Creating Online Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Refund


Student Financials > Refunds > Student Refund

Create an online refund for a student.

Academic Information


Click the Academic Information link on the Student Refund page.

View enrollment and personal information for a given student.

Student Accounts


Click the Student Accounts link on the Student Refund page.

View account activity information for a given student.

Corporate Refund


Student Financials > Refunds > Corporate Refund

Create an online refund for an organization. You can use this page in conjunction with the A/P refund method only.

Corp Accounts


Click the Get Account link on the Corporate Refund page.

View account activity for a given corporation.

Refund with Extra Amount


Student Financials > Refunds > Refund with Extra Amount

Create a refund for an amount greater than the refundable balance.

Extra Refund Amount


Click the Extra Amount Info link on the Refund with Extra Amount page

Specify account and term information associated with the extra amount refunded.

Sponsor Refund


Student Financials > Refunds > Sponsor Refund

Create a refund for a designated sponsor.

Corporate Sponsor Refund


Student Financials > Refunds > Corporate Sponsor Refund

Create a refund for a designated corporate sponsor.

Access the Student Refund page (Student Financials > Refunds > Student Refund).

Depending on the type of refund method that you select, the fields described below differ.

Field or Control



Enter the ID of the student for whom you want to create a refund.

Balance and Anticipated Aid

Displays the account balance and any anticipated aid of the selected student.

Academic Information

Click to access the Academic Information page.

Student Accounts

Click to access the Student Accounts page.

Refund Method

Select the refund method that you want to use to create this refund.

The value in the Refund Method field on the Refund Setup page (SF Business Unit component) appears here by default.

If you select the Allow Changes in Refund Method check box on the Refund Setup page, you can change the value in the Refund Method field here.

Refund Selection

Select the check box next to each credit line item to include in the refund. This group box displays the account type, academic term, item type description, original monetary amount, and balance of each line item.

Note: If you pay multiple targets by the same transaction, each target appears as a separate line item on the Student Refund page. When you refund multiple targets from the same transaction, however, the system combines the targets into a single refund. For example, if you are refunding a student 750.00 USD for tuition and 125.00 USD for housing, and both targets were part of the same credit card payment, the system combines the target refunds into a single credit card refund of 875.00 USD. It does not issue two separate refunds to the same credit card.

See Accepting Student Payments.

Field or Control


Refund Amount

The system automatically enters the total amount of the line item in this field. To include only a portion of the line item in the refund, decrease the amount.


Select the format to distribute the refund. Values are:

  • A (automatic check): Select if you have an interface to a specific check-writing application.

  • C (credit card): Select to directly refund the student's credit card. This value is selected by default for all refunds originating from credit card payments.

  • D (direct deposit):

    For the Accounts Payable refund method (if you use the Single Payment Voucher option): Select D to distribute refunds by direct deposit.

    If the refund method is A/P and at least one direct deposit distribution exists for the student, the Format field is set by default to D. If no direct deposit distribution exists for a student, the field is set by default to A.

  • E (electronic check): Select to directly refund the student's eCheck account. This value is selected by default for all refunds originating from eCheck payments.

  • P (paper check): Select to distribute the refund by using a check generated according to the refund method that you selected.

Note: For ePayment transactions, you can change a default format of C or E to A or P. If you do this, the system processes the refund so that you can generate a paper check instead of directly crediting the student's credit card or eCheck account. If you change the format to A or P for more than one ePayment transaction, the system combines the transactions into one lump refund so that you issue only one check to the student. You cannot change a default format of A or P to C or E.

For the Accounts Payable refund method, you can change the format from D to A or P. You cannot change a format of A or P to D if no direct deposit distribution exists.

Address Type

Select the type of address that you want printed on the check.

Only address types for which an active address exists are available for selection.

You must select a value in this field.

Event ID

This field is available only if:

  • A/P is selected in the Refund Method field on the SF Business Unit - Refund Setup page.

  • The value in the Refund Format field is Direct Deposit (D), Automatic Check (A), or Paper Check (P).

By default, the value that appears in this field is based on the Event ID value on the Refund Setup page in the SF Business Unit component.

