Setting Up Binds

Page Name

Definition Name


Source Transaction Structures Page


Define a hierarchical structure for source transactions.

Wizard Bind Prompt Tables Page


Define wizard bind prompt tables.

Bind Mappings Page


Map bind variables to record views and source records.

Bind Definition Page


Set up bind definitions.

Search for All Content Instances Page (Search Content by Type)


Search for where binds are used.

To work with bind variables, you must understand:

  • What binds are.

  • Bind definition steps.

  • System-supplied binds.

  • Bind use standards.


Binds are variable definitions that enable you to map values from a source transaction or wizard to content within clauses, sections, and Microsoft Word templates. When an authored document is generated, the system processes binds and uses the value of the record field that is mapped to the transaction bind variable, or the response value of a wizard bind variable, to replace the bind variable placeholder in the document. You can also use binds in rules, which allow the system to include additional or alternate clauses in authored documents.

Binds are stored in a central table that you access using the Bind Definition Page. A bind can apply to specific transactions or across a variety of transactions.

The system uses binds in these areas:

  • Within the body of text in document clauses and sections.

    When using bind variables inside body text, the variables must be enclosed within two pairs of percentage symbols (%%): two symbols before the variable and two symbols after the variable. When the system validates binds, it searches for these symbols. This validation also includes binds that are defined to be used with a wizard. Wizard binds can exist without a source transaction object. Binds for wizards are defined in the CS_BIND table, where the CS_BIND_TYPE is Wizard=3.

  • Within Microsoft Word templates.

    Bind variables such as a version number, contract number, or amendment number can be added to the header and footer section of a Microsoft Word template. If a document or Microsoft Word template is set up with transaction bind variables, then the transaction source must be the same when you associate the template to a document configurator. If they do not match, you could have unresolved binds in the header and footer. For example, if you have an authored document where the source transaction is a purchasing contract, but the Microsoft Word template contains ad hoc bind variables. If this occurs, the system leaves the binds unresolved in the authored document.

  • Within rules.

    When the system processes a bind, it replaces the bind with the actual record and field mapping. It then evaluates the rule to determine whether it is true. Binds that are used in rules should always reference the codes, not the XLAT (translated) value.

  • Within the bind-map definition of the source transaction.

    The system maps the bind to its equivalent record and field for each source transaction. This map provides the link between the bind variable, the record (view), and field from which to retrieve the value. The system determines whether the bind is of a repeating nature because each source record view has a defined level. For example:

    • A bind variable that is mapped to a contract header for the contract amount would be a zero level, and it does not repeat.

    • A bind variable that is mapped to a contract item list, which is at level one (multiple items per contract), inherits a repeating characteristic of level one.

    • A bind variable that is mapped to contract milestones, which are children of a contract line, inherits a repeating characteristic of level two.

    Note: Many of the source transaction records, views, binds, bind mappings, and bind variables that are frequently used are predefined in the system. You can use the system to include additional views, binds, and bind mappings as needed within the source transactions that are provided.

Bind Definition Steps

To define and use binds in addition to those that the system supplies:

  1. Define the bind that includes the bind and field types.

    Use the Bind Definition Page to add these values:

    • Wizard type binds are those that are used with the contract wizard.

    • Transactional type binds originate from a source transaction.

      These are non-wizard binds, such as those related to a purchasing contract transaction.

  2. Review the defined source transaction structure, which includes the source and parent records.

  3. Map the binds to the view of the source transaction record.

  4. Insert bind variables within clauses or rules.

System-Supplied Binds

Bind setup is intended for advanced users, but the system supplies predefined binds that you can use with fields for source transactions. All bind types that the system supplies are TRANS type binds. PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management delivers many binds, which can be viewed by accessing the Bind Definition Page.

Bind Standards

Clauses and sections are stored based on the name of the record view and the level in the child source transaction table. These standards apply:

  • Clause and section binds use these standards:

    • Clauses can have a mixture of level zero binds.

      Within a clause level, binds can be derived from different level zero record views.

    • Wizard binds are always implied as level zero binds because they do not repeat.

    • When more than one bind exists within a clause, rule, or section, the bind variables must be mapped to fields within the same record view, if the bind level is greater than zero.

      For example, you cannot have a repeating clause that references item binds (level one) and contract header level agreements (level one) because as the system generates a document, it must repeat the clause based on one repeating record view.

    • For child clauses or sections, where the parent and child clause has binds:

      The record keys for the child bind variables must include the key structure of the parent clause or section bind variables.

      If the parent clause or section does not repeat, its children can have no binds, level-zero binds, or level-one binds.

