the remaining criteria that you define. When you select this option, the Contract ID field becomes available for you to further limit the search to a specific ID.

You can also limit a document search based on a specific ad hoc ID, purchase order number, or contract ID. You can use the Lookup button to select the specific document.

List of Documents

This grid box appears with the search results when you click the Search button.

Field or Control


Contract Document

Displays the document name. Click the name to access the Document Management page where you can perform review, collaboration, approval, and signature tasks. The description also appears with the document.

Document Status

Displays the current status of the document in the Supplier Contract Management system. The status is synchronized with the internal system to reflect the current state. The statuses are the life cycle stages of a document. So if a document is not waiting on an action from the external user, the status can change in the internal system. The system displays Other in this field when a document has been reviewed and sent back to the PeopleSoft internal system.

Status Date and Time

Displays when the system updated the status. When a date does not appear, the document is located in the internal document authoring system.

More Details

This tab displays additional contract document information.

Field or Control


Begin Date and Expire Date

Displays the contract dates. These values come from the purchase order or purchasing contract dates. The values for ad hoc contract documents is the date the document was created.


Displays the amendment number.

Supplier Reference Number

Displays a reference that suppliers can use to reference this contract document. The system retrieves this value from the ad hoc, purchasing contract, or purchase order ID used to create the document.

Use the Document Management page (CS_DOC_SUPP) to maintain and collaborate on external contract documents.


Manage Contracts > Maintain Contract Documents. Click the Document link on the Document Search page.

When a document has been routed for external collaboration by the internal contract user, this page is accessible to the external user.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Document Management page for suppliers.

Document Management page for suppliers

This page appears with instructional text that describes any actions that you need to perform with the contract document. The page's content depends on the source transaction type, status of the document, and internal system settings and external user authority. The system provides messages describing the status of the document that you open. For example if you've already marked a document as reviewed, a message appears indication that this document is not pending your review or approval at this time.

After receiving an external document for review or edit, you use this page to review document details, attributes, and history, edit documents, and respond to the internal contract administrator. Along with header information, the page provides links to more document details and buttons that you use to perform document tasks.

Field or Control


Open/Edit Main Document

External users click to download and open the document. This button is available if you have been defined as an external user who can edit documents for collaboration and signing.

After you finish editing the Microsoft Word document, you must save the document as an .xml document type.

Upload Revised Document

External users click to access the Upload Contract Document page. You use the page to locate the saved document after you've made edits. Locate and upload the field from the client machine. If all validations pass, the system updates the version of the document with any document changes as part of the check-in process.

Note: The uploading of the document does not delete the local files from the client machine. You should delete these files periodically.

View Main Document (Info Only)(view main document (information only)

Click to view the document. You cannot make update the document. This button is available when you are not required to sign or approve the document.

Save Comments

Click to access the comments that you entered in the Collaborator Comments section.

Mark as Reviewed

Click to indicate that you are finished with your document revision and have entered any comments. When you click the button, the system returns your collaboration details and all documents uploaded to the contract administrator for review and acceptance, and displays the Document Search page.

When accessing the Document Search page, the system removes your collaboration document and edits; however, you can still access a history version of the document that was sent to you. To access the history for documents that you have reviewed, select the All Documents check box and click the Search button.

Add Additional Attachments

Click to access the Attachments and Related Authored Documents page. You use this page to add suggested attachments to the current document. After you upload the attachments, the button is replaced with the View/Add Attachments/Related Documents button. Attachments can then be reviewed internally by the document specialist before accepting them into the system

View Document History

Click to access the Document History page. You use this page to view history information to which you have access.

See Attachments and Related Authored Documents Page.

View Last Executed Main Document

Click to open the version of the document that was executed by the internal contract administrator. This button appears after you review or sign a document and have view access to document history. You can only view document contents and only see executed documents if the system is configured to do so.

View Attachments/Related Documents

Click to access the Attachments and Related Authored Documents page. You use this page to view documents and document details that are linked to the current document.

See Attachments and Related Authored Documents Page.

No Attachments/Related Documents Exist

This information appears when there are not any document attachments or related documents.