The 3C engine uses Event ID when it generates email notifications.

See Understanding Refunding Setup.

Note: You can only refund one ePayment at a time using the Student Refund page. Even if there are multiple ePayments on a student's account, you can select only one at a time. In addition, the system does not allow you to post a refund for eCheck payments that have not been debited or credit card payments that have not been settled. If you click the Post Refund button after selecting a refund for an ePayment that has not been debited/settled, you receive an error message.

Student Refund Buttons and Links

Field or Control


Post Refund

Click to post the refund to the student's account.

If you set up your business unit to require refund approval, the system alerts you to the approval requirement when you click Post Refund.

Calculate Tuition

Click to calculate tuition for the selected student. This button is available only if you selected the Auto Calculate Tuition check box on the Tuition Calculation Controls page, there is a term listed for any of the refunds listed, and tuition is required.

View Refund Check

Expand this group box to view a simulation of a refund check for the amount that you are refunding.

Access the Corporate Refund page (Student Financials > Refunds > Corporate Refund).

Note: Except for the fields documented here, the fields on this page are identical to their counterparts on the Student Refund page.

Field or Control


External Org ID (external organization ID)

Enter the ID of the organization for which you want to create a refund.

Get Account

Click to access the Corp Accounts secondary page.

Contact Type

Enter the organization's contact type to determine the address to print on the check. The address associated with the contact type appears at the bottom of the page, to the right of any image that you have inserted.

The value in the Contact Type field appears by default from the Refund Setup on the SF Business Unit, but can be changed.

View Refund Check

Expand this group box to view a simulation of a refund check for the amount that you are refunding.

The address that appears here is the address that is set up for the Contact on the Organization Table.

Access the Refund with Extra Amount page (Student Financials > Refunds > Refund with Extra Amount).

Note: You cannot use the Refund with Extra Amount page to create a refund for an organization.

Use this page to create a refund for more than the refundable balance or in the absence of a refundable balance. For example, you can disburse anticipated aid to a student before the actual receipt of funds. The refund becomes a charge on the student's account that is later credited when your institution actually receives the financial aid.

Note: By default, the value in the Format field for Extra Amount is the same as the value in the Format field for Refund Selection.

If you enter values that do not match, you receive an error message when you click the Post Refund button.

If at least one direct deposit distribution exists, a value of D appears in the Format field by default.

Note: Except for the fields documented here, the fields on this page are identical to their counterparts on the Student Refund page.

Field or Control



Enter the format to distribute any extra amount added to the refund.

Extra Amount

Enter the extra amount that you are adding to the refund.

Extra Refund Info

Click to access the Refund with Extra Amount Information page.

Note: You can create a refund for more than the refundable balance only if you select the Refund Debit Balances check box on the Refund Setup page. If you do not select this check box, you can create a refund for an extra amount, but not for an extra amount and a credit at the same time.

Access the Extra Refund Amount page (click the Extra Amount Info link on the Refund with Extra Amount page).

Field or Control


Extra Account Nbr (extra account number)

Specify the account to charge the extra refund amount to.

Extra Account Term

If the account that you select in the Extra Account Nbr field is set up by term, select a term.

Extra Item Term

Enter the academic term to assign to the extra refunded amount.

Access the Sponsor Refund page (Student Financials > Refunds > Sponsor Refunds).

If you have designated an individual as a sponsor for credits on a student's account, use the Sponsor Refund page to create refunds for those credits, to be distributed to the sponsor.

Note: You can create a refund for a sponsor only if you have associated the sponsor with a student using the Designate Individual Sponsor page.

Note: Except for the fields documented here, the fields on this page are identical to their counterparts on the Student Refund page.

Field or Control



Enter the ID of the sponsor for whom you are creating a refund. If the sponsor that you select sponsors only one student, the ID of that student appears in the For ID field.

For ID

If the sponsor that you select in the ID field sponsors more than one student, select the student whose refund you are creating.

Note: By default, the value in the Format field for Extra Amount is the same as the value in the Format field for Refund Selection.

If you enter values that do not match, you receive an error message when you click the Post Refund button.

If at least one direct deposit distribution exists, a value of D appears in the Format field by default.