      If a parent clause or section repeats at level one, its children can have no binds, level-zero binds, level-one binds on the same view used in the parent clause, or level-two binds on a view that is a child of the view used in the parent clause.

      If a primary clause or section repeats at level two, its children can have no binds, level-zero binds, level-two binds on the same view used in the parent clause, or level-three binds on a view that is a child of the view used in the parent clause.

  • Rule binds use these standards:

    • When you are adding a rule to a section object, if that rule repeats, such as the criteria is dealing with binds at levels greater than zero, then the rule can be attached only under a section that is repeating on that same level of information.

      For example, a section repeats on Item:

      -	Rule If item = 'xxxx' then include clause A
      -	Rule if Item = 'yyyy' then include clause B
      -	Clause C
      -	Clause D
    • Rules do not limit display data; they are used to include an object in the data.

      For example, if you want a rule to represent a kind of item, such as a service or a product, then you define the rule in the following way: If item = product, then include the section Products. If item = service, then include the section Services.

      Rule A = Products
      Rule B = Services

      If you want to group the products and services at level one, there are two options:

      Option 1:

      Section Services = binds on SERV_ITEMS_VW that points to a view that only brings in services. 
      Section Products = binds on PROD_ITEMS_VW that points to a view that only brings in products.

      Option 2:

      Create a view ITEM_VW that is ordered by category (service or product)

       Section repeats on the item
      		Rule A = Products
      		Rule B = Services
  • Binds that the system uses in header and footer sections of the Microsoft Word template use these standards:

    • You can only include level-zero binds. Repeating binds are not supported.

    • All bind variables used must belong to the same source transaction.

Use the Source Transaction Structures page (CS_SRC_TRANS_STRCT) to define a hierarchical structure for source transactions.


Supplier Contract > Supplier Contracts Setup > Source Transaction Structures

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Source Transaction Structures page.

Source Transaction Structures page

Use this page to define a hierarchical structure of source transactions. After defining the structure, you can associate a bind variable with the actual record or view the field name from which you want to retrieve data. See Bind Mappings Page.

Note: Oracle delivers predefined source transaction structures as system data. These are documented in this topic. You cannot change these delivered structures.

Field or Control


Source Transaction

Select the type of source transaction for the base record. Values are:

  • Ad Hoc: This is a general-use source transaction that is not associated with a purchasing contract, purchase order, or source event. However, it does allow the system to bind information for fields that are visible on the Document Management Page.

  • Purchasing Contracts: This source transaction enables you to create authored documents that can reference and include purchasing contract information such as supplier name, maximum amounts, and items on the contract.

  • Purchase Orders: This source transaction enables you to create authored documents that can reference and include purchase order information such as supplier name, items and quantities on the PO.

  • Sourcing Events: This source transaction enables you to create authored documents that can reference and include sourcing event information such as payment terms, items, and bid factors.

Source Record

Enter the core transactional record, for each data level, to which all views need to be linked when you enter bind mappings.


Enter a numeric value that indicates the level in the record hierarchy at which the source record exists, for the indicated source transaction. The system uses the level to validate binds, which ensures the proper setup of repeating elements.

Parent Record

Enter the parent record if the source record is at a level that is greater than zero in the structure. The parent record is the record that the specified source record relates to in the hierarchy. This helps to resolve repeating binds when document elements are generated. If the level is equal to zero, then the parent and source records should be the same. This ensures that document elements are used in the correct parent and child relationship.

Use the Wizard Bind Prompt Tables page (CS_PROMPTTBL_DEFN) to define wizard bind prompt tables.


Supplier Contracts > Supplier Contracts Setup > Wizard Bind Prompt Tables

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Wizard Bind Prompt Tables page.

Wizard Bind Prompt Tables page

Use this page to define a list of values to be used with a wizard bind. These tables can be assigned to a specific bind and can be accessed when you run a wizard. Prompt tables are primarily used when generating an ad hoc document because some values cannot be determined from a source transaction; however, the values exist in the system and you want to provide the author a list of values from the database. After you define the prompt table, you can create a wizard bind variable that is associated with the prompt table using the Bind Definition Page.

Note: The alternate method to providing a list of values through a prompt table is to use a static list that you define for a wizard variable, within a question group. See Valid Values and Navigation Page.

Prompt tables for bind variables permit records that contain only a single key, which is the value from which you want to prompt. If existing records in the database do not meet your needs, contact your system administrator about creating a new view to retrieve required values.

Field or Control


Prompt Table

Select an existing table that has only one key field.

Prompt Fieldname

Displays the field name for the key field for the table entered in the Prompt Table field.


Enter the description that you want to use for the prompt table. The system initially populates this field with the description for the prompt field name. You can override that description.


