(Fluid) Accessing ePerformance Tiles and Pages

This topic lists the tiles and dashboard page delivered for users to access ePerforamance tasks in Manager and Employee Self-Service.

Component or Page Name

Definition Name


Team Performance Tile

HC_EP_DASHBOARD_ FL_GBL_LINK (cref for the tile) (for users with Fluid Dashboard - MSS ePerf role

HC_EP_MSS_SELECT_FLU_GBL (cref for the tile) (for users with ePerformance Manager Fluid role)

EP_MSS_TILE_FLU (page for dynamic data)

(Manager) Access the Team Performance dashboard for a collection of ePerformance tasks in a central location.

Team Performance Dashboard


(Manager) Access tiles for managing team documents and business objectives, performing administrative tasks, and viewing team document distribution by status and team performance insights.

Team Documents Tile

HC_EP_DOC_SELECT_FL_GBL (cref for the tile)

(Manager) Access the pages to manage evaluation documents for their teams and documents that are delegated to them.

Business Objectives Tile

HC_EPO_UPDT_MY_OBJ_LNK (cref for the tile)

(Manager) Access the Business Objectives page.

Administrative Tasks Tile

HC_EP_DOCTASKS_FL_GBL (cref for the tile)

(Manager) Perform administrative tasks on documents.

Performance Status Tile

HC_EP_DOCSTS_NUI_FL_GBL (cref for the tile)

(Manager) View the distribution of team documents by status, department, manager, and location.

Team Document Insights Tile

HC_EP_TMDOC_ANALYTICS_FL (cref for the tile)

(Manager) Access the Team Document Analytics dashboard and analyze status information of performance review documents for their direct and indirect reports.

Team Performance Insights Tile

HC_EP_TMPERF_ANALYTICS_FL (cref for the tile)

(Manager) Access the Team Performance Analytics dashboard and analyze the overall employee performance of their teams.

Performance Tile

HC_EP_EE_DASHBOARD_FL_GBL_LINK (cref for the tile) (for users with Fluid Dashboard - ESS ePerf role

HC_EP_EE_SELECT_FLU (cref for the tile) (for users with ePerformance Employee Fluid role)

(Employee) Access the Performance dashboard for a collection of ePerformance transactions for employees in a central location.

Performance Dashboard


(Employee) Access tiles for managing employees' own performance documents and viewing business objectives.

My Documents Tile

HC_EP_EEDOC_SELECT_FL_GBL (cref for the tile)

EP_EE_TILE_FLU (page for dynamic data)

(Employee) Access employees' own evaluation documents and peer reviews.

View Business Objectives Tile

HC_EPO_VIEW_MY_OBJ_EE_FL_GBL (cref for the tile)

(Employee) Access the View Business Objectives page.

Users must be assigned the appropriate roles to access Fluid ePerformance functionality as managers and employees. See the Delivered Roles for Fluid ePerformance topic for more information.

(Manager) Use the Team Performance tile (HC_EP_DASHBOARD_ FL_GBL_LINK) to access the Team Performance dashboard for a collection of ePerformance tasks in a central location.


The Team Performance tile is delivered as part of the Manager Self Service home page, but the location can be changed based on your preference.

This example illustrates the Team Performance tile.

Team Performance Tile

Use this tile to access the Team Performance Dashboard, which includes additional tiles for working with team documents, business objectives, administrative tasks, and performance document analytics (pivot grid) as managers.

(Manager) Use the Team Performance dashboard (PT_LANDINGPAGE) to access tiles for managing team documents and business objectives, performing administrative tasks, viewing team document distribution by status and team performance insights.


Click the Team Performance tile.

This example illustrates the Team Performance dashboard.

Team Performance Dashboard

The Team Performance dashboard provides managers quick access to fluid ePerformance components from one location.

The dashboard lists the components collected under these tiles, and can be personalized as needed:

(Manager) Use the Team Documents tile (HC_EP_DOC_SELECT_FL_GBL) to access the pages to manage evaluation documents for their teams and documents that are delegated to them.


The Team Documents tile is located on the Team Performance Dashboard.

This example illustrates the Team Documents tile.

Team Documents tile

The Team Documents tile displays the number of documents that are currently In Progress. A document is considered In Progress if the document status is not Canceled or Completed.

If no documents are available, no information is displayed on the tile.

See Team Documents - Team Documents Page and Team Documents - Delegated Documents Page.

(Manager) Use the Administrative Tasks tile (HC_EP_DOCTASKS_FL_GBL) to perform administrative tasks on documents.


The Administrative Tasks tile is located on the Team Performance Dashboard.

This example illustrates the Administrative Tasks tile.

Administrative Tasks tile

Use the tile to access a navigation collection that lists these ePerformance administrative transaction pages:

(Employee) Use the Performance tile (HC_EP_EE_DASHBOARD_FL_GBL_LINK) to access the Performance dashboard for a collection of ePerformance transactions for employees in a central location.


The Performance tile is delivered as part of the Employee Self Service home page, but the location can be changed based on your preference.

This example illustrates the Performance tile.

Performance tile

Use this tile to access the Performance Dashboard, which includes additional tiles for working with performance documents and viewing business objectives as employees.

(Employee) Use the Performance dashboard (PT_LANDINGPAGE) to access tiles for managing employees' own performance documents and viewing business objectives.


Click the Performance tile.

This example illustrates the Performance dashboard.

Performance dashboard

The Performance dashboard provides employees quick access to fluid ePerformance components from one location.

The dashboard lists the components collected under these tiles, and can be personalized as needed:

(Employee) Use the My Documents tile (HC_EP_EEDOC_SELECT_FL_GBL) to manage employees' own evaluations and evaluations of others.


The My Documents tile is located on the Performance Dashboard.

This example illustrates the My Documents tile.

My Documents tile

Use the tile to manage self-evaluations and participant evaluations on the My Documents - My Documents Page and My Documents - Evaluations of Others Page respectively.