Document Details

Click to access the Document Details page. You use this page to view additional details for a document. For example, if user-defined fields are enabled, the fields appear on this page.

See Attachments and Related Authored Documents Page.

Send E-Mail

Click to access the Send E-Mail page. You use this page to notify the administrator and other external users about the document.

See Send Email Page.

Buttons that are available on this page include:

Field or Control


Return Without Signing

Click to return the document without signing. This .

View Main Document (Info Only)

Click to open the last executed version of this contract document.

View Document

Click to open the last executed version of this contract document.

View Last Executed Main Document

Click to open the last executed version of this contract document.

View Last Executed Amendment File

Click to open the last executed version of this contract document.

View Last Executed Main Document

Click to open the last executed version of this contract document.

Upload Signed Document

Click to place the document back into the signature process.

Upload Signed Amendment File

Click to place the document back into the signature process.

Use the Attachments and Related Authored Documents page (CS_DOC_SUPP_ATT) to view attachments and related authored documents for external documents.


Manage Contracts > Maintain Contract Documents. Click the Contract Document link on the Document Search page, and then click the View Attachments/Related Documents link on the Document Management page.

This page displays a listing of interested parties that have been defined by the contract administrator.

Use the Document History page (CS_DOC_SUPP_HST_SP) to view external document history.


Manage Contracts > Maintain Contract Documents. Click the Contract Document link on the Document Search page, and then click the View Document History link on the Document Management page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Document History page for suppliers.

Document History page for suppliers

This page provides a history of actions that have been performed against this contract document. History information is limited to external users based on the View External History field setting on the Installation Options - Supplier Contract Management Page. The External History Settings field values control the history that displays on this page.

If a document has been dispatched, you can view the document, but the history does not provide who the document was sent to for reviews and approvals.

Field or Control


Document Action

Displays the action that was performed against the document. Actions include, for example, that the document has been signed externally, executed, or routed for external review.

Updated By

Displays who performed the action against the document.

Date/Time Stamp

Displays when the action took place for updated version history for the document.


Displays when separate amendment files are associated with the document. Click the link to access the amendment to view its state when the update was made. When multiple amendments exist, the system assigns a number to them. You can click the number to view a specific amendment.

View Document

Click to view the document that is associated with this row of data. The system opens the document using another browser session. You can review changes that have been made to the document if track changes have been used. After reviewing the document, close the browser window to exit the document.

Use the External Collaboration History Details page (CS_DOC_SUPATT_SP2) to view external collaboration history details.


Manage Contracts > Maintain Contract Documents. Click the Contract Document link on the Document Search page, click the View Document History link on the Document Management page, and the click the Collaboration Details button on the Document History page.

The page displays information about the external collaboration for a contract document. The information includes the contract ID and the date on which this document was collaborated and by whom. The Comments section contains any comments that have been made by internal and external collaborators.

Field or Control


View Document

Click to open the collaborated document. This button appears when the document has not been edited.

View Revised Document

Click to open the collaborated document to view updates and changes that have been made to the document.

File Name

Displays the name of the file that was uploaded as a proposed attachment to the contract document. You can upload a proposed attachment during the external review and you are authorized to review and edit the document.

Titleand Document Description

Display the name and description of the proposed attachment. You assign these when you upload the attachment.

Date Time Stamp

Displays the date and time for when an action was performed against the document.


Click to view the proposed attachment for the collaborated document. You cannot make updates to the proposed document.

Use the Send E-mail page (CS_DOC_EMAIL_EXT) to send an e-mail to contract administrators and other external users.


Manage Contracts > Maintain Contract Documents. Select a document, and then click the Send E-Mail link on the Document Management page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Send E-Mail page for suppliers.

Send E-Mail page for suppliers

Along with creating email content, you can use this page to select users who you want to send or copy on the email. These users have been defined by the contract administrator as interested parties and collaborators.

Field or Control



Enter the main topic of the email.


Enter the text of the email.

Notify Contract Administrator

Select to send a copy of this email to the internal contract administrator.

Copy Self

Select to send a copy of the email to yourself.

List of Users

Use this grid to select users to whom you want to copy this email. You can select the primary recipients of the email and also copy other users by selecting the To and CC check boxes.