Click to permanently delete a prompt table. The system displays a warning message indicating that you will delete the wizard prompt table.

Use the Bind Mappings page (CS_BIND_MAPPING) to map bind variables to record views and source records.


Supplier Contract > Supplier Contracts Setup > Create Bind Mapping Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bind Mappings page.

Bind Mappings page


Define the hierarchical structure of source transaction structures using the Source Transaction Structures Page.

Bind Mappings

Field or Control


Source Transaction

Select the type of source transaction that you want to map to a bind. Values are:

  • Ad Hoc: This is a general-use source transaction that is not associated with a purchasing contract, purchase order, or source event. However, it does allow the system to bind information for fields that are visible on the Document Management Page.

  • Purchasing Contracts: This source transaction enables you to create authored documents that can reference and include purchasing contract information such as supplier name, maximum amounts, and items on the contract.

  • Purchase Orders: This source transaction enables you to create authored documents that can reference and include purchase order information such as supplier name, items and quantities on the PO.

  • Sourcing Events: This source transaction enables you to create authored documents that can reference and include sourcing event information such as payment terms, items, and bid factors.


Field or Control


Record View

Select the view from which the system gathers data and is used to resolve the bind in authored documents.

Source Record

Select a source record. Source records have been defined as source records within source transaction structure using the Source Transaction Structures Page. Only records that are defined as source records are available to be selected. The source record is the base record for the record view fields.


Displays the level in which the source record resides in the source transaction structure.

Parent Record

Displays the parent record that is associated with the source record. This is based on information in the source transaction structure. For example, the contract header record is considered a parent record for contract line records.


Field or Control


Bind Variable

Select a bind variable. Only transaction type variables are available. The system validates that a bind is not entered for more than one record or view.

Field Name

Select a field that the bind variable maps to in the record view. When documents are generated, the system replaces bind placeholders, in document elements, with the actual value that corresponds to this field name in the record view.

Display Type

Displays a list of display options if the field name is an XLAT (translate) field. These options allow you to indicate that you want to display the XLAT short name, XLAT long name, or the actual code in the authored document.

If you are using this bind in a rule, then the criteria always needs to use the code.

Use the Bind Definition page (CS_BIND_DEFINITION) to set up bind definitions.


Supplier Contract > Manage Contract Library > Binds

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bind Definition page.

Bind Definition page

This page example displays a wizard bind type that uses a string field type. You can also select a field length and apply masking to the field value when it is used in a wizard question.

For additional information about bind variables, see Understanding Bind Variables at the beginning of this topic.

Field or Control


Bind Variable

Enter the system identifier that you want to use for the bind if you are creating a bind variable. This value appears if you are maintaining or viewing the bind.

Bind Type

Select how to use the bind variable. Depending on the type of bind that you select, available field types will vary. Options are:

  • Transactional: Select to use the bind with data values that come from source transactions. The system uses values from a source transaction to replace the variable that you define.

  • Wizard: Select to use this bind with a wizard. When the system processes a wizard bind, it replaces the variables with default values that are user-defined.

Field Type

Select an option that determines the method in which the intended data is stored in the field. Options are:

  • Checkbox: Select to create a check box within a question group.

    Check box binds allow you to set up multiple yes or no options as answers to wizard questions. For example, you can use a series of check boxes to group questions that determines the content (clauses) that should appear in an authored document. There are rules that evaluate each check box bind variable to determine whether a clause should appear when the wizard is invoked.

    The check box has two values (Y or N) and is available only for wizard-type binds. The default value is N, and only the Y value controls wizard navigation. After a check box bind is used in an authored document, you cannot change it.

    The wizard combines check box questions until it encounters a non-check box bind field type. The system uses a blue separator line to combine questions. The check box bind is most useful when enabling users to quickly select multiple options in a related group.

  • Date: Select to use a date in the document when the system resolves the bind. For example, if you are using a transaction bind, you can use this bind type to include the contract end date in the authored document.

  • Date/Time: Select to use a date and time in the authored document when the system resolves the bind.

  • Decimal: Select to use a decimal to represent the contract value.

    When you select this option, the system displays these options:

    • Currency Code: Select this check box to indicate that you want to use the decimal positions for the currency code associated with the source transaction that uses the bind variable.

      This check box is not available for wizard bind types.

    • Number of Decimals: indicate the number of decimal positions for transactional and wizard type binds.

      The system provides an example of the decimal placement.

  • Integer: Select to use an integer to represent the contract value.

  • Prompt Table: Select to enable the use of prompt tables on a bind variable by specifying a predefined table that can be assigned to a specific bind and then accessed from the wizard.

