Understanding External Search/Match Web Services

This section discusses the delivered constituent web services that are triggered and used by External Search/Match functionality. Specifically, this section discusses these web services:

  • Match service (SCC_SM_SERVICE).

  • Fetch request and fetch response (SCC_SM_FETCH).

The PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Constituent Web Services Developer's Guide contains more technical details of these web services including examples of the XML message code.

When you click the Search or Selective Search buttons on the Integrated Search Criteria page, the system conducts an Internal Search/Match, External Search/Match, or both. External Search/Match sends a Match Request to the external system. This is an XML message that contains all of the fields included in the search request. The external system returns a Match Response, also an XML message.

The Match Request XML message (SCC_SM_SERVICE_REQ.V1) to the external system exposes all information that the system has:

  • All of the search order numbers that can potentially return matching candidates.

  • Search fields.

  • Search data.

  • Search/Match configuration information.

The Match Response XML message (SCC_SM_SERVICE_RESP.V1) from the external system contains:

  • Search order number/rule that found results.

  • Matching candidates.

  • Score.

  • Universal ID/cross reference.

  • Person data.

  • External Employee ID when importing EmplIDs from external spoke system.

When you click the Detail or Import buttons on the Integrated Search Results page for a constituent without a CS EmplID, the system sends a Fetch Request to the external system. This is an XML message that requests the full constituent record from an external system. The external system returns a Fetch Response, also an XML message.

The Fetch Request XML message (SCC_SM_FETCH_REQ.V1) to the external system contains the universal ID for which the Import or Detail buttons were selected.

The Fetch Response XML message (SCC_SM_FETCH_RESP.V1) from the external system contains the full constituent record.

When you import a new person record fetched from an external system:

  1. The CS system creates an EmplID.

  2. The CS system populates the SCC_HUB_MAP table with the EmplID and its Universal ID.

  3. The CS system publishes the PERSON_BASIC_SYNC message.

  4. The CS system publishes an outbound constituent message (which includes the Universal ID).

  5. Using the Universal ID, the external system updates the constituent's reference table with a new EmplID.