Setting Up Integration with Oracle Fusion Cloud Student Financial Planning

This section discusses how to:

  • Activate Student Financial Planning (SFP) or Student Aid Eligibility (SAE) in Campus Solutions (CS)

  • Set up SFP Group Control

  • Set up SFP Academic Terms for Projections

  • Set up SFP Integration Options

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Financial Planning Installation Setup


Campus Community > Student Fin Planning Interface > SFP Installation Setup

Use this page to indicate you want to integrate CS with SFP using PeopleSoft Update Manager Selective Adoption.

Student Financial Planning Group Setup


Campus Community > Student Fin Planning Interface > SFP Group Setup

Use this page to set up the parameters for inbound messages from SFP for updating CS Student Financials.

SFP Term Setup


Campus Community > Student Fin Planning Interface > SFP Terms for Projections

Use this page to define the terms within the Academic Year for projections.

Setup SFP Integration Options


Campus Community > Student Fin Planning Interface > SFP Integration Options

Use this page to select processing options for the Student Leave of Absence and Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) messages.

Important! In addition to the setups in this topic, complete the SFP-specific Academic Program and Student Financials setups:

Setting Up SFP Attributes.

Mapping Financial Transactions between CS Student Financials and Student Financial Planning (SFP).

The Disbursement Date Item setting in Posting Setup tab in Setting Up Business Units.

Access the Student Financial Planning Installation Setup page (Campus Community> > Student Fin Planning Interface > SFP Installation Setup).

Use this page to indicate that you want to integrate CS with SFP or SAE using PeopleSoft Update Manager Selective Adoption and to define PLUS Loan Options.

Field or Control


Enable SFP Interface

Select this check box if you are integrating CS with SFP using PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) Selective Adoption. This check box must be selected to run Process SFP Messages.

Selecting this option disables the Enable ISIR Verification check box.

Note: You must have an instance of Oracle Fusion Cloud Student Financial Planning (SFP) licensed and provisioned to select this option.

Enable ISIR Verification

Select this check if you are integrating CS with SAE using PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) Selective Adoption.

Selecting this option disables the Enable SFP Interface check box and PLUS Loan Options.

Note: You must have an instance of Oracle Fusion Cloud Student Aid Eligibility (SAE) licensed and provisioned to select this option.

Next SFP Message Sequence

Displays a counter that is incremented with each SFP message sent or received.

PLUS Loan Phone Type

Select the value to use when creating the biographic and demographic information of the borrower.

Loan Email Address Type

Select the value to use when creating the biographic and demographic information of the borrower.

Borrower US Citizen

Select the appropriate institution-defined Citizenship Definition to this corresponding Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) value.

Borrower Eligible Non-Citizen

Select the appropriate institution-defined Citizenship Definition to this corresponding Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) value.

Borrower Ineligible Non-Citizen

Select the appropriate institution-defined Citizenship Definition to this corresponding Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) value.

Important! Ensure that Address Usage is defined in Campus Community installation. Address is required for the STUDENT_INITIATION message when integrating with SFP. See Reviewing or Defining Default Installation Settings for Events, Relationships, SEVIS, Checklists, National IDs, Communication Preferences, and Fluid.

Access the SFP Group Setup page (Campus Community > Student Fin Planning Interface > SFP Group Setup).

If the SFP Disbursement Item Types are using a Charge Priority List where the Use Aid Year flag is enabled, setup these controls:

  • Define Federal Aid Year

  • Define Financial Aid Year

  • Valid Careers for Aid Year

  • Valid Terms for Aid Year

Field or Control


Origin ID

Enter an Origin ID to indicate the source of the transactions. Depending on the Origin ID, approval for the transactions might be required. Student Financials Security can be placed on this field to allow individual sources (origins) to access only their groups of transactions.

Group Type

Select the Student Financials Group Type.

Assigned Operator ID

Select the ID of the administrator that the background disbursement process assigns to all group post transactions created in Student Financials. The record and field PS_GROUP_CONT_INFO.ASSN_OPRID is updated in Student Financials. All financial aid funds processed in batch are assigned this ID. You can view this assigned ID in the various Group Post-related components.

Group Line Daily Limit

Enter a number from 1 to 999.

The value is used to determine the number of Group Lines for a group in one day. For example, if the Group Line Daily Limit is 100, and 300 disbursements are processed from Student Financial Planning in one day, 3 groups are created.

Access the Student Financial Planning Installation Setup page (Campus Community > Student Fin Planning Interface > SFP Terms for Projections).

Field or Control


Academic Career

Select the Academic Career to which you want to associate Terms from the Academic Year in context.

NFF Estimated Award Start Date

Enter a date when you want to start having SFP estimated Non-Federal Funds inserted into the CS PS_ANTICIPATED_AID record.

For additional information on setting up Estimated Non Federal Funds, see Mapping Financial Transactions between CS Student Financials and Student Financial Planning in Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups.


Select a term that you want to associate with the Academic Career.

To accurately award students, SFP defines the student's Academic Year and Loan Periods. SFP uses the information received in the Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) message to calculate terms, academic years, and loan periods. To create the SAFI with Projected Course Units, Academic Terms must be associated with Academic Careers in the SFP Term Setup page. The calculation uses SFP Total Required Units attribute for the Academic Program and the student’s Academic Load. The Academic Load is derived from the level load rule setup based on student's approved academic load. Projected courses and terms are generated by the SAFI handler until total required units for the program has been reached or exceeded.

Note: To identify the final academic year to be considered for proration, SFP uses the last academic year received in the Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) message. To ensure correct Direct Loan calculations, all academic years up to the end of the student's program must be sent in the SAFI Message.

After generating projections to meet total required units, the SAFI process continues to generate projections up through the specified Expected Graduation Term. If the Expected Graduation Term is not specified, projection processing ends once total required units is reached.

Projected units are generated for a summer term if a student is term activated in a summer term, even if the term is not defined in the SFP term for projections setup.

Course Credits are excluded from completed program when projecting units for an Admissions Application program.

Access the SFP Integration Options page (Campus Community > Student Fin Planning Interface > SFP Integration Options).

SFP defines the student's Academic Year and Loan Periods to accurately award students. SFP uses the information received in the Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) message to calculate terms, academic years, and loan periods. To create the SAFI with Projected Course Units, Academic Terms must be associated with Academic Careers in the SFP Term Setup page. The calculation uses SFP Total Required Units attribute for the Academic Program and the student’s Academic Load. The Academic Load is derived from the level load rule setup based on student's approved academic load. Projected courses and terms are generated by the SAFI handler until total required units for the program has been reached or exceeded.

After generating projections to meet total required units, the SAFI process continues to generate projections up through the specified Expected Graduation Term. If the Expected Graduation Term is not specified, projection processing ends once total required units is reached.

Projected units are generated for a summer term if a student is term activated in a summer term, even if the term is not defined in the SFP term for projections setup.

Course Credits are excluded from completed program when projecting units for an Admissions Application program.

Student Academic and Financial Information

Field or Control


Send Graduated Status

Select to generate a 'Graduated' SAFI when an Academic Program change causes the Program Type to change within the same Career. This generates a SAFI for the ‘change from' Academic Program with an Enrollment Status of Graduated and an Enrollment Status Effective Date equal to the effective date of the Academic Program or Academic Plan change.

Also, if the student is term-activated in the new Academic Program and that Term is within the scope of the SAFI run (see Maximum Career Term Record in Process SFP Messages), a new Program Code/Record is generated, and a SAFI is sent for the Academic Program.

Course Attribute

Select a Course Attribute.

For information about Course Attributes, see Creating Course Offerings.

Course Attribute Value

Select a Course Attribute Value.

Common Attribute

Select a Common Attribute that is configured to represent an Fully Enrolled Date.

The Common Attribute must have Attribute Type of Date and a Record Context Reference of ACAD_CALTRM_TBL. See Defining a Common Attribute.

Include Prior Academic Year

Select to include term data from the prior academic year in the SAFI. For example, if a student started in Summer 2022 and that term was part of the 2023 academic year, the first academic year sent in the SAFI would be 2022.

Post for initial SAFI

Select to send the Packaging Start Date Message Event for every new SAFI with a new SFP Program Code. This includes the first SAFI sent for a student and every subsequent new SAFI with a new SFP Program Code.

Student Leave of Absence

Select a Holiday Schedule to include a list of scheduled breaks in the Leave of Absence Message (FasStudentLoaAndBreaksInAttendanceEvent). If you need to enter separate holiday schedules for each career at the institution, leave Holiday Schedule blank and use the table below to enter holiday schedules by career. You can define as many holiday schedules as you need; holiday descriptions can be duplicated within a schedule.

The range of holiday dates included in the message event is limited to those that fall within a student's minimum term begin date and the student's maximum term begin date, or the student’s expected graduation term, whichever is later.

Here's an example:

  • If a student is term activated only for 2023 Fall (8/29/23 through 12/11/23) when a Leave of Absence message is generated, the message will include only those holidays/breaks that fall within those dates.

  • If a new message is generated for the same student after they are term activated for 2024 Spring (1/23/24 through 5/7/24), the message will include all scheduled breaks that fall within the start of 2023 Fall and the end of 2024 Spring (8/29/23 through 5/7/24), including any holidays/breaks that are scheduled between the end of 2023 Fall and the beginning of 2024 Spring.

  • If the same student had an expected graduation term of 2024 Fall, the message would include all scheduled breaks that fall within the start of 2023 Fall and the end of 2024 Fall (8/29/23 through 12/11/24), including any holidays/breaks that are scheduled between the end of 2023 Fall and the beginning of 2024 Spring as well as those that scheduled between the end of 2024 Spring and the beginning of 2024 Fall.

Contiguous holiday dates are reported in one entry in the message event using the description for the first holiday. A sequence number is also appended to the description to ensure that the entry is unique in the message payload. For example, two distinct holidays defined in the Holiday Schedule as “Thanksgiving – 11/23/23” and “Day After Thanksgiving – 11/24/23” would be reported in a message as one scheduled break with a description of “Thanksgiving 1,”a start date of 11/22/23, and end date of 11/24/23.

For information about Holiday Schedules, see Setting Up Holiday Schedules.