    Prompt tables provide a list of values from which a document author can select when responding to wizard questions. This is an alternative to creating a list of valid values for specific fields that already have values in the database. Prompt table values are limited to basic codes and do not support multiple key-structured views or tables, such as supplier or item information. After the system stores the value in the bind, you can use the prompt in rules just like any other variable.

    When you select this option, the Prompt Table field is available. This field is defined later in this table.

  • String: Select to use a text string to represent the value.

    When you select this value, the Field Length field appears. String wizard bind variables enable additional mask edits.

    A mask defines the number of characters allowed when entering a value and how the system organizes the data. Creating a mask for a bind variable that is associated with a wizard ensures that when you enter a response to the wizard, that you enter the data in the proper format. Masks ensure that numeric values and alphabetic characters are used where they are required, and that any special constants are included. When you define a mask for a bind variable, the system displays an example of how the mask will be used in the wizard. You use masks when you have information that is critical to a document and must follow a specific format to be meaningful. For example, a phone number or a special type of identification number, such as a government regulation number or other pre-formatted ID.

    When you enter information using a wizard, you can enter the data including the mask, or you can enter the data and let the system format it to the mask. A mask can have three substitution characters. These characters serve as placeholders for the actual values that are to be entered when the wizard is invoked. Substitution characters include:

    • A - alpha character

    • 9 - number

    • @ - any character

      Other characters used in the format are considered by the system as constants. A mask must have at least one substitution character to be valid. When you associate a mask with a string bind variable, the masked value cannot exceed the field length defined in the Field Length field. Only field lengths of 30 or less can contain masks. The value plus the mask characters must be less than or equal to the field length value.

    Long characters enable you to use a wizard to add paragraphs of more than 254 characters of text to authored documents. For example, you could add an ad hoc clause that does not exist in the system, is specific to the contract being constructed, and is not intended to be reused. You define the bind setting using the Long Char value in the Field Length field. You can define navigation only for questions that use a long-character field length. Long-character bind variables cannot be used within a rule.

    When you run a wizard that uses a long-character question, the system provides an input field. Formatting is limited to what PeopleTools allows for a long edit box. To include paragraphs in the information, press the Enter button on the keyboard.

  • Yes/No: Select to use a yes or no variable to determine the value for a document. If you are using wizards, this is a yes or no response to a question.

Currency Code

Select to indicate that the system should access the appropriate currency code from the source transaction to retrieve the decimal precision tied to the specific currency for the transaction. This check box becomes available when you select to use a decimal field type for transactional binds. If you select to use currency transactional binds, the system does not use the value in the Decimal field.

Number of Decimals

Enter the decimal places that you want to use for decimal values in transaction and wizard binds. You use decimal places for numbers and can assign up to eight positions. When an author enters a value using the wizard, the system validates that the value entered is numeric. When a document is generated, the system reformats the precision based on the value entered in this field.

The system truncates numeric values to the precision specified for wizard and transaction decimals. You can change the decimal precision when the bind variable is used, but the change is not reflected in existing documents unless you regenerate those documents.

Display Format

Select the format that you want the system to use when it displays date and time information. This option is used when you select either the Date or Date/Time in the Field Type field. For example, if you use a date and time field type, you can display the date and time as 31/12/2005 at 11:59 PM, or as December 31, 2005 at 11:59 PM.

Field Length

Select the number of characters that determines the length of this field. This field is available when you select String in the Field Type field. You can limit the field length to 2, 5, 12, 30, or 254 characters. If you are using a wizard bind, you can apply a mask using the String Format field. This field appears when you select a string character length between 2 and 30.

Select Long Char to use long-character binds. This selection enables you to add large paragraphs to an ad hoc or a source transaction document through the wizard.

Prompt Table

Select a prompt table to be used with this bind variable. This field appears when you create a wizard bind and select Prompt Table in the Field Type field. These are predefined tables that you can assign to a specific bind and then access from a wizard. Prompt tables are primarily used when generating ad hoc documents where some values cannot be determined from the source transaction. Using a prompt table requires document authors to select a value that exists in the prompt table.

PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management provides prompt tables for currency codes, countries, buyers, Canadian provinces, and U.S. states. Prompt tables are available only in the base language. You cannot assign valid values for prompt tables or navigation for prompt values. Prompt values always go to the next question if one exists.

String Format

Enter a value that serves as a mask for the format that you want to use. This option is only used with wizard binds.

Masking enables you to enter a specified format using special characters. When a bind is resolved within a document, it is formatted correctly as opposed to typing a specific value such as 1,000,000 USD . You can enter currency formats for numerics and specify currency symbols, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, or other special character formats. You can also specify the number of decimal places for a number. You can use masks for string variables that has a length that is less than 30 characters and that has a mask